

buyer:[英 [ˈbaɪə(r)] 美 [ˈbaɪɚ] ]



buyer 基本解释

名词买方; 买主; 采购员

buyer 网络解释


1. 采购员:而职业采购员(Buyer)大多都会参加行业展览会. 如果这个展览会是同行业展览会中最好的一个,那么短短几天的展期内,几乎所有的Buyer都会看到你的产品. 与花半年或更长时间的逐个推销相比,参加行业展览会明显地省时省钱. 时间就是金钱,

2. 采购人员:过去的作法,都是由商品采购人员(buyer)一人独自处理及管理,相关的规画及控管过程,几乎没人知道,业务透明度非常低. 如今,松井正式下令,今后所有的商品开发及采购,均必须使业务透明化、可见化,并依照新的标准作业准则处理,

buyer 双语例句

1. The buyer must pay the costs of any pre shipment inspection except when such inspection is mandate d by the authorities of the country of export.


2. 5 Negotiable insurance policy/certificate in duplicate by People`s Insurance Co. of China incorporating their ocean marine cargo clauses and war risks from China to Waterloo Ontario for 110% of invoice value, plus 23% for duty, additional cost of insurance is for buyer`s account and to be drawn under this credit.


3. All concessions to buyer must show up on the settlement statement.



4. The weight and moisture thus determined shall be binding for buyer and seller for settlement purposes.


5. One thing to watch is whether a Chinese buyer decides to keep Volvo's production team.



6. However, there is still a biger problem which is difficult to achieve the intended purpose of the buyer.


7. Buyer pays all shipping cost, paypal only!!!!!!.


8. No other buyer has bid higher than your bid.



9. However, balancing the status of the two parties, seller bears more risk and will loss more benefit. Therefore our law should pay more attentionto protect seller's right. In practice, there are usually some clauses in the installment contract to protect seller's right such as title reservation clause, benefit loss of period clause, contract rescinding clause and so on. On the other hand, the seller often aggrieves buyer's rights by taking the


10. He has a major toy buyer in Los Angeles.


11. Force, majeure:the parties are free from any liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill their obligations under the present contract of a result of force majeure circumstances and this circumstances had a direct influence of the fulfilled of obligation under the present contract it is the sellers duty to immediately notify the buyer and veceversa of the beginning and end of thee force majure circumstances that prevent the fulfillment of the contract.

力量,majeure:党没有对部分的或完全的失败任何的责任在一个不可抗力环境和这一个环境的结果现在契约之下实现他们的义务有直接影响力那在现在的契约之下义务实现它是卖方责任立刻通知买主和开始的 veceversa 和你的结束强迫避免契约的实现 majure 环境。

12. LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY: In case of delayed delivery, except for force majure cases, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer for every week of delay a penalty amounting 0.5% of the total value of the goods late delivered.


13. If the buyers are risk-neutral---that is, if a buyer'sexpected payoff is her net gain from winningtimes the probability of winning---then in equilibrium, the buyer willbid half her valuation.


14. The Buyer shall pay to the Seller demurrage for all time lost in excess of allowed laytime at Discharging Port and the Seller shall pay to the Buyer despatch for the working time saved at Discharging Port against the allowed laytime.


15. In order to assure the Buyer that the Seller's obligations under the Contract shall be performed and fulfilled, the Seller shall establish a Performance Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price, which shall be maintained from the Effective Date of the Contract to the date plus two (2) months from the last delivery date of the Equipment in the form of an absolute and unconditional bank guarantee to be issued by a first-class bank or any other type of guarantee acceptable to the Buyer and in favor of the Buyer and to be advised to the Buyer as specified in Article 30 hereof through a prime bank or to be directly mailed to the Buyer.


16. buyer是什么意思

16. This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.

例 1:本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。

17. If the buyer want to have the goods Insure against tpnd, we shall arrange for them.


18. The existence of the account receivable is a result to occupy market in the buyer's market.


19. buyer

19. Demurrage: We have legal confirmation from the buyer under our contract that they are responsible.

Demurrage :We有从买家的法律确认根据我们的合同他们是负责任的。

20. It is a big plus if a buyer is a member of a credit union.


buyer 词典解释

1. 购买者;买主;买方

A buyer is a person who is buying something or who intends to buy it.


e.g. Car buyers are more interested in safety and reliability than speed.


2. (大商店的)采购员,进货员;买手

A buyer is a person who works for a large store deciding what goods will be bought from manufacturers to be sold in the store.

e.g. I was a buyer for the women's clothing department.


buyer 单语例句

1. The reports by the Beijing Times and Beijing Morning Post didn't identify the buyer.

2. Buyer's credit are loans given to the buyer or banks in its residential country, while seller's credit and forfaiting are loans given to the exporter.

3. But the buyer of the nest contested ownership and it was only recently that judicial authorities ruled that the fossils belonged to China.

4. A curt note attributed to Jobs told one early iPhone buyer to either hold the phone a different way or buy a case.

5. The government clamped down on market speculation in late October, with the extra stamp duty and buyer's stamp duty as extraordinary measures in extraordinary times.

6. China can better tap its inner dynamism to become a global consumer market than simply remain a buyer of little choice.

7. It not only ridicules the poor judgment of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary efforts the seller has spent in making the case.

8. An earlier explanation by the ministry said the figure would not include public areas, meaning a buyer will have to pay for a much larger area.

9. Wild swings between low and high fuel prices have crippled the US industry by erratically shifting buyer preferences - to and from SUVs.

10. The store owner admits there is still no buyer for the number, although many people - especially business people - have shown a lot of interest.

buyer 英英释义


1. a person who buys

Synonym: purchaseremptorvendee