

devalue:[英 [ˌdi:ˈvælju:] 美 [diˈvælju] ]


过去式:devalued;   过去分词:devalued;   现在分词:devaluing;

devalue 基本解释

及物动词使(货币)贬值; 降低(某事物)的价值,贬低


devalue 网络解释

1. 贬值:在这个大背景下出现像A卷第一篇美元贬值(devalue)对美国政治经济影响的文章可以说是顺理成章. 考生必须具备基本的政治经济常识:在次贷危机和对冲基金(hedge fund)的经济大环境下,美元贬值将导致美国出口货物价格相对下降,

2. 贬:贬:disparage, disdain, disrespect, contempt, devalue, defy/defiance, depreciate, despise, | 窘:embarrass, abash, humiliate, mortify | 沮:frustrated, disappointed, dismay,

3. 减值:devaluate 贬值 | devalue 减值 | Devanagari 梵文字母

4. devalue的反义词

4. 贬值,使贬值:devaluate,使贬值 | devalue,贬值,使贬值, | evaluate,vt.评价, 估计, 估价

devalue 双语例句

1. Problems of the tendentiousness to affect the criminal cases handled at present are: To value detection while devalue interrogation, value substance while devalue procedure, value the statement macle by the accused under examination while devalue the collection of evidence, value actual combat while devalue accumulation.


2. devalue的解释

2. It's unfair to devalue anyone's work unjustly.


3. This is also one reason we should not devalue RMB.


4. Many foolish people devalue something just because they don't know it.


5. For this reason, many search engines now devalue two way links in favor of one way links.


6. If the US really wants to help other countries, it should not devalue the dollar.


7. Therefore, it will eventually be necessary toupvalue the undervalued currency and/or to devalue the overvalued one.


8. Normally, it is deficit countries that need to devalue.


9. The notes in circulation in the conditions, not because the value of their notes, it is only representative of gold and silver currency symbols, can not be used as storage means, therefore, the issuance of notes if more than the required number of commodity circulation, it will devalue.


10. devalue什么意思

10. The high level builds kind of landed asset to devalue substantially, affect trade of global real estate.


11. devalue的近义词

11. He wrote on his website: Gilts are resting on a bed of nitroglycerine. High debt with the potential to devalue its currency present high risks for bond investors.


12. T he real effective exchange rate of RMB rose by 16%, here I'd like to point out that between 2008.7 and 2009.2 in the midst of the raging 蔓延 international economic crisis, the RMB did not devalue actually, the real effective exchange rate of RMB rose by 14.5%, in 2009 our exports dropped by 16%, but our imports only declined by 11%, and China's trade surplus 贸易顺差 declined by 102billion ( a hundred and 2 US dollars, instabling 稳定 the RMB exchange rate level in the midst of international financial crisis had played an important role in promoting the recovery in a global economy.


13. Secondly, can you give your word that China will not let the RMB Yuan devalue, at least not in the short term?


14. Of course no currency is any longer tied to gold, so there is no country whose ability to devalue, as in the 1930s, is limited by a commitment to maintain gold parity.


15. Devalue the Goods according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the Purchaser, as agreed between the Purchaser and the Supplier.


16. However, countries forced to devalue, usually because then are running out of foreign exchange reserves, often express the view that devaluation has a concretionary effect on output and employment rather than an expansionary one.

但是,国家被迫使贬值,通常因为然后用尽外汇储备,经常表达看法,贬值有对产品和就业的concretionary 作用而不是一扩大性一个。


17. China's r refusal devalue its currency in the aftermath of the 1999's crises i...


18. But unlike other countries that made a similar effort in the past, Greece cannot devalue; it faces a much more challenging global environment; it has a weak fiscal infrastructure; a low consensus in society in favour of deep reforms; and a fragile financial system.


19. Therefore, it will eventually be necessary to upvalue the undervalued currency and/or to devalue the overvalued one.


20. Therefore, it will eventually be nece ary to upvalue the undervalued currency and/or to devalue the overvalued one.


devalue 词典解释

1. 降低…的价值;贬低

To devalue something means to cause it to be thought less impressive or less deserving of respect.


e.g. They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work...


e.g. Wabel's victory was in no way devalued by the absence of series leader Tom Fisher.



Selling tickets for a devalued championship is becoming increasingly difficult...


She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs.


2. 使(货币)贬值

To devalue the currency of a country means to reduce its value in relation to other currencies.

e.g. India has devalued the Rupee by about eleven per cent...

印度已将卢比贬值了约 11%。

e.g. The Pound would be devalued, we were told...



It will lead to devaluation of a number of European currencies...


There were massive devaluations of several currencies.

有几种货币大幅贬值。devalue 单语例句

1. Such a statement is of little consequence since countries usually only devalue their currencies in extreme situations like a severe financial crisis.

2. With inflation, there will be potential for the currency to devalue when inflation runs beyond productivity growth.

3. After all, every country has the option to or not to devalue its currency.

4. China also promised not to devalue the RMB during the Asian financial crisis in 1997, playing a decisive role in helping other Asian countries survive the crisis.

5. He had no choice but to devalue and pull out of the ERM.

6. When capital markets smelled a problem among ERM members, they invariably shorted the most vulnerable currency and pushed that country's authorities to devalue.

7. Zhou noted that the currency of every country experiences ups and downs, and many countries devalue their currencies in the face of economic crisis.

8. If the US dollar needs to devalue because of fundamental problems in the US economy, the problems cannot be fixed by lowering the dollar's value alone.

9. Another would end rules that require companies to devalue assets on their books to reflect the price they could get in the market.

10. Since Greece cannot devalue the euro by itself, then the pain of adjustment must be done on the fiscal or employment side.

devalue 英英释义


1. lose in value

e.g. The dollar depreciated again

Synonym: depreciateundervaluedevaluate

2. lower the value or quality of

e.g. The tear devalues the painting

3. remove the value from

deprive of its value

Synonym: devaluate