

choose:[英 [tʃu:z] 美 [tʃuz] ]


过去式:chose;   过去分词:chosen;   现在分词:choosing;

choose 基本解释


及物动词挑选; 认为…比其它更可取; 决定或选定

不及物动词选择; 进行挑选

choose 相关词组

1. pick and choose : 挑挑拣拣;

choose 相关例句


1. He chose not to reply.


2. choose什么意思

2. Your father chose to leave me your guardian.


3. He chose George as his assistant.



1. You must choose.


2. I can go anywhere I choose.


choose 情景对话

E-mail account-(电子邮件帐户)

A:How do I set up an email account?



B:Oh, that’s easy. Go to yahoo.com. Now, click on the link with the picture of an envelope.


A:Which link?


B:That one, the one that says, “Mail.”


A:Oh, no. What did I do? It’s asking me for a password.


B:Don’t worry. See where it says, “New User”?




B:Click on that.


A:Oh, I see.



B:Yeah, just fill out this fomp3 and choose a password. The computer will do the rest.


choose 网络解释

1. 挑选:直到有一天,他宣布(declare)将在全国挑选(choose)一个诚实的孩子,收他做自己的干儿子,将来由他继承王位. 他给全国的小孩每人都发了一颗花种,规定谁能培育出最美丽的花朵,谁就能成为自己的继承人.


2. 选:直到有一天,他宣布(declare)将在全国挑选(choose)一个诚实的孩子,收他做自己的干儿子,将来由他继承王位. 他给全国的小孩每人都发了一颗花种,规定谁能培育出最美丽的花朵,谁就能成为自己的继承人.

choose 双语例句


1. If you're in a pickle on what to choose for your child, we have some ideas to start with.


2. The emancipation of their minds, the raised economic incomes and social status, and also the strengthened pressure from their works make more and more women go out and choose the form of travel to relax and keep abreast of the outside world.



3. This time, choose a professional data recovery company has become very important.


4. If you choose to download and use it, you do so at your own risk.


5. I just realized there will be a day when I will wish I had done a little more to be with you, and if I could choose again, I would choose us.


6. It is applicable wherever the IT Architect may choose to use it to distinguish his or her skills and experience.


7. It`s our great honor that Hubao Royal Palace choose Belt Collins as his cooperater.


8. choose

8. We do not choose to be born. We do not to chooose our parents.


9. For the interest, therefore, of truth and justice, it is far more important to restrain this employment of vituperative language than the other; and, for example, if it were necessary to choose, there would be much more need to discourage offensive attacks on infidelity, than on religion.


10. choose在线翻译

10. There are hundreds of different types of tillers that you can choose from.


11. When buying a new pot, some people choose to use tea boiled approach to maintenance.


12. There are many different colors of beads to choose from.



13. They have a variety of colors and sizes to choose from and their beads are top quality.


14. choose什么意思

14. For this to be accomplished, more must choose to contribute of one's time for such a


15. Jesus Christ bearer generation Shun the crime of the people of this world, voluntarily choose to flow to the utmost the dead method of blood come clean and pure sublimate night Yu it to work properly and solve God the sorrow of the Jive Lieu.


16. I add some props to the scene and choose a camera plan that would match my conception of this image.



17. Week of caesarean section It is reported that as early as the Bai Zhi Deborah choose good good day, scheduled for caesarean section this week, more than 20, 000 yuan daily rental occupancy suites.



18. The whole paper introduces traditional Chinese medical system, the foundation and development of national medical system and local medical system in AnBa, I try to formulate the medical pluralism in AnBa from micro cultural and macro political and economical perspective. The theoretical method I choose in my paper is the political and economical view of critical medical anthropology.


19. If you set the screen black frame other than white Halo, or choose to cover plate is also set to scan the picture have included does not belong to the quadrochromatic.


20. Now you do not know what time secondary professional, because you choose when to professionals only with the professional examination of the college.


choose 词典解释

1. 挑选;选择;选取

If you choose someone or something from several people or things that are available, you decide which person or thing you want to have.

e.g. They will be able to choose their own leaders in democratic elections...


e.g. This week he has chosen Peter Mandelson to replace Mo Mowlam...


2. 甘愿;决定

If you choose to do something, you do it because you want to or because you feel that it is right.

e.g. They knew that discrimination was going on, but chose to ignore it...


e.g. You can just take out the interest each year, if you choose.


3. 不分上下;好坏相当

If there is little to choose between people or things or nothing to choose between them, it is difficult to decide which is better or more suitable.

e.g. There is very little to choose between the world's top tennis players.


4. 享受优厚待遇的少数人;精英

The chosen few are a small group who are treated better than other people. You sometimes use this expression when you think this is unfair.


e.g. Learning should no longer be an elitist pastime for the chosen few.


5. to pick and choose -> see pick

choose 单语例句choose的近义词

1. " Customers can choose restaurants with good reputations or comparatively large business scope, " she suggested.

2. And after years of communication, 192 Russian families choose to buy homes and settle down.

3. Those who want to use other operators'services can choose to buy the iPhone from Apple stores in China.

4. Most multinationals coming to China choose Shanghai as their regional or national headquarters, making some of its foreign clerks buy properties in the metropolis.

5. Only farmers in the poorest regions choose to earn cash as miners by necessity, turning to the mining work.

6. Then they would be free to choose a happy and easy way to get married instead of being bound by tradition.

7. Council members will choose a cabinet to serve with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

8. Once the presidential council is appointed it must name a prime minister, who will choose a cabinet.

9. After that the coalition will then choose Cabinet members and address new government policy to the House.

10. People can make the digital mooncakes by themselves, choose their favorite ingredients and shape and hide their greetings inside the cake.

choose 英英释义


1. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives

e.g. Take any one of these cards

Choose a good husband for your daughter

She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her

Synonym: takeselectpick out

2. select as an alternative over another

e.g. I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant

She opted for the job on the East coast

Synonym: preferopt

3. see fit or proper to act in a certain way

decide to act in a certain way

e.g. She chose not to attend classes and now she failed the exam