

heal:[英 [hi:l] 美 [hi:l] ]


过去式:healed;   过去分词:healed;   现在分词:healing;

heal 基本解释


及物动词恢复健康的状态; 使恢复正常; 使(某人)精神恢复健康



heal 同义词



heal 反义词



heal 相关例句


1. A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick.


2. He was healed of his sickness.


3. Time heals all sorrows.


4. The wound on my arm has healed.



1. His shoulder healed, and he went back to his job.


heal 网络解释

1. 治愈:魔法:转化不死类(Turn Undead)将不死类怪物石化;治愈(Heal)医疗魔法. 祭师(Priest):15/13,更高级的神官. 魔法:摧毁不死类(Destroy Undead), 将不死类怪物石化并造成一定伤害,同时有解除我方部队不良状态的功能;治愈(Heal),

2. 醫療:如果这个施法者在一个传奇法术中加入了医疗(heal)和生命(life)seed的话,这个法术通常会被认为是神术. 法术成分和施展时间:绝大部分传奇法术都有语言和肢体成分,并且施法时间为1分钟,不管这个法术包含了多少seed.

3. heal什么意思

3. 治疗:人类们选择剑(SWORD)和刀(BLADE), 枪和炸弹(GUN&BOMB), 治疗(HEAL)和 祝福(ENCHANT)系列中一个或一个以上,修炼系列当13~18种技能. 吸血鬼们按等级修炼基本(INNATE), 毒(POISON), 酸(ACID), 诅咒(CURSE),血(BLOOD)等系列的所有魔法.

4. heal:healthhazard; 对健康的危害性

heal 双语例句

1. It is universally acknowledged that it is the doctor`s duty and obligation to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.


2. Hayslip started The East Meets West Foundation in 1988, a humanitarian relief organization that aims to heal some of the war wounds of all sides involved.


3. In most cases the back will heal itself but in severe and persistent cases it is essential to seek medical advice so that a correct diagnosis can be reached and appropriate treatment given.


4. heal是什么意思

4. They both heal and buff your scrin air craft.


5. We're not convinced there is a Resto or Chain Heal problem in PvE.

我们不相信恢复萨满或者治疗链在 PVE 中存在问题。

6. heal的翻译

6. And whellole the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.


7. You know yourself better than anyoneelse, because you heal very well.


8. During Jesus` public ministries, he had great power to heal sicknesses; authority to exorcize demons; and ability to bring life to the dead.


9. She says that aloe`s natural film forming and antibacterial properties can help heal skin.


10. A: I am Ra. Those who heal may be of any density which has the consciousness of the spirit.

A :我是拉。那些能够治疗的实体可以属于任何具有灵性意识的密度。

11. Healing: Always heal if the is below 40, as if HP is below 40, it will decrease moving speed. Also if you know there will be a tank ahead, healing can be a bit early


12. Mothers murder man said, Xiaolian wounds heal, to put her back home, never let her go.


13. Increased peripheral vascular pores, congestive, and caused severe acne, there is difficult to heal wounds.


14. Through this connection, we have the potential to heal humanity and Mother Earth.


15. I hope you don't haveto face this too much, but it happens. Again, not much you can do but to heal, and to moveon with your life.



16. The ulcers heal in 2–3 weeks, although healing may be very slow in immunocompromised patients.

溃疡愈合在2–3 个星期,虽然愈合也许是非常慢的immunocompromised 患者。

17. heal的意思

17. If those spells were of questionable or no utility then the class distinction really starts to devolve into damage, healing and tanking. But none of them should be mandatory.


18. Helps reduce susceptibility to disease and infection. Helps heal torn fins and skin wounds.


19. heal在线翻译

19. Is Tuesday to Saturday enough time to heal a rather big cut to prevent infection?


20. Stitches should heal in around 3 to 4 weeks after the birth.


heal 词典解释

1. 痊愈;愈合;治愈

When a broken bone or other injury heals or when something heals it, it becomes healthy and normal again.

e.g. Within six weeks the bruising had gone, but it was six months before it all healed...


e.g. If they'd operated and pinned her arm at once, she might have healed by now...


2. (感情创伤)愈合;(情感)恢复常态

When someone's emotional pain heals, they feel normal and happy again.

e.g. A year later, she had healed to the point of at least being able to consider a romantic relationship with another man...


e.g. Only by fully experiencing the depth of our pain can we be healed from it and be done with it.


3. (使)(裂痕、创伤)弥合;(使)和好

If you heal something such as a rift or a wound, or if it heals, the situation is put right so that people are friendly or happy again.

e.g. Today Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend...


e.g. The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed.


相关词组:heal up

heal 单语例句

1. She began to heal by talking openly about her weight loss to strangers.

2. Adult stem cells can regenerate and turn into different types of specialized cells to help the body heal itself.

3. The wound on her left thigh was about 1 cm deep and could take a month to heal without an infection.

4. At normal levels collagen helps to heal wounds, but too much causes excessive scarring.

5. Animal therapy proved very effective in helping patients heal is a new comer in China.

6. The challenge for medicine will be finding ways to enhance and harness this spontaneous neural rewiring to help heal spinal cord injuries.

7. It is women again who are helping defuse tensions and heal Africa's terrible wounds of conflict and violence.

8. President Bush was sworn in for a second term on Thursday and pledged to work to heal a country divided by the Iraq war.

9. The good news is that any ego bruises should heal really quickly, so don't worry about the long term.

10. Like many people I believe electroshock therapy does not heal on a permanent basis, but produces only fear and obedience.

healheal 英英释义



1. provide a cure for, make healthy again

e.g. The treatment cured the boy's acne

The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to

Synonym: bring aroundcure

2. get healthy again

e.g. The wound is healing slowly

3. heal or recover

e.g. My broken leg is mending

Synonym: mend