

sprig:[英 [sprɪg] 美 [sprɪɡ] ]


过去式:sprigged;   过去分词:sprigged;   现在分词:sprigging;   复数形式:sprigs;

sprig 基本解释


名词小树枝,幼枝; 扁头钉; 子孙; 小伙子,少年

动词用小枝装饰,加小枝花样; 用钉子钉; 使草蔓生; 钉扁头钉


sprig 相关例句


1. He wore a sprig of lilac in his button hole.


sprig 网络解释

1. 图钉:spree 狂欢 | sprig 图钉 | spriggy 嫩枝多的


2. 带叶的小枝:twig 小枝 | sprig 带叶的小枝 | dim 暗

3. sprig的反义词

3. 无头钉;打钉:solate 液化凝胶 | sprig 无头钉;打钉 | stockacid 储存酸

4. sprig的解释

4. 钉子:spreading waveform generator 扩展波形发生器 | sprig 钉子 | spring accelerator 弹簧加速器

sprig 双语例句

1. I give you my sprig of lilac.



2. To hang a sprig of this strange plant in a house at Christmas is to attract young men to kiss young women beneath it, each time plucking one of the berries from the sprig.


3. Strain into a highball with ice. Top with club soda. garnish with a maraschino cherry and a mint sprig.


4. He plucked a sprig of wild greenbrier and ate it. Then he strode off the path through a shaded stand of pitch pine and oak, in pursuit of the yellow-eyed grass, golden ragwort and dwarf dogwood still on his checklist of first flowers.


5. Amongst the most popular were the fish carved and incised under the glaze of the classic Northern Song Ding wares, such as that carved in the interior of the large basin in the Percival David Foundation, 23 and moulded on Northern Song or Jin dynasty Ding wares such as the dish with paired fish and lotus in the Idemitsu Art Museum, Tokyo.24 Fish also appear on popular wares such as the 12th century Cizhou wares with sgraffiato decoration, as seen on the famous pillow with catfish and eel grass in the Yamato Bunkakan Museum, Nara.25 They can also be seen on Southern Song celadon-glazed wares from the Longquan kilns, usually in the form of a pair of sprig moulded fish applied in relief under the glaze, as on a dish in the Percival David Foundation.26

最盛行的是著名的北宋定窑明刻和釉下暗刻鱼纹,诸如大卫珀西瓦尔基金会收藏的内底心雕刻的大盆,以及东京 Idemitsu 艺术博物馆馆藏的北宋或金代定窑盘子上的双鱼莲花造型。12世纪磁州窑的瓷器上也带有鱼的纹饰,正像在那件在奈良大和 Bunkakan 博物馆馆藏的著名的鲶鱼和蛇形鱼草瓷枕上所见到的那样。在南宋龙泉窑青釉瓷器上也同样可以见到鱼纹,通常是一对儿小枝造型的鱼以釉下暗刻浮雕的形式出现,正如大卫珀西瓦尔基金会一件盘子上所见到的那样。

6. If it is only a sprout of radish or the sprig of a rose-bush


7. A sprig of basil was said to have been found growing from the wood of the True Cross.


8. sprig的意思

8. Stir well and garnish with a sprig of mint.


9. Now, add some short straws and perhaps a sprig of mint, and the drink is ready to serve.


10. sprig的近义词

10. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a sprinkle cocoa powder.


11. I decorated the fruit salad with a sprig of mint.


12. Garnish with a dash of Peychaud bitters and a a sprig of mint.


13. Pour into a cocktail glass, add the sprig of mint, and serve.


14. The Wilkeses, the Calverts, the Tarletons, the Fontaines, all smiled when the small figure on the big white horse galloped up their driveways, smiled and signaled for tall glasses in which a pony of Bourbon had been poured over a teaspoon of sugar and a sprig of crushed mint.


15. sprig的翻译

15. A child wrapped in a blanket sits propped up in a large wicker chair, toying with a sprig.


16. It must still be on top of the stove at that time, dreaming that it would wake up with a sprig of heliotrope between its teeth.


17. Garnish each with a reserved sprig of dill. Serve with lemon wedges.


18. Take a warm plate put the timbale into the center of the plate, pour sauce around, sour cream on top and finish with a sprig of Corriander.



19. I found a sprig of grapes on both victims'bodies...


20. In Romania, if a man accepts a sprig of basil from a woman, they are engaged.


sprig 词典解释

1. (尤指烹饪或装饰用的)带叶小枝

A sprig is a small stem with leaves on it which has been picked from a bush or plant, especially so that it can be used in cooking or as a decoration.

sprig 单语例句

1. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and garnish with a sprig of coriander if you like.

2. Come Christmas, stick on some silver bells of a sprig of holly.

3. General Assembly in New York in 1974, when he entered the chamber wearing a holster and carrying a sprig.

4. Remove thyme sprig, and pour the soup into a food processor and blend until smooth.

5. Prices range from around 25 yuan for a sprig in a pot and increase with size and rarity.

6. Strip the rosemary sprig of its leaves and stuff the leaves into the slits as well.

7. We continued with supremely fresh seasonal sashimi, decorated with a sprig of flowers that adds a pretty touch.

sprig 英英释义


1. an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers

2. a small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division)

usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year

Synonym: branchlettwig