

unnecessary:[英 [ʌnˈnesəsəri] 美 [ʌnˈnesəseri] ]


unnecessary 基本解释


形容词不必要的,多余的; 无用的,无益的; 无须

unnecessary 同义词



unnecessary 反义词



unnecessary 相关例句


1. That was an unnecessary remark.


2. All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day.


unnecessary 网络解释

1. unnecessary的反义词

1. 不必要的,多余的:Sleep and food are necessary to health. 睡眠和食物对健康是必要的. | unnecessary 不必要的,多余的 | Sports are unnecessary. 运动是不必要的.

2. unnecessary

2. 没必要的:unnecessarily 不必要地 | unnecessary 没必要的 | unneighborly 不睦邻的

unnecessary 双语例句

1. For example, if we clear out our unnecessary clutter we will achieve a greater feeling of space and freedom.


2. What`s more, it is unnecessary and intent for them to cater for a man like me.


3. unnecessary的近义词

3. Mom can rest assured that the mother`s menstrual period to differ materially from tidal rehabilitation, but even to the middle of the menstrual menopause will have one or two months, and this is a normal physiological phenomenon, take some time before we return to the prenatal menstrual cycle, be sure to do a good job of contraceptive measures to prevent unnecessary abortions.


4. Description: This project shall adopt the double-mixing-shaft reciprocal rotary distribution design, with the vibration excitation/isolation system to be floating-connected by double-seated spring and hydraulic system adopting highly-dynamic performance proportion, making unnecessary a separate motor for driving and ensuring high compactness of blocks. The machine should make less noise than similar products, operate quickly, reduce the impact upon change of direction and save energy. Each joint should be linked with knuckle bearing and provided with lubricating device to prevent wear and tear. The automatic control system should use PLC and HMI display of operation, providing accurate and explicit detection of faults.


5. unnecessary的反义词

5. Thus, it keeps your code free of all the abovementioned, unnecessary code.


6. unnecessary的近义词

6. It keeps your PC free of unnecessary garbage and optimize it for running smoothly.


7. You know how much I despise this unnecessary pomp.


8. All such desires as lead to no pain when they remain ungratified are unnecessary, and the longing is easily got rid of, when the thing desired is difficult to procure or when the desires seem likely to produce harm.


9. Anyone who wants to have a stable living environment to avoid unnecessary war.


10. Unnecessary words should be removed to make the article more concise.



11. This makes it unnecessary that enforcement of real right should be limited by limitation of action....


12. The problem is usually that that width seems to be too wide, so there can be unnecessary overflow in conditions where a smaller tab width would have meant all of the tabs would have fit.


13. I don`t like this means, hope too the man is like this. If you really like in the emotion of talking to me of that end of the screen very much, that is totally unnecessary, please be at one's convenience, take what one needs, like the man that goes on business in Tianjin, Tianjin is the city where the northern economy is fast growing too anyhow, and it is thing that I like that the regional man associates, 13682102344, that's all, no, thank you for your patience, good luck....


14. Callback NCS_CB_ONOBJEVENT defines the processing function of event, which can get object pointers of the sender and receiver simultaneously, making it unnecessary for the users to find

回调 NCS_CB_ONOBJEVENT 定义了事件的处理函数,该回调能够同时获取发送者和接收者的对象指针,避免用户去查找

15. unnecessary的近义词

15. Use gentle shampoos and conditioners to avoid any unnecessary damage to your hair.



16. To reduce unnecessary officials is a focal point of government work this year.


17. I think unnecessary I what does it speak more, everybody should do, do, introspect for a one's own one!



18. The alcohol free gentle balancing toner utilizes the energy of the plant to balance the moisture and oil proportion in the skin to tranquilize the skin and reduce unnecessary sensitivity of the skin.


19. As one grows older, one learns how to spare oneself many kinds of unnecessary pain, but one is in great danger if one ceases to feel pain of any kind.


20. N then~we met some unnecessary mistakes b4 we worked out the problem~but…it was really not my fault~I was really rather tired!!!


unnecessary 词典解释

1. 不需要的;没必要的;多余的

If you describe something as unnecessary, you mean that it is not needed or does not have to be done, and is undesirable.

e.g. The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman...


e.g. He accused Diana of making an unnecessary fuss.



I didn't want to upset my husband or my daughter unnecessarily...


A bad keyboard can make life unnecessarily difficult.

一个坏键盘可以让生活变得异常麻烦。unnecessary 单语例句

1. It not only ridicules the poor judgment of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary efforts the seller has spent in making the case.

2. Supporters of the law say the suit was an unnecessary action by the federal government after years of neglecting problems at the border.

3. His domestic popularity has been badly damaged by the Iraq war, which many of his electors view as unnecessary and unjust.

4. Tsang said senior officials of the Hong Kong government should call off all unnecessary activities to mourn the dead.

5. Experts have warned Chinese carbon credit sellers to strengthen legal awareness and improve language skills to protect their interests and avoid unnecessary legal disputes.

6. It is essential that we protect the environment and ecosystem which has been seriously damaged in some areas by unnecessary human activity.

7. It told Chinese firms to carry forward with mergers and acquisitions in an active and safe way and avoid unnecessary losses from blind expansion.

8. But campaigners against the war said Campbell was the first major political casualty of what they termed an illegal and unnecessary conflict.

9. " I didn't want yaks to roam into the mining areas and cause unnecessary trouble, " he said.

10. The ministry made the decision at the request of the Jilin Chemical Industry Company, the company that originally asked for the investigation but who now deem it unnecessary.

unnecessary 英英释义


1. not necessary

Synonym: unneeded