

ominous:[英 [ˈɒmɪnəs] 美 [ˈɑ:mɪnəs] ]


ominous 基本解释

形容词不祥的,坏兆头的; 预兆的,预示的

ominous 网络解释

1. 不祥的:oblige迫使 | ominous不祥的 | outcry强烈抗议

2. 恶兆的:omen 预兆 | ominous 恶兆的 | ominously 恶兆地

3. 不吉利的:obsequious#顺从的;逢迎的 | ominous#不吉利的 | inquisitive#好奇的

ominous 双语例句

1. ominous在线翻译

1. What`s even more ominous than the speedup is the fact that it`s spreading northward.



2. That makes it all the more ominous that banks are expecting to restrict credit still further.


3. ominous的反义词

3. I really like to call them the Empire of the Rising Sun because it makes them more ominous and it makes them different.



4. This one could be bigger and more ominous than any other that American automakers have faced previously.


5. The statement also said, It has become even more ominous... because of the fact that Mr.



6. But if they are at the bottom of the scale, the outlook for the planet is likely to be much more ominous.


7. ominous的解释

7. At a party given to introduce Elsa Schraeder to the Captain's neighbors, the ominous rumblings of the imminent German Anschluss begin to be heard. Some of the guests almost come to blows over the possibility of Hilter's take-over of Austria, and one of them threatens the Captain, who is firmly opposed to the Nazi regime. When Maria tries to teach one of the von Trapp boys the charming Austrian folk dance, the Laendler, the Captain takes over, dancing for the first time with Maria. During the dance Maria is confronted with a sudden realization: she has fallen in love with the Captain. In dismay, she flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy, and that the Abbey is not a place to hide from one's problems but a place in which to confront them. She urges Maria to reach out to meet life and insists that Maria return to the von Trapp household.


8. But no one knew just how ominous those words would turn out to be.


9. ominous的反义词

9. The family in China is undergoing tremendous changes. One ominous sign is widespread extra-marital affairs and divorces.


10. In one ominous sign, borrowers are already falling behind on the modified loans at a high rate.


11. One ominous sign is the withdrawal of independent monitors who would be able to observe and protect voters at the polls.



12. Soon one sister will have an ominous dream—and will begin to realize that she possesses mystical skills unmatched by any other cat.


13. ominous的解释

13. One ominous[4] sign is that in the 2010 budget implemented on April 1st, borrowing, at 44 trillion ($468 billion), is for the first time forecast to exceed tax revenues, at 37 trillion.


14. ominous的意思

14. In the behavior aspect, lunar New Year's Day the death anniversary breaks the dishes, envies the lamp oil to sprinkle, envies the backless stool to fall to the ground, will otherwise have the ominous matter in the new year, this is the regional universal existence taboo, in Hunan, the death anniversary pays new year's call before the bed, this meant master year to year sickness cannot lie, first day arrives the third day, in the Han Nationality, Gelao national minority, the Tujia national minority some area death anniversary carries water, splashes water, the meaning is feared farms, goes out often rains.


15. I want to sublate that predestined, ominous borderline


16. Provence has been accurately described as a cold country with a high rate of sunshine, and the last days of November were as bright and as blue as May, clean and exhilarating and, as far as Faustin was concerned, profoundly ominous.


17. At that point most of the onlookers became aware of the ominous beating of the drums as well.


18. These deserted urban scenes are somehow reminiscent of the panic and eerie atmosphere during the SARS crisis – heavy with portending calamity and leaden with ominous expectation.


19. Small tabby cat saw a small tabby cat today I to the husband's family's home, its wool snow white snow white, but also some scrap scrap's brown's wool, it was really lovable extremely, moreover was specially good with me, mentioned a little is also strange, when I stroked it she meow meow meow calling, likely will see its master resembled, but when others bumped into it becomes very ominous, sometimes also will nip others.


20. As ancient sovereigns use auspicious grant to enlist favored officials or use ominous grant to crack down on offending officials, name-granting is of obvious social political function and becomes an efficien...


ominous 词典解释

1. 不祥的;恶兆的;不吉利的

If you describe something as ominous, you mean that it worries you because it makes you think that something unpleasant is going to happen.

e.g. There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone...


e.g. The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous.



The bar seemed ominously quiet...


Ominously, car sales slumped in August...


He spoke ominously of the world facing 'a war in Europe and possibly something greater'.

他作出不祥的预言,说世界将面临“一场发生在欧洲、甚至可能更大范围的战争”。ominous 单语例句

1. Those who come in contact with it are changing in ominous and inexplicable ways.

2. Outside the room one of the two courtyard gardens has an eerie look, with the trees shorn of leaves and the stone decorations standing in ominous silence.

3. Evidently, the falling dollar is an ominous sign looming large over Geithner's mission.

4. Last night's fire next to the CCTV tower here in Beijing was also seen as an ominous sign.

5. The increase in attacks on aid groups is ominous for a country that depends heavily on foreign aid.

6. Many people regard this as ominous, and some even suspect it is aimed at illegal organ transplant.

7. But " Four Dragons " in English would be way too ominous.

8. Organizers pledged to prevent incitement to violence, but there were also some ominous signs.

9. An obscure technical market indicator with an ominous sounding name briefly captured the attention of markets this week.

10. They said their captors also lined them up against a wall one night to the ominous sound of weapons cocking behind their heads.