

invariably:[英 [ɪnˈveəriəbli] 美 [ɪnˈveriəbli] ]


invariably 基本解释

副词总是; 无不; 不变的; “invariable”的派生

invariably 相关例句


1. All things invariably divide into two.


2. It invariably rains when I go on vacation.


invariably 网络解释

1. 不变地:的确,法律关系标准不可能不变地(invariably)确立:如果被保险标的没有损失被保险人确定地享有利益,因为对保险财产的defeasible(可废止) title是权利的很好源泉.

2. 不变地,一直地:invalid a. (法律上)无效的;伤残的;n. 病弱者 | invariably 不变地,一直地 | investigation n. 调查了解

3. invariably

3. 恒定的:相互关联的 interrelated | 恒定的 invariably | 妒忌的 jealous

invariably 双语例句

1. Any Party organization that deplorably loses touch with the masses and doesn't mend its ways is forfeiting the source of its strength and will invariably fail and be rejected by the people.


2. Pleas note that any change introduced through this procedure will invariably cause scheduling setbacks to the project and neither party should be penalized for the corresponding delay in fulfilling its responsibility, unless such penal clause was agreed upon by both parties during the change control process.


3. But have been invariably unsuccessful Criticisms on Dreiser began with the publication of Sister Carrie in 1900 and have been numerous in the first half of the twentieth century Methodologically, these early critics employ the traditional biographical and historical approach finding parallels in the author's life, society and his works.


4. invariably

4. He is invariably alert, usually enthusiastic, and always willing to tackle a new problem, usually with verve and irrepressibility.


5. invariably的解释

5. That Beijing real estate market, and almost all will invariably say one word: Great.


6. It is an innocent question invariably asked by earnest students, and every time I hear it I feel that this sincere plea must admit of a clear answer and that I, as an English teacher, should know what this answer is.


7. Furthermore, she formed her unique style in creation, such as literary forms'flexible mutual permeation, peculiarly clear and magnificent word style and a perfect command of various rhetoric techniques, which invariably show her creative talent.


8. I found that the laces would invariably get stuck on the strap's Velcro when I tried to tie them.


9. I wish I could say, for the sake of her family, that the accomplishment of her earnest desire in the establishment of so many of her children produced so happy an effect as to make her a sensible, amiable, well-informed woman for the rest of her life; though perhaps it was lucky for her husband, who might not have relished domestic felicity in so unusual a form, that she still was occasionally nervous and invariably silly.


10. Historically, the use of violence against the justice of faith invariably ended in failure...

纵观 历史,用暴力对抗正义的信仰无一不以失败而告终。。。。

11. 13Are loop termination conditions obvious and invariably achievable?


12. However, they invariably stress the basic definition of Tng-ko, leaving out the detailed Lóh-ko procedure as well as the interpretation of projected relevant space information.


13. With circumspection, as invariably when entering an abode: with solicitude, the snakespiral springs of the mattress being old, the brass quoits and pendent viper radii loose and tremulous under stress and strain: prudently, as entering a lair or ambush of lust or adders: lightly, the less to disturb: reverently, the bed of conception and of birth, of consummation of marriage and of breach of marriage, of sleep and of death.


14. Finally, there is a fear factor at work, in that a shrinking business usually leads to layoffs. To avoid pink slips, employees will rationalize inadequate pricing, telling themselves that poorly-priced business must be tolerated in order to keep the organization intact and the distribution system happy. If this course isn't followed, these employees will argue, the company will not participate in the recovery that they invariably feel is just around the corner.


15. It was then that he said he intended to take advantage of my presence to do something that he invariably does in Asia but rarely has time for in Paris: eat two different courses at two different restaurants.


16. Chopin's grave attracts numerous visitors and is invariably festooned with flowers, even in the dead of winter.


17. D. into the bargain and the greatest danger of all was who you got drunk with though, touching the much vexed question of stimulants, he relished a glass of choice old wine in season as both nourishing and bloodmaking and possessing aperient virtues (notably a good burgundy which he was a staunch believer in) still never beyond a certain point where he invariably drew the line as it simply led to trouble all round to say nothing of your being at the tender mercy of others practically.


18. Invariably, he is contracted to help staff close sales.


19. The preludes begin almost invariably with a single motif in one of the voices which is then treated imitatively for a bar or two.


20. We saw one peculiarity invariably distinguishing the infancy of society.


invariably 词典解释

1. 不变地;总是;始终如一地

If something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is always true.

e.g. They almost invariably get it wrong...


e.g. Their teamwork was invariably good...


invariably 单语例句invariably在线翻译

1. People who have had the chance to taste the delicacy invariably speak highly of it.

2. The production cost of consumer products invariably accounts for a relatively small portion of the shelf prices.

3. Those who work in the field know that once sex abusers control a powerless victim, they will invariably push the boundaries with ever more extreme behavior.

4. The more adventurous ones who did would invariably be rewarded with the discovery of a precious slice of life in Shanghai that is fast disappearing.

5. When capital markets smelled a problem among ERM members, they invariably shorted the most vulnerable currency and pushed that country's authorities to devalue.

6. A human rabies is difficult to diagnose and almost invariably fatal if a post - exposure vaccine is not administered immediately.

7. After finishing the daily grind, nights were invariably disturbed by her charge.

8. Others disputed that notion, asserting that recent waves of foreclosures invariably drive more people into homelessness.

9. Rivals know there is scarcely any point playing a drop shot, as the Spaniard will invariably reach it.

10. These meetings invariably happen at subway stations along a line that goes through either or both participants'workplace.

invariably 英英释义



1. without variation or change, in every case

e.g. constantly kind and gracious

he always arrives on time

Synonym: constantlyalways