

emissary:[英 [ˈemɪsəri] 美 [ˈemɪseri] ]



emissary 基本解释


emissary 相关例句


1. He had been engaged in emissary activities before he was discovered.



1. They found him an emissary.


2. Mr.Miller was sent as an emissary for the peace talks.


emissary 网络解释

1. 特使、密使:重新展开谈判reopen dialogue/reopen negotiations/put the talks back on track | 特使、密使emissary | 破冰之旅ice-breaking trip

2. emissary在线翻译

2. 密使,特使:175. emigration: [总称]移民. | 176. emissary: 密使,特使. | 177. encomiast: 赞扬者.

3. 间谍的:emissary 密使的 | emissary 间谍的 | emissary 间谍的

emissary 双语例句

1. You are a living vortex, you are a living light and you are an emissary of the Heavens.


2. emissary是什么意思

2. Zhong Xiao-Fei from the Detective Captain Tang Long Branch was informed that there was news of the arrival of female emissary, and there is Zhang Tigers down map, which he felt would be a big conspiracy.


3. Measurement and observation were performed, there were: the width of the middle part of sigmoid, the shortest distance between the middle part of sigmoid and the vertical part of facial nerver, the height of jugular bulb, the shortest distance between the highest point of jugular bulb and the base of internal acoustic meatus, the width of external orifice of cochlear aquaduct, the length of cochlear aquaduct, the shortest distance between external orifice of cochlear aquaduct and cranial nerves Ⅸ, Ⅹ, Ⅺ, inferrior petrosal sinus respectively, the shortest distance between external orifice of cochlear aquaduct and the inferior margin of internal acoustic meatus orifice, the width of internal acoustic meatus orifice, the vertical distance of internal acoustic meatus orifice, the shortest distance between the superior margin of internal acoustic meatus orifice and superior petrosal sinus, the angle between superior petrosal sinus and sigmoid, the diameter of Ⅶ, Ⅷ nerve, superior vestibular nerve, inferior vestibular nerve, cochlear nerve, Intermedius nerve respectively, mastoid emissary, communicating orifice of superrior petrosal sinus, the nerve and blood vessel of jugularforamen, the branch of anterior inferior cerebelar artery, the condition of labyrinthine artery.


4. And his aides claim America`s quiet diplomacy is making progress in obtaining the Sino-us relationship Trade follows the flag Shuttle diplomacy A remarkable performance in shuttle diplomacy by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger brought about a cease-fire and a disengagement accord that was widely hailed as a major American diplomatic achievement Semiofficial diplomacy Track Two diplomacy People-to-people diplomacy Personal diplomacy National diplomacy Baseball diplomacy Cricket diplomacy Kid-glove diplomacy Children diplomacy Football/ soccer diplomacy Go diplomacy Petrol diplomacy Ping-pang diplomacy Sports diplomacy Wrestling diplomacy Non-governmental diplomacy Crisis diplomacy Some formal diplomatic terms Roving ambassador Ambassador without destination Envoy Cultural ambassador Special diplomatic envoy Emissary Legate Minister High commissioner Counsellor Military attache Naval attache Air attache Equerry Follower Diplomatic corps mission military advisory group Military mission Legation sever diplomatic relations boycott close breach resume trade relations national treatment Extraterritoriality Consular jurisdiction Privileges Note Verbal note speaking notes/talking points non paper exchange of notes Credentials Letter of recall raising status Debase mandatory administration Dominion Pourparlers Approach offer Good offices Denial of justice secret clauses Verbal agreement Text of treaty treaty of amity and commerce

和他的助手声称美国的静悄悄的外交正在取得进展,中美关系贸易如下国旗穿梭外交显著业绩的穿梭外交的美国国务卿基辛格带来了停火和脱离接触协议,被广泛誉为美国的主要外交成就半官方外交第二轨道外交人民外交个人外交国家外交棒球外交板球外交陈文杰手套外交儿童外交足球/足球外交转到外交石油外交乒乓外交体育外交摔跤外交非政府外交外交危机一些正式的外交条款巡回大使没有目的地大使特使文化大使特别外交特使使者特使部长高级专员参赞武官海军武官空军武官 Equerry 从动外交使团使命军事谘询小组军事任务公馆断绝外交关系抵制密切违约恢复贸易关系国民待遇治外法权领事裁判权特权注意:全权证书信中回顾提高地位贬低行政强制明 Pourparlers 提供方法斡旋拒绝司法秘密条款口头协议条约文本友好条约和商业普通照会发言指出/谈话要点非纸换文

5. The emissary of Hunan country admits trade to Xian Yang at, want to be less than piece of appearance fall out not acknowledge a debt, say: Do not have this to return a responsibility, it is your king mishear probably.


6. S. history--architect of an ambitious healthcare plan, emissary to nations as far-flung as Rwanda and Vietnam, Key adviser to the nation's Commander in Chief.


7. History--architect of an ambitious healthcare plan, emissary to nations as far-flung as Rwanda and Vietnam, Key adviser to the nation's Commander in Chief.



8. Emissary: By royal edict, you men are to return to Lordaeron immediately.


9. emissary的反义词

9. The emperor invited the emissary to the audience hall, the old minister who had a contrivance ready took out three rice straws, and inserted it into one of the ears of the first gold person, this rice straw came out from the other ear.


10. emissary的近义词

10. The summer is coming, those days the shy seems clean and butiful, the emissary of the nature dress a blue coat for the shy, several clouds add green color moutionly, walking slowing in the sky. after lunch I come to the square of our school, there are a lot of artistical stone vulture, but the lively and new grass dpressed me mostly.


11. He is something like an emissary of light, something like a lower sort of apostle


12. The data demonstrated that the tunica albuginea has a strong restrictive ability to emissary veins.


13. emissary的解释

13. QUOTE: 10、MCV/Emissary Rush: This rush only works well on small maps usually (not counting the sonic/obelisk rush).


14. The Emissary Of Mythopeic..


15. He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary.


16. emissary的意思

16. Prompted by a visit from LBJ emissary Averell Harriman (the former US ambassador to Moscow), the communist Polish government of Wladyslaw Gomulka agreed to transmit U. S. proposals to the North Vietnamese, and for this purpose dispatched to Hanoi a secret envoy, Jerzy Michalowski, the director-general of the Polish foreign ministry (and chief Asia aide to minister Adam Rapacki).


17. emissary的解释

17. A year before unification, the powerful Qin army was preparing to conquer Yan. A emissary named Jing Ke took a map of Yan to Qin. This is a meticulously planned plot.


18. emissary的近义词

18. Near the end of your term as a minister of the army, you send an emissary to China to meet with two individuals, the first premier of Republic China, Tang Shaoyi and the former head of Northern Warlords Wu Peifu, is that correct?


19. The Emperor Qianlong was little more impressed than had been his Mongol predecessor in 1342 by an emissary from Pope Benedict XII.


20. When the longitudinal strain is much less than the coronary, the restriction to the emissary veins becomes stronger.


emissary 词典解释

1. 特使;密使

An emissary is a representative sent by one government or leader to another.

e.g. ...the President's special emissary to Hanoi.


emissary 单语例句emissary什么意思

1. He said he also intends to name David Dollar as Economic and Financial Emissary to China.

2. As secretary of state, she must become the global emissary of an administration that has at times alienated allies.

3. Waxman described the man as an associate of Zarqawi and an emissary to insurgent groups in several cities in Iraq.

4. The Dalai Lama's emissary and his brothers met US representatives to talk about military and financial aid.

5. The team overcame the hurdle with the help of then premier Zhou Enlai's emissary.

6. The people in Southeast Asia still praise this emissary of peace and friendship.

7. The team overcame the hurdle with the help of premier Zhou Enlai's emissary.

8. And here in the mountain he hospitably welcomed the emissary Lu Jia sent by the first king of Han Dynasty Liu Bang.

emissary 英英释义


1. someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else

Synonym: envoy