

handshake:[英 [ˈhændʃeɪk] 美 [ˈhændˌʃek] ]



handshake 基本解释


handshake 网络解释

1. handshake

1. 交握:本文重点在於如何将SSL运用於Java技术上,故在此不对SSL多做说明. ● 提供能够发展出安全通道(secure channels)的类别,如:SSLSocket 及 SSLServerSocket. ●伺服端与客户端的鉴别(authentication),如:SSL交握(Handshake)协定.

2. 信号交换 ;握手联络方式:handset, telephone 听筒;手机 | handshake 信号交换 ;握手联络方式 | handshake channel 信号交换通道

handshake 双语例句

1. According to some experts to research, the handshake is left of the Stone Age cave dwellers who left a vulgar.


2. The endpoint is not required to return a STALL handshake after it receives a subsquent SETUP PID.

端口收到建立 PID 之后,不应返回 STALL 握手。

3. Signal characteristic of AHB bus and handshake mechanism between bridge and Cache system are utilized adequately in design.


4. handshake的反义词

4. Don't spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you.:handshake


5. Bull; The Handshake: It's your first encounter with the interviewer.


6. handshake

6. The Handshake: It`s your first encounter with the interviewer.

握 手:这是你和面试官的第一次相遇。

7. It was a formal handshake, a farewell.


8. handshake的意思

8. I knew the handover would proceed according to the handshake, and it did.



9. It is controlled by local handshake signals instead of the globe clock.


10. Thenardier: Welcome, Monsieur, sit yourself down And meet the best innkeeper in town As for the rest, all of'em crooks: Rooking their guests and crooking the books Seldom do you see Honest men like me A gent of good intent Who's content to be Master of the house, doling out the charm Ready with a handshake and an open palm Tells a saucy tale, makes a little stir Customers appreciate a bon-viveur Glad to do a friend a favor Doesn't cost me to be nice But nothing gets you nothing Everything has got a little price!

Thenardier :欢迎您,先生,坐在自己下跌并满足最innkeeper在城里至于其他,所有的'时间骗子:Rooking他们的客人和crooking书籍很少看到诚实的男人和我一样阿代理的良好意图谁的内容是硕士房子,的收费的魅力准备握手和一个开放的棕榈油讲述了一个漂亮的故事,使小轰动顾客欣赏本viveur 乐意这样一个朋友帮忙不成本我很好但没有什么让您一切都有点儿价格!

11. handshake

11. I can feel the twinkle of his eyes in his handshake.


12. handshake的反义词

12. The COM established handshake and then crackled to life.


13. handshake的翻译

13. In this world, paper-cut cultural feast, the golden altar of local culture and world culture sincere handshake.


14. Jascha Franklin-Hodge, 29, greeted me with a friendly handshake and a gap-toothed grin.


15. When people meet me for the first time, they often compliment me on the strength of my handshake and they're surprised that it comes from such a small person.


16. handshake的反义词

16. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weaknesses or unfriendliness.


17. The special hidden terminal problems and side lobe interference in directional antennas used network are considered. Through RTS/CTS handshake mechanism, directional busy tone signals and the power control method, the directional transmission power of data packets can be adjusted in time.


18. handshake在线翻译

18. The likely outcome is that after the two give each other a dominant handshake; the young executive will take an arm-fold gesture with both thumbs pointing vertically upwards.


19. A frigid greeting; got a frosty reception; a frozen look on their faces; a glacial handshake; icy stare; wintry smile.



20. The handshake of RDP that adopts this ciphersuite can avoid man-in-middle attacks.


handshake 词典解释

1. 握手

If you give someone a handshake, you take their right hand with your own right hand and hold it firmly or move it up and down, as a sign of greeting or to show that you have agreed about something such as a business deal.

e.g. John smiled and gave him a hearty handshake...


e.g. He has a strong handshake.


handshake 单语例句

1. The handshake was almost a hand slap after the two exchanged words during the changeover following the third game of the final set.

2. He greeted the clerk with a handshake at the courthouse in this small city in central California about 15 miles from the coast.

3. Japanese prime ministers come and go so often that hardly had one handshake been warmed, another new hand is extended.

4. The handshake is a worldwide form of greeting but in China this friendly custom is sometimes practiced in a different kind of way.

5. Sun was the first person who offered him a handshake after learning that he was an HIV carrier.

6. But they have not been seen together since a fleeting handshake three months ago.

7. I love hugging special people on special occasions but the firm, happy handshake remains my standard greeting.

8. In China the handshake is not limited to two or three shakes.

9. Bush greeted Blair on the South Lawn with a hearty handshake and patted the smiling British leader on the back before ushering him inside.

10. If the government officials extend a welcome handshake, they should not follow with the other hand that clobbers a transaction.

handshake的意思handshake 英英释义



1. grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)

Synonym: shakehandshakinghandclasp