

sporadic:[英 [spəˈrædɪk] 美 [spəˈrædɪk, spɔ-] ]


sporadic 基本解释

形容词不定时发生的,时有时无的; 零星的,分散的; 哩哩啦啦

sporadic 网络解释


1. 散发:(一)散发 散发(sporadic)是指某病在一定地区的发病率呈历年来一般水平. 一般多用于区、县以上范围,不适于小范围的人群,如一个托儿所、工厂和学校等. 不同病种、不同时期散发水平不同. 确定某病在某地区是否属于散发,应参照当地前3年该病的发病率,

2. 散发性的:致病机转非常复杂,包括许多宿主的生物性和行为性的因素以及诸多感染致病菌的特性.大多数复发性UTI的致病菌与散发性的(sporadic)UTI差不多,因此在治疗上所用的抗生素也相同.有效的预防措施包括:行为上的改变,


3. 零散的:假设生产某种产品的前置时间( lead time )是两星期,但是该产品需求是零散的( sporadic ),该产品每季平均只有一张订单. 目前,这种产品投在生产线的在制品每季只有两周,其它时间不会出现在车间. 然而在精益的情境中,不会有这样的情况,

sporadic 双语例句

1. This report performed DNA screening mainly in sporadic idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy and part of the familial nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases in China. No gene mutation in known regions of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor was found.


2. MethodsBased on the progress reported in this field, we selected two definitive ADNFLE genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons in 13 families of 18 idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases, 23 sporadic idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases and 26 first degree relatives.


3. For mid latitudes (e. g. IPS data at Townsville, Brisbane and Norfolk Island) sporadic E is most likely in summer over the local noon period and in the afternoon.

为中间纬度(即IPS 数据在Townsville、布里斯班和诺福克岛)分散E 是很可能在夏天经过地方中午期间和下午。

4. Weeks passed in sporadic fires and threats of approaching offenses that were never taken seriously.


5. Overheated parts generally exhibit a shorter maximum life-span and may give sporadic problems resulting in system freezes or crashes.



6. My doctor had warned me about mood swings, hot flashes, and sporadic periods.


7. Since then, separatists have slowly regrouped and sporadic violence breaks out more and more often.


8. Methods The clinical characteristics of 6 familiar DRD patients and 12sporadic DRD patients were reviewed retrospectively.


9. On the contrary, in the personal computer and communications areas, according to sporadic cases of terminal equipment will be transferred to the mainframe computer information to be saved, known as upload, it is translated as uplink transfer.


10. My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I'm an addict


11. sporadic

11. Objective To investigate the incidence of sporadic type of painless thyroiditis and to analyse its laboratory characteristics.

目的 探讨甲状腺功能亢进症中的散发型无痛性甲状腺炎的发病率及实验室检查特征。

12. Objective To investigate the incidence of sporadic acute viral hepatitis E in the recent five years in Nanjing area.


13. Objective To investigate the incidence of sporadic type of painless thyroiditis, to analyse its laboratory characteristics, and explore the influence of different treatments on prognosis.

目的 探讨散发型无痛性甲状腺炎在甲亢中的发病率、临床表现、实验室检查特征及不同治疗方法对其预后的影响。

14. sporadic的反义词

14. The distribution of JE was highly sporadic, and the incidence peak was in July and September every year, which appeared seasonal characteristics. The patients were mainly scattered children and farmers, and the incidence rate in rural was higher than that in urban.


15. Results A total of 2480 cases were reported in all counties and districts of Nanning, mainly sporadic; the incidence ratio of male to female was 1.92:1; most cases were diaspora and preschools children under 5 years; the number of cases increased continuously from May 2, and reached the peak during May 12-16, among which 1 was death case and 3 were critical; the pathogen of the disease were enterovirus 71, CoxA 16 intestinal virus and other gastro-intestinal virus.

结果 南宁市各县区均有病例报告,报告病例2480例,主要以散发为主,男女比例为1.92:1,病例主要为5岁以下幼儿,以散居和幼托儿童为主,病例从5月2日起不断增多,5月12-16日为发病高峰,其中死亡1例,危重3例,病原为肠道病毒71型、CoxA 16肠道病毒和其他肠道病毒。

16. This is characterized by statically stable air with weaker, sporadic turbulence.


17. The pathological examination showed that the pathologic change of the liver tissues in the 10 g/L group made no difference from that in the control group, and the hepatic cells suffered from mild edema, fatty degeneration in the 100 g/L group; while the hepatic cells suffered from moderate edema and fatty degeneration and sporadic necrosis lesions in the 1000 g/L group.

肝组织病理检查显示,10 g/L SDS剂量组肝组织病理形态学变化和对照组相似,100 g/L SDS剂量组肝细胞轻度水肿、脂肪变性,1000 g/L SDS剂量组肝细胞中度水肿、脂肪变性,有散在灶性坏死。

18. Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of sporadic hepatitis E.

目的 探讨散发性戊型肝炎的临床特点。

19. sporadic

19. Objective To study of clinical features of family and sporadic schizophrenia.


20. About 25 percent of cases of Marfan syndrome are sporadic.

大约有25 %的案件马凡氏综合征是零散的。

sporadic 词典解释

1. 间断发生的;零星的

Sporadic occurrences of something happen at irregular intervals.


e.g. ...a year of sporadic fighting over northern France...


e.g. The sound of sporadic shooting could still be heard.



The distant thunder from the coast continued sporadically...


He attends school sporadically.

他上学时断时续。sporadic 单语例句

1. Sporadic shooting continued for hours after the morning attacks began, and amid the chaos officials gave varying accounts of casualties and the number of attackers.

2. A hospital said another person was also fatally shot in the violence under similar circumstance, and there was sporadic fighting between protestors and locals in the evening.

3. The cleric stopped short of asking his fighters to surrender their weapons, and sporadic clashes have continued.

4. The provincial meteorological bureau forecast mainly cloudy weather and sporadic showers in Golmud from July 14 to 16.

5. The subway system remained paralyzed, while the two major commuter rail lines limped through Friday with sporadic service.

6. Their conspicuous consumption is one of the major causes of social discontent, which is now fuelling sporadic unrest throughout the country.

7. But he cautioned sporadic cases may come out during the rest of the winter and next spring the peak seasons for the contagion.

8. Widespread economic and political discontent have provoked sporadic protests in north Sudan since January, but the powerful security forces have maintained tight control in the capital.

9. My recent frame of reference is Beijing - an average Western dining landscape that is dotted with a few sporadic success stories.

10. There will still be some sporadic primary elections through June, but they will exert no big impact on the final result.

sporadic 英英释义


1. recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances

e.g. a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids