

language:[英 [ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ] 美 [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] ]



language 基本解释


名词语言,语言文字; 表达能力; 言语,语风,文风,文体; 专门用语,术语

language 相关词组

1. strong language : 骂人话;


language 相关例句



1. The deaf and mute communicate by sign language.


2. People in different countries speak different languages.


3. He has a good command of four languages.


4. He can speak several languages.


5. Language is an instrument for communication.


language 情景对话

Language school-(语言学校)






A:I said, “Bonjour!”



B:What’s wrong with you, Ted?


A:I’m speaking French. Don’t you know anything?


B:What’s wrong with speaking English?


A:Well, I just got back from my language school. We have to speak French all day there. No English allowed!


B:What are you doing that for?



A:I’m trying to learn new skills. It makes me more qualified for a good job.


B:Good for you.


Hearing and Writing-(听和写)

A:Tell me about your English class, Mary.


B:Well, yesterday the teacher wrote some sentences on the board.The first was if you cant produce the sounds of a language acceptable, then you cant really hear them when other people make them.Next he worte, if you cant hear the sounds of a language then you probably cant write the language well.Your inadequate pronunciation contributes to making your writing substandard.



A:Do you think thats right?


B:I dont know, Bob. Ill tell you when the course is over.


Learning Vocabulary-(学习词汇)

A:I dont understand why we have to memorize conversations.We need more vocabulary, not pronunciation.


B:Dont you think memorizing conversations is a part of learning vocabulary?Every time we memorize a conversation, were memorizing a whole series of contexts.Each context tells us one way a word can be used.I know from my own language that I cant always use words by simply looking them up in a dictionary and then putting them into sentences. Some words have many meanings. We have to know which meanings go where.


language 网络解释

1. 语言选项:会弹出一个菜单,可以选择以传送带下载(或下载全部链接),选中即可. 如果是中文版的,其中的主要功能一目了然(许多网站上有中文版的,如果没有显示出中文,在查看菜单(View)里有个语言选项(language),选择中文即可.


2. 语种:其基本要素(字段)包括创建者(creator),资源名称(title),权限(rights),其他责任者(contributor),主题和关键词(subject),日期(data),资源类型(type),资源标识符(identifier),来源(source),语种(language)等.另一类是管理型元数据,

language 双语例句

1. As soon as they don`t speak to each other in their home language, the language will slowly fade away as people get older and older.


2. Language differs in this respect from mathematics, which is carefully constructed so that each symbol or sequence of symbols has only one meaning.


3. language的意思

3. Language refers to the morphological changes of the refraction, Inflection Affix form of morphological changes, including the loss and Affix increase.



4. Section 3 presents a number of other avenues of research that have been argued to bear on the innateness of language, and shows how recent empirical research about language learning and the brain may challenge the nativist position.



5. The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the acting of using the language.


6. The ability to use language can be acquired only by the act of using the language.


7. I want to learn the language of my partner in the future, manderin or cantonese, so i can talk with her family.


8. My primary language is english, my family language is cantonese and i speak some manderin.


9. Study Manderin and involved with the Wellington Chinese Language School.


10. language

10. They preserved much of their cultures, still speak their language (as well as Manderin Chinese as it's the standard language in China, as English in the US regardless of where your ancestors are from), and sing their songs in their ways.


11. For the interest, therefore, of truth and justice, it is far more important to restrain this employment of vituperative language than the other; and, for example, if it were necessary to choose, there would be much more need to discourage offensive attacks on infidelity, than on religion.


12. For a long period of time Latin was the literary language of Italy.



13. English is a modern language and Latin is an old language.


14. Over 50% of English language, in common use, is taken, directly or indirectly, from the Latin language.

超过50 %的英语,在共同使用,是采取直接或间接从拉丁语。

15. Some of the Latin language people from Europe are an example.


16. Western way of thinking and language mainly from Latin to native culture of ancient Rome, which is based on actual experience and the system.


17. For then I will change the language of the peoples Into a pure language That they may all call upon the name of Jehovah, To serve Him with one accord.

3:9 那时,我必使万民改用纯洁的语言,好叫他们都呼求我耶和华的名,同心合意的事奉我。

18. Readability depends on many factors, including the average length of sentences in a passage, the number of new words a passage contains, the grammatical complexity of the language used, etc.


19. language的意思

19. 51AM Our vision is every book, ever printed, in any language...


20. language的意思

20. The three years in high school was the most awful and unhappy time in my studying life, the pressure from environment, language, life and competition led me to lose my past confidence and interest in studying.


language 词典解释

1. 语言;语言文字

A language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country or region for talking or writing.

e.g. ...the English language...


e.g. Students are expected to master a second language...


2. 言语;语言表达

Language is the use of a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds or written symbols.

e.g. Students examined how children acquire language...


e.g. Language is not art but both are forms of human behavior.


3. (某一领域的)全部词汇,术语

You can refer to the words used in connection with a particular subject as the language of that subject.


e.g. ...the language of business.


4. 粗话;脏话

You can refer to someone's use of rude words or swearing as bad language when you find it offensive.

e.g. Television companies tend to censor bad language in feature films...


e.g. There's a girl gonna be in the club, so you guys watch your language.


5. 语言风格;措辞

The language of a piece of writing or speech is the style in which it is written or spoken.

e.g. ...a booklet summarising it in plain language...


e.g. The tone of his language was diplomatic and polite...


6. 交流方式,交际方式(包括可识别符号、非语言声音、动作等)

You can use language to refer to various means of communication involving recognizable symbols, non-verbal sounds, or actions.

e.g. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.


e.g. ...the digital language of computers.


language 单语例句

1. The professionalism and dedication of the Chinese language teachers and supporting staff at the University of International Business and Economics was very impressive.

2. The metropolis is working on a campaign to promote the standard Chinese language and characters, which business insiders say will be launched by the end of this year.

3. An experienced business English language tutor will help improve your business English speaking and writing skills with private lessons.

4. There will be six language courses available, ranging from CEO business level to creative writing for English learners.

5. With English as the language of business in Singapore and the world, it has a predominant role at NUS.

6. English is the language of international business and learning it here from a native speaker is in demand and beneficial to Chinese enterprises " going out ".

7. I agree that English is the most used language in the business world today.

8. That's because American English is such a plainspoken dialect, which is probably why it's the international language of business and the Internet.

9. METP therefore provides seven months of Business Chinese language training, followed by three months of practical training during internships in China.

10. METP provides seven months of business Chinese language training, followed by three months of practical training at internships in China.

language 英英释义



1. the mental faculty or power of vocal communication

e.g. language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals

Synonym: speech

2. the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication

e.g. he didn't have the language to express his feelings

Synonym: linguistic process

3. a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols

e.g. he taught foreign languages

the language introduced is standard throughout the text

the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written

Synonym: linguistic communication

4. a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline

e.g. legal terminology

biological nomenclature

the language of sociology

Synonym: terminologynomenclature

5. the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number

e.g. his compositions always started with the lyrics

he wrote both words and music

the song uses colloquial language

Synonym: lyricwords

6. (language) communication by word of mouth

e.g. his speech was garbled

he uttered harsh language

he recorded the spoken language of the streets

Synonym: speechspeech communicationspoken communicationspoken languagevoice communicationoral communication