

tactile:[英 [ˈtæktaɪl] 美 [ˈtæktl] ]


tactile 基本解释

形容词触觉的; 触觉感知的; 能触知的; 有形的


tactile 网络解释

1. 触觉:虚拟实境(Virtual Reality)是结合了视觉(Vision)、听觉(Hearing)、触觉(Tactile)及动觉(Motion)的跨学门及领域的应用技术整合. 其中视觉部分结合立体影像、听觉部分结合立体音效,触觉部分结合虚拟头盔及手套,动觉部分结合结合运动平台(Motion Platform).

2. tactile是什么意思

2. 触觉的:tactile stimulus 触剌激 | tactile 触觉的 | tactometer 触觉计

3. 触觉的,有触觉的:tactile 触觉的,有触觉的 | tailstock 尾架 | tapered 锥形的

4. 有触觉的:tactual 触觉的,触觉器官的,凭触觉的 | tactile 有触觉的 | tactility 触知性,触感

tactile 双语例句

1. The pressure ramp and the temperature ramp stimulate together and finally provide a pressure-temperature fusion tactile for the user.


2. In Corey Djoko study found that: In the first 9 days after birth, the newborn who appears first reflex of the conditioned stimulus is a tactile - kinesthetic stimulation.


3. A hydrophobic and an even filmmakes polysiloxane be able to express excellent softening property, and tactile of the finishedfabric is also derived from the film.


4. tactile在线翻译

4. The rubberised keys, especially the softkeys, are not as sensitive as traditional mobile keys and have a spongy feel to them, although they do have reasonable tactile feedback.


5. Everything about a manual was sensual and tactile, from the careful placing of paper round the platen (which might be plump and soft or hard and dry, and was, Mr Tytell said, a typewriter`s heart) to the clicking whirr of the winding knob, the slight high conferred by a new, wet, Mylar ribbon and the feeding of it, with inkier and inkier fingers, through the twin black guides by the spool.


6. With more than 80 series of switch products, as well as three million kinds of switches, including light-emitting switch, shaking his head switches, Rocker switches, button switches, slide switches, rotary switches, tactile switches, tilt switches, key lock switch, and can be made available for way switch.


7. Tactile, pain perception and temperature sensation are relatively early indicators.


8. Sual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specific tim


9. Each one of us learns best in different ways? some visually, others with music, and others in a tactile way.


10. It is ALL tactile, NOT visual.


11. In the study of learning style, there are only major differences in the tactile style.



12. In both visual and tactile, the wood is excellent material.


13. Through the analysis on the space design, body design, tactile sensation, the decoration of detail and the color management of Langxiang church, and the application of the light and shadow in Langxiang church, so to let us more comprehend the tasting features of Langxiang church and the design conception of le Corbusier.


14. The thalamic tactile response can be modulated by cingulate cortex. Using horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing technique, the pathway that anterior cingulate cortex modulates sensory information of thalamic ventrobasal nucleus was investigated.

实验在10只戊巴比妥钠(1%)麻醉的SD雄性大鼠上进行,采用辣根过氧化物酶(horseradish peroxidase,HRP)逆行标记的方法,对扣带皮层前部调制丘脑腹侧基底核(ventrobasal,VB)感觉信息的途径进行了研究。


15. Tactile meniscus...


16. High speed photographic and reproductice processes are surely not only the political economy of the sign but also an insidious filter through which our tactile environment tends to lose its concrete responsiveness.


17. tactile

17. This proprietary mechanism also ensures exceptional tactile feedback. The rugged, vibration and shockproof metal design with optional IP 67 front panel sealing is suitable for applications in all harsh environments. The gold plated switching contacts guarantee highest switching reliability, even in tough environmental conditions with operating temperatures in the range of –40 to 85 °C.

该机械装置还确保了意外触觉反馈,耐用的,防震的金属设计,可选的IP 67前面板密封适合所有恶劣环境的应用,镀金开关电源保证了其高可靠性,甚至在操作温度在–40到85 °C的恶劣环境下也能保证其可靠性。

18. tactile

18. The things that happen around you—sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, things that people do, things that people say: They can hit the mind with a lot more violence, with a lot more force than the wobbling or sudden braking of a subway train.


19. tactile在线翻译

19. But using it is still slower and more mistake-prone than typing on a mechanical keyboard because the virtual keyboard offers no tactile response.


20. The keyboard keys are tactile enough to touch type.


tactile 词典解释

1. (与人说话时)爱碰别人的,有肢体接触的

If you describe someone as tactile, you mean that they tend to touch other people a lot when talking to them.


e.g. The children are very tactile with warm, loving natures.


2. (织物等)手感好的

Something such as fabric which is tactile is pleasant or interesting to touch.


e.g. Tweed is timeless, tactile and tough.


3. (经验、感觉)触觉的,通过触觉获得的

Tactile experiences or sensations are received or felt by touch.

e.g. Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot...


e.g. Heat, cold, tactile and other sensations contribute to flavour.


tactile 单语例句tactile的意思

1. The tactile treats continue with a crispy spring roll with shrimps and garlic, crunchy and juicy and with an unexpected filling of what looked like chopped spinach.

2. Then the cooked chicken skin is finely shredded and added to the soup again, to increase the tactile and taste contrasts.

3. Goalball is played by two teams of three blind and visually impaired athletes, on an indoor rectangular court with tactile markings.

4. " The felt incorporates a tactile component rarely found in official Olympic pins, " he says.

5. This coats the meat, effectively cooling it down and adding a velvety cover that provided a delicious tactile contrast.

6. It started with him being overly tactile and then escalated to kissing her and requests for sex.

7. They were being very tactile and flirty - they didn't seem to care who saw them.

tactile 英英释义


1. producing a sensation of touch

e.g. tactile qualities

the tactual luxury of stroking silky human hair

Synonym: tactual

2. of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch

e.g. haptic data

a tactile reflex

Synonym: haptictactual