

fluid:[英 [ˈflu:ɪd] 美 [ˈfluɪd] ]



fluid 基本解释


形容词流体的,流动的,流体的,液体的; 易变的,不固定的; (动作、设计、音乐等)流畅优美的


fluid 同义词



fluid 反义词



fluid 相关例句


1. fluid的反义词

1. My holiday plans are fluid.


2. The professor praised her fluid style.



1. All liquids and gases are fluids.


fluid 网络解释

1. 流动的:工作世界和生世界间的界线为流动的(fluid工作和生变得具有越来越强的相关. 信息化促进了全球化. 到0世纪80年代,发达国家30-0%的劳动力就业于信息产业. 很明显,在全球化和信息化的综合作用下,发达生产服务业已经与生产相分离.

2. 液:虽然有许多其他致病的因素,而且紧张对每个人影响的程度也不一样,然而美国北卡罗来纳大学的最新研究发现至少有一群人,心情紧张会妨碍钠与体液(fluid)的排泄;并且可能演变成体内血压升高而无法将它们排除体外.

fluid 双语例句

1. 2 The agitator use unique form, which separates the hydraulic motor and agitator bearing block, it will not influence fluid motor even though abrasion and slurry leak.


2. In the real problem, people often make some assumptions on the fluid to simplify the equations.


3. Throughout their career, Cans lineup was fluid, featuring several different vocalists over the years; the core bandmembers remained keyboardist Irmin Schmidt, drummer Jaki Leibezeit, guitarist Michael Karoli, and bassist Holger Czukay.

Can的成员并非固定,主唱先后有几个;他们的核心成员是键盘手Irmin Schmidt,鼓手Jaki Leibezeit,吉他手Michael Karoli,和贝司手Holger Czukay。

4. The main products include two broad headings and three series. The ultrasonic semiconductor welding products contain ultrasonic alumi-num wire bonding machine series, ultrasonic gold wire ball bonding machine series, varnished wire electrical point welding machine series. Varnished wire electrical point welding machine series. Semi-conductor preliminary process products include LED computerized-detector, Fluid Dispenser andother semiconductor production equipment.

主要产品分为两大类,其中半导体超声波焊接产品类中的三大系列为公司主导之产品:超声波铝丝压焊机系列、超声波金丝球焊机系列、漆包线电点焊机系列;半导体后备工序产品类:LED 电脑检测仪、点阵板检测仪、芯片扩张机、贴膜机和点胶机等半导体生产设备。

5. fluid的反义词

5. Thus, U-tube heat exchangers should not be used for services with a dirty fluid inside tubes.


6. After analyzing the mechanism of the sand entry of perforated well, based on the theory of linear elasticity and considering the effect of temperature-change stress and drag force of the fluid flow through porous medium, a new model for forecasting the sand production of perforated well is established.


7. To describe why one needs to introduce the concept of static-fluid pressure: it is spherically isotropic.


8. Moldeling and simulation of bubble motion caused by ultrasound using MATLAB The model to describe bubble dynamic motion caused by ultrasound was presented, which included the effects of fluid viscosity, surface tension and vapor pressure of the solvent.



9. For the prediction of vapor liquid interfacial tension of fluid mixtures, hard sphere surface tension model of pure liquid proposed by Reiss has been extended to mixtures using two vdW 1 mixing rules. The surface tensions for 64 binary liquids have been correlated with only average relative deviations of 0.80%.With the parameters obtained from the correlation of binary system data, this method has been satisfactorily applied t...

应用定标粒子理论表面张力方程以及 vd W- 1型混合规则,计算了混合流体的表面张力,对 64个二元体系,7个三元体系的表面张力计算平均相对偏差为 0 。80 %和 2 。43%;应用 Boudh- Hir和 Mansoori提出的部分互溶体系的界面张力模型,给出了硬球直径的确定方法,对 37个部分互溶二元含水体系的界面张力进行了计算,绝对平均偏差为 1 。5m N/m,相对平均偏差为 8.9%,计算精度满意。

10. Results Enucleation of hemangioma involving porta hepatis had more intraoperative bleeding, longer time of inflow exclusion, and higher incidence of postoperative pleural fluid, while no significant difference exists in the complication of operation and postoperative recovery.

结果 累及肝门的肝血管瘤的术中出血量,阻断的累计时间和术后胸水发生率均高于远离肝门的血管瘤病人,但术后其他并发症和术后恢复情况和对照组差异无统计学意义。

11. Anoxic pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary heart disease; Chronic obstruc tive lung disease; asthma; phlegm and fluid; edema


12. fluid的意思

12. A magnetic resonance imaging revealed the same joint fluid and density of cartilage compared with other carpal bones.


13. Residential quarantine period space; numerical simulation; ventilation system; computational fluid dynamics


14. fluid的翻译

14. CO2 and H2S exist in the hydrocarbon zone and foramtion water, as the accompany gases of petroleum and nature gaso or components of formation water, which will cause corrostion to the cement sheath under certain conditions of humidity and pressure. It will decrease the cement sheath`s alkalinity, which results in the decrease of cement sheath`s strength, permeability increase, and places a premium on fluid channeling and borehole wall sloughs accident in plastic formation, shortening the oil- gas well`s production lifetime and giving rise to tremendous ecomonic losses.


15. fluid的近义词

15. The company is manufacturer in Zhejiang Province finishing machinery and equipment, abrasives, grinding fluid professional company, is China Surface Engineering Association.


16. The phase separation behavior between them is studied and the spinodal curve is calculated using these parameters in the framework of Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory.


17. The model was adopted to calculate the cumulative oil, water and fluid production, which were then used to regress the parameter b, disclosing the water cut rising performance, in the Yu Qitai Water Drive Curve.


18. At least one air passageway is provided in fluid communication with the at least one air port and in operational relationship with the air filter.


19. fluid是什么意思

19. Our strategy was early intensive fluid therapy and consultation with a nephrologist from the very first hours of admission.


20. Theory and test show that the application of a viscous fluid dynamometer as a power absorbing device is feasible.


fluid 词典解释

1. 液体;流质

A fluid is a liquid.

e.g. The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision...


e.g. Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.


2. (动作、线条或设计)流畅优美的,优雅自然的

Fluid movements or lines or designs are smooth and graceful.


e.g. The forehand stroke should be fluid and well balanced.


e.g. ...long, fluid dresses.



She dances with an exquisite fluidity of movement.


3. 不稳定的;不确定的

A situation that is fluid is unstable and is likely to change often.

e.g. The situation is extremely fluid and it can be changing from day to day.



...the complexity and fluidity of the crisis.

危机的复杂性和不稳定性fluid 单语例句

1. He figured out that any object immersed in fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it.

2. Caffeine does have a diuretic affect on the kidneys, but this is usually more than counteracted by the fluid contained within that cup.

3. These can effectively activate the immune system of human body and promote the immune function of cells and body fluid.

4. Ramirez ruled out possible pollution in the Venezuelan Caribbean waters as the gas is dry and the wells were sealed with a special fluid.

5. Clinton is scheduled to have surgery on March 10 to remove fluid and scar tissue from his left chest cavity.

6. This interaction causes the fluid to clot into a gelatinous solid mass, known as the mating plug.

7. Some of the top teams have two wind tunnels in constant use while BMW Sauber have committed substantial resources to computational fluid dynamics.

8. The Indian political situation remains fluid even though the present government has won the vote of confidence.

9. People with constipation should try to increase fiber along with drinking more fluid.

10. Police officers found the bag near Sogo department store containing a bottle of corrosive fluid - the only evidence they obtained.

fluid在线翻译fluid 英英释义



1. continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas

2. a substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure


1. subject to change


e.g. a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty

everything was unstable following the coup

Synonym: unstable

2. affording change (especially in social status)

e.g. Britain is not a truly fluid society

upwardly mobile

Synonym: mobile

3. in cash or easily convertible to cash

e.g. liquid (or fluid) assets

Synonym: liquid

4. smooth and unconstrained in movement

e.g. a long, smooth stride

the fluid motion of a cat

the liquid grace of a ballerina

Synonym: fluentliquidsmooth

5. characteristic of a fluid

capable of flowing and easily changing shape

Synonym: runny