

respite:[英 [ˈrespaɪt] 美 [ˈrespɪt] ]


过去式:respited;   过去分词:respited;   现在分词:respiting;

respite 基本解释

名词休息期间; 缓解,暂缓; 延期; (刑罚的)缓期执行

动词延期; 缓期执行(死刑); 使休息,使(苦痛等)暂时停止,使缓和; [军]停付(军人)薪饷


respite 相关例句


1. The noise went on all night without respite.


respite 网络解释

1. respite

1. 休息,中止:respect 尊敬 | respite 休息,中止 | resplendent 华丽,辉煌的


2. 暂缓:respirometry 呼吸运动计量法 | respite 暂缓 | resplend 灿烂

3. 间歇:dissonant不和谐的a | respite间歇n | despite不管

4. respite

4. 休息(时间 暂时的缓解或放松:secular adj. 世俗的(非精神的; 非宗教的) | respite 休息(时间 暂时的缓解或放松 | beget 产生(某事物 导致: War begets misery and ruin

respite 双语例句

1. Asked to allow the Hebrews three days'respite for sacrifices in the wilderness, the angry monarch not only refuses, but he ridicules their God, and then effectually embitters the Hebrews'minds against their new chiefs as well as against himself, by denying them the necessary straw for exorbitant daily exactions in brick making.


2. An ice-cube may help offer some temporary respite from the heat but wouldn't an air-conditioned facility be a more worthy goal to work towards?


3. If you're caring for a loved one at home, you need respite from your caregiving role.



4. There was a respite at any rate, which made the timid little Amelia almost as happy as a full reprieve would have done.


5. respite

5. Otherwise, all we will have done is bought ourselves a respite, but not a future.


6. On the face of it, the trip could scarcely have been a more welcome respite for Mr Aso.


7. From that point I will think it well over, how the Achaeans may have a respite from their troubles.


8. We would like to see humanitarian pours and whatever the military concerns about that, it would be extremely good for the people themselves, the civilians who're on the ground to have a rest, a respite, chance to move on, chance to find food and so on.


9. I love to meet him and to offer a calm respite from a busy world.


10. We shall have, moreover, the same respite and in the same manner in rendering justice concerning the disafforestation or retention of those forests which Henry our father and Richard our brother afforested, and concerning the wardship of lands which are of the fief of another (namely, such wardships as we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which anyone held of us by knight's service), and concerning abbeys founded on other fiefs than our own, in which the lord of the fee claims to have right; and when we have returned, or if we desist from our expedition, we will immediately grant full justice to all who complain of such things.


11. Later this paper brings forward two opinions to respite the capital shortage in PI: build Municipal Bond market in China; BOT (build-operate-transfer) mode in country and private possession. The main works and conclusions in this paper are as follows:(1)There is substantial positive correlation between investment in PI and GDP in China.


12. Some analysts said the rebound might be only a respite from the past week's sharp rise in longer-dated bond yields.


13. Imagine working through long winters plagued by biting cold and blinding snowdrifts. Summer brought no respite, just great swarms of gnats, mosquitoes and gadflies.


14. I am enjoying a temporary respite from deadlines, but at the same time, I am lucky enough to have an ongoing connection with the world of Harry Potter through the films.


15. Then I have my mode of dispensing justice, silent and sure, without respite or appeal, which condemns or pardons, and which no one sees.



16. Their heart cried out to the Lord: O wall of the daughter of Zion, Let tears run down like a stream Day and night; Give yourself no respite; Let not the pupil of your eye cease.

2:18 锡安民的心哀求主:锡安女子的城墙阿,愿你昼夜流泪如河,不得歇息;愿你眼中的瞳人,泪流不止。

17. respite的解释

17. Enforcement security; beneficium excussionis; security registration; temporary respite


18. respite

18. For Grosz and Dix the post-war years offered no respite, only another kind of nastiness —a world of wretchedness, debauchery and profiteer s.

战后 Grosz 和 Dix 也没有停止创作,对他们来说,他们只是在表现另一种丑恶——一个充满了悲惨、放荡和奸商的世界。

19. respite的翻译

19. Therefore, after entering the fourth quarter, the bond market will usher in a consolidation period of respite.



20. But I want to use my respite for one significant action.


respite 词典解释

1. (不快事情中的)喘息,缓解,暂息

A respite is a short period of rest from something unpleasant.


e.g. It was some weeks now since they had had any respite from shellfire.


2. (不快或困难的)暂缓,暂延

A respite is a short delay before a very unpleasant or difficult situation which may or may not take place.

e.g. Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite.


respite 单语例句

1. But its southern and southeastern parts have received less rainfall, offering little respite to the region plagued by the worst drought in a century.

2. That failed to change his fortunes and even a medical timeout to have tape cut off his ankles offered him little respite.

3. Shoppers can take a respite in the adjoining cafe, or sip tea in the garden.

4. The problem is compounded by high oil prices with no respite in sight in the foreseeable future.

5. Be considerate and unselfish toward family members and they will likely respond with moral support, giving you respite from the day's trials.

6. There will be no respite from the current heat wave or rainstorms this month, meteorologists are predicting.

7. But respite is on the horizon, as the mercury is forecast to drop obviously on Monday.

8. Blanco about song structure and dynamics, about creating rising drama and moments of respite from that drama.

9. After the film studio, a visit to Helan Mountain can be a welcome respite.

10. They are all easy to get to and provide the ideal respite from a long, hot summer.

respiterespite 英英释义



1. a pause from doing something (as work)

e.g. we took a 10-minute break

he took time out to recuperate

Synonym: recessbreaktime out

2. the act of reprieving

postponing or remitting punishment

Synonym: reprieve

3. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

Synonym: suspensionreprievehiatusabatement

4. a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort

Synonym: reprieve

5. a pause for relaxation

e.g. people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests

Synonym: restreliefrest period


1. postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution

Synonym: reprieve