

forest:[英 [ˈfɒrɪst] 美 [ˈfɔ:rɪst] ]



forest 基本解释

名词森林; 丛林; (森林似的)一丛; 一片



forest 相关例句


1. They forested the mountains with pine trees.



1. forest的反义词

1. This is an oak forest.


2. Most of the ancient forests in the world have been destroyed.


3. Thousands of old trees were lost in the forest fire.


forest 网络解释


1. 树林:他又按了一下锁,箱子落地了,他竟然来到了遥远的土耳其国了. 他把木箱藏在树林(forest)的枯叶子下面,然后就进城了. 他虽然穿着睡衣和拖鞋,但在这里并不特别,因为人们都是这样的穿着走在大街上.

2. forest的解释

2. 目录林:它需要具有NET Framework 1.1或者更高的版本,并且运行它的计算机必须是和Exchange服务器在同一个目录林(forest)中. 这样才能做修改. 微软的产品支持服务小组已经开发了许多有用的工具来提高Exchange恢复和管理任务. 其中比较新的,

forest 双语例句


1. A biologist could, in a very general way, speak about the relationship between the height of trees in a particular forest and the wingspan of the resident birds.


2. The data come from the nation's first complete survey of forest coverage in five years.


3. forest的解释

3. This expanded view means that Wake Forest MBAs find unexpected opportunities in a wide variety of business settings.


4. Large family of bark boring or wood boring short beaked beetles very destructive to forest and trees.


5. When I was a kid in China, I used to come across story books which describe about the living in the forest of Russia, chum salmon which move in reverse current, brown bear which catching chum salmon in the stream, all these are good memories.


6. And the beasts of the forest, that are in Libanus, passed and trod down the thistle.


7. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers.


8. According objective analysis on forestry development in history and in present, advantaging and disadvantaging factors for forestry development, the author points out a general target of forestry development in Shanxi Province and also designs the development of classified forest in the near future.


9. Anyone who violates these Procedures in the area of public welfare forest shaIl be ordered tO stop the illegal activities and restore in time by the competent forestry anthorities of the People`S Government above the county/banner level; if he/she failed to restore within the time limit, the competent forestry authorities of the People`S


10. Research on Key Techniques of Simulation of Forest Fire Fighting Based on HLA.

基于HLA 的森林灭火仿真系统的关键技术研究。

11. More than 20 challenges to play in 4 different environments including a forest, stadium, ice river and a city


12. forest

12. One day, a beautiful bird sat chirping in a tree in the forest.


13. Cape York Rain Forest, Queensland, Australia, 1996


14. forest

14. Bamboo is one of the very important non wood forest produce.


15. forest的意思

15. The succession direction of this kind of state is adumbrative different standing forest can produce differentiation.


16. forest是什么意思

16. Vietnam's exports of farm, forest and fisheries produce rose by 21% last year, to $12.5 billion, and further growth is expected.

上一年度,越南的农业、林业和渔业的出口额达到了$12.5billion ,增长了21%。而且预期还会进一步增长。

17. forest是什么意思

17. Chemical utilization of forest products is referred to the chemical processing of both wood and non-wood forest raw materials to produce various products, necessary to the development of national economy.



18. Certain epiphytic orchids of the tropical rain forest produce the word's smallest seeds weighing only 35millionths of an ounce.


19. Many recipes first emerged during the initial Vedic period, when India was still heavily forested and agriculture was complemented with game hunting and forest produce.


20. Finally, the technique is proved to be valid in real-time rendering of large scale forest scene.


forest 词典解释

1. 森林;树林

A forest is a large area where trees grow close together.

e.g. Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible.


e.g. ...25 million hectares of forest.

2,500 万公顷的森林

2. 林立;大量耸立

A forest of tall or narrow objects is a group of them standing or sticking upright.

e.g. They descended from the plane into a forest of microphones and cameras.


forest 单语例句forest的解释

1. Local people became well off day by day, and arable land was returned to bamboo forest.

2. Parts of the forest are made accessible by foot with tracks, steps and little bridges built along the paths.

3. Forest trees act as a carbon sink, sucking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to provide themselves with food.

4. Initial investigations show that the fire was triggered by lightening strikes and it had spread to 16 square km in the country's largest forest zone.

5. A river near World Heritage site Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is being polluted by thousands of tons of waste being dumped directly into the river.

6. This is only part of his ambitious China Park plan - a huge compound surrounded by water and forest.

7. He did not identify the instructor or the soldier, who are shown in camouflage uniforms in a forest.

8. The 10 hectares of natural camphora wood forest maintains its original form, with most trees being over 60 years old.

9. Strolling through the forest of steel, you cannot help but feel Qingdao is just another urbanizing Chinese city.

10. The white canopy in the plaza representing Sky is supported by white pillars that represent a vertical forest.

forest 英英释义


1. the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area

Synonym: woodwoods

2. land that is covered with trees and shrubs

Synonym: woodlandtimberlandtimber



1. establish a forest on previously unforested land

e.g. afforest the mountains

Synonym: afforest