

shack:[英 [ʃæk] 美 [ʃæk] ]


过去式:shacked;   过去分词:shacked;   现在分词:shacking;   复数形式:shacks;

shack 基本解释


名词窝棚,简陋的小屋; 无线电收发室; 游民; 驽马,废马

不及物动词未婚而同居; 居住,暂住; 追到,拣起并把(球)丢回去

shack 相关词组


1. shack up : 过夜, 与...同居, 与...同住;

shack 相关例句


1. The boys made a shack out of the old boards in the backyard.


shack 网络解释

1. 命中目标的内部叫法:Steerpoint预设航行指示点 | Shack命中目标的内部叫法 | Bitchin Betty飞行员咒骂机载(女声发音)计算机的话

2. shack的意思

2. 小室:shack up 同居 | shack 小室 | shackle 手铐

3. 同居过夜:性反常行为 Perversion | 同居过夜 Shack | 陪爱人睡 Bundling

4. 同居:shack 同居 | shading 阴影 | shading shock 对阴影震异反应

shack 双语例句

1. Once upon a time there were a fisherman and his wife who lived together in a filthy shack near the sea.


2. Me I can still flummox this thing with something I bought at Radio Shack?


3. shack的意思

3. I've been turned out of my lodgings to so I'm going shack up with my boyfriend for a while.


4. shack

4. I ve been turned out of my lodgings to so I m going shack up with my for a while.


5. He lives in a small dark shack, and is teaching himself English.


6. Not that you might have noticed; but deeper into the forest, well away from human habitation, you might have stumbled on a shack with a canvas roof, beside a creek, with a vile smell of chemicals still hanging round it, and recognised this as one of the props of a heroin empire that stretched as far as Brussels and Brooklyn.


7. Even though, like Grundig, it has long had a sales office in the United States, Sangean has never invested significantly in marketing, concentrating instead on lower-margin OEM production for other companies (as you may know, they recently lost their major account, Radio Shack).

尽管Sangean和Grundig一样在美国早就建立了销售部门,但Sangean却从来没有在开拓市场上进行过重要的投资,而是着重为其他公司提供盈利空间较小的OEM生产业务。或许你已经知道,它们刚刚又失去了最重要的客户——Radio Shack。

8. Also known as Children's Band, not because of Radio Shack's toy walkie talkies, but for the inane chatter that sometimes goes on in these channels.

也称为儿童频段,不是因为 Radio Shack 公司的玩具无线电对讲机使用了该频段,而是因为这些频道中有时会窜进无用的鸟叫声。

9. I think I d rather head over to the sugar shack for some maple taffy.


10. shack

10. The shack was made of the tough budshields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal.


11. He had to sit down five times before he reached his shack.


12. Will smiles, the two of them race toward the window on the other side of the shack

Will 微笑,他们俩比赛朝向另一间的窗户


13. The most fantastic parking-lot attendant in the world, he can back a car forty miles an hour into a tight squeeze and stop at the wall, jump out, race among fenders, leap into another car, circle it fifty miles an hour in a narrow space, back swiftly into tight spot, hump, snap the car with the emergency so that you see it bounce as he flies out; then clear to the ticket shack, sprinting like a track star, hand a ticket, leap into a newly arrived car before the owner`s half out, leap literally under him as he steps out, start the car with the door flapping, and roar off to the next available spot


14. shack的反义词

14. Based on the Problems of heat shack rupturing and desquamating of firebricks on trolley of heat treatment furnaces, the technology measures were put forward irrigating trolley liner using castables with high resisting heat shack performance.


15. shack在线翻译

15. Then the fisITman got up and go habitat to his wife in the filthy shack.


16. Angel is filled with collect a lipstick to have 8 kinds, color of bright and lustrous is rich, want on thin scumble one only, can illume a glare colour, take whole face good color; Still c on tain among them protect wet elite, when helping an inunction, slip had arranged extend, can last at the same time moist double lip, prevent weather-shack the generati on with microgroove.


17. I purchased a FM signal booster from Radio Shack but it wouldn't help.

我购买了来自Radio Shack调频信号增强器,但已经于事无补。

18. We`re in the Shrieking Shack, aren`t we?


19. shack的反义词

19. We never got to go to the Shrieking Shack.


20. shack什么意思

20. Deer Skull - Between the Orion Lodge and the X Shack, touch the deer skull hanging on a tree, along the west side of the small stream.


shack 词典解释

1. 简陋的小屋;棚屋

A shack is a simple hut built from tin, wood, or other materials.

相关词组:shack up

shack 单语例句

1. But the only signs of life during a recent visit were a guard shack on the entry road and two farmers tending a nearby field.

2. Dr Bruce Shack used a laser pen to trace the tattoos and burned them off Widner's face.

3. Inside that shack, a Styrofoam plug closed Saddam's subterranean hideaway.

4. Liu remembers reading books by the light of an oil lamp at night in her wooden shack.

5. Make sure to scope out your local snack shack and see that workers doling out the goods are wearing gloves and face masks.

6. His wife shops in town around noon when fewer patients are expected, and washes clothes in their narrow shack while their young children play nearby.

7. The fish came up within 6 inches of the surface inside his ice shack, he said.

8. He may even climb into a team car to do reconnaissance work for some of the Radio Shack riders he used to race alongside.

9. Visions abound of being holed up in some ghastly shack, surrounded by natives with equipment equally as primitive.

10. Witnesses said a shack had been reduced to rubble and a nearby hospital suffered serious damage in the US strike that wounded 20 people.

shack 英英释义


1. small crude shelter used as a dwelling

Synonym: hovelhuthutchshanty


1. move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly

e.g. John trailed behind his class mates

The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart

Synonym: trail

2. make one's home in a particular place or community

e.g. may parents reside in Florida

Synonym: residedomiciledomiciliate