

lisp:[英 [lɪsp] 美 [lɪsp] ]


过去式:lisped;   过去分词:lisped;   现在分词:lisping;   复数形式:lisps;

lisp 基本解释




lisp 相关例句


1. lisp的近义词

1. He lisped (out) his words.



2. She lisps.


3. lisp什么意思

3. Children usually lisp until they are three of four.



1. She speaks with a lisp.


lisp 网络解释

1. 语言:全书分为两部分:第一部分讲述语言设计与实现的基本概念、数据对象和数据类型、子程序、顺序控制和数据控制;第二部分包括过程式语言(Fortran77、Pascal)、面向对象语言(C++)、函数式语言(Lisp)及逻辑式语言(Prolog)等内容.

2. 口齿不清:liquidity流动性 | lisp口齿不清 | list清单

3. 表处理机:LISP 表处理 | LISP 表处理机 | LISformat 测井信息标准记录格式

4. 表处理:LIR 岩性指示比 | LISP 表处理 | LISP 表处理机


5. lisp:symbol manipulating language; 符号处理语言

6. lisp的意思

6. lisp:list processor; 表处理程序,表格处理机,编目处理程序

7. lisp:list processing; 串行处理程序语言

lisp 双语例句

1. I told them you were six-eight and fat, with a horrible lisp that made it impossible to understand you.


2. Sawfish - An uncluttered Lisp-extensible window manager for X11. Think of it as a cross between the graphical prowess of enlightenment and the scripting capabilities of scwm.


3. My favourite language is Lisp, it's what I


4. My favourite language is Lisp, it's what I first and it is suitable for many problems. However, I realise


5. The proposed method is based on the image method, and is implemented by using Auto LISP language of AutoCAD.

此方法是基于虚声源法,通过利用AutoCAD软件中的Auto LISP语言来实现的。

6. lisp什么意思

6. Using CAD lisp language development of a tool.


7. He was but eleven months and nine days old and, though still a tiny toddler, was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words.


8. lisp

8. By popular demand, a few features commonly found in functional programming languages and Lisp have been added to Python.

出于适当的需要,有几种通常在功能性语言和 Lisp 中出现的功能加入到了 Python 。

9. By popular demand, a few features commonly found in functionalprogramming languages and lisp have been added to python.

出于实际需要,有几种通常在功能性语言和 lisp 中出现的功能加入到了 python 。

10. The CAD system is completed under AutoCAD and by means of Visual Lisp and it can be used to analyze and calculate the carrying and capacity of worm drive in the CAD system.

该系统是在AutoCAD环境下设计完成的,并通过Visual Lisp辅助运行,用于分析和计算CAD环境下蜗轮蜗杆承载能力。

11. lisp的反义词

11. I was forced into it because I was a Lisp hacker. The company I'd been consulting for seemed to be running into trouble, and there were not a lot of other companies using Lisp.


12. lisp在线翻译

12. In general, a form is either an atom (for example, a symbol, an integer, or a string) or a list. If the form is an atom, LISP evaluates it immediately.


13. lisp的意思

13. The CAD system is completed under AutoCAD and by means of Visual Lisp and it can be used to analyze and calculate the carrying and capacity of worm drive.

该系统由DCL对话框实现交互式用户界面,SLD幻灯片文件实现参数曲线图和数据的显示,Visual Lisp程序驱动对话框完成设计计算功能。

14. Lisp, table processing language, is a very primitive language, But this has begun to highlight its simple and powerful side.


15. Computational geometry of several lisp language algorithms, including the convex hull, the smallest enclosing circle, Point Set diame...


16. According to the proportional drawing on the threaded fasteners in mchanical drawing, by adopting the method of separating the threaded fasteners into several parts and the method of dragging to draw the female screw, male screw and the drawing of the threaded fasteners, some AutoCAD commands of drawing screws have been programmed by using Visual LISP.

根据机械制图螺纹连接件的比例画法,采用分段拖动法绘制内外螺纹及其连接图,用Visual LISP语言编程,为 Auto CAD增加绘制螺纹连接件的命令,弥补了绘图软件中不足,具有较简便的应用方

17. Partial evaluation plays a very important role in software optimization, while incremental computation is a technique for avoiding duplicative computation.


18. It is to link a secondary development which carries on CAD to the whorl to originally design, in the secondary development course, inlaying it in VBA, DCL communication frame and AutoLISP procedure of AutoCAD 2004 while using, main design philosophy is: Utilize VBA to link one to carry on intensity to check to the whorl that is already chosen, can transfer Lisp procedure and draw the figure directly while meeting the demands in checking or intensity if need.

本设计是对螺纹联接件进行CAD的二次开发,二次开发过程中,应用了内嵌于AutoCAD 2004的VBA和DCL对话框以及AutoLISP程序,主要设计思想是:利用VBA对已选择的螺纹联接件进行强度校核,如无需校核或者强度满足要求可直接调用Lisp程序绘制图形。

19. H:Gentlemen, I am now about send a signal from this laptop through our local lisp Racing down fiber-optic cable at the speed of light to san francisco, bouncing off a satellite in geosynchronous orbit to lisban, protugal where the date packets will be handed off to submerged trans-atlantic cables terminating in halifax, nova scotia and transferred across the continent via microwave relays back to our isp and the x-ten receiver attached to this...


20. Perhaps they have a lisp, or they have a peculiar accent or pitch of voice.


lisp 词典解释

1. 咬舌(指将s和z读作th,如把sing念作thing等)

If someone has a lisp, they pronounce the sounds 's' and 'z' as if they were 'th'. For example, they say 'thing' instead of 'sing'.


e.g. He has a slight lisp.


2. 咬着舌说;口齿不清地说

If someone lisps, they say something with a lisp or speak with a lisp.

e.g. The little man, upset, was lisping badly...


e.g. Bochmann lisped his congratulations.


lisp 单语例句lisp的反义词

1. I don't have the Northeastern syncopation, nor the sweet Taiwanese lisp.

2. Bruno wears mesh shirts, talks with a lisp and has a penchant for dropping his pants.

lisp的反义词lisp 英英释义



1. a speech defect that involves pronouncing `s' like voiceless `th' and `z' like voiced `th'



1. speak with a lisp