

liberalism:[英 [ˈlɪbərəlɪzəm] 美 [ˈlɪbərəˌlɪzəm, ˈlɪbrə-] ]


liberalism 基本解释

名词自由主义; 开明的思想或见解

liberalism 网络解释

1. 自由主义理论:(1)作为历史沉淀的自由主义 我们一般所讨论的自由主义理论(Liberalism)并非由特定的思想家所考虑得出,而是时而处于对立立场的人们,在解释何为自由的政治这一点上所提出的各种原理和理念,经过不断的组合积累而形成的历史产物.

2. 自由主义的:hipster 低及臀部的 | liberalism 自由主义的 | frill 装饰

liberalism 双语例句


1. Furthermore, it makes Jefferson incline to the French liberalism tradition.


2. Are equally worthwhile in the sense that there can be no commensurable, rational criteria to discriminate among them, I also advance some positive arguments to the effect that certain universal justification may be found for a type of liberalism mainly based on negative freedom.


3. liberalism

3. According to Jurisprudence of the New Liberalism, limiting criminal law is a foundmental requirement to legal state.


4. He based his liberalism on value-pluralism which is the core of his thoughts.


5. As a form of religious liberalism, it has had close contacts with Unitarianism throughout its history.


6. liberalism在线翻译

6. The firstphase of liberalism is set the principle of priority of right and check state with it; the secondphase is set rational principle to reconstruct the liberties, and exert state to active role. Thethird phase is reestablish the priority of freedom and seeking balance between liberty andequality.


7. There are two models of liberalism and restrictionism in sublease legislation.


8. Equate mistakes made by economists with a failure of economic liberalism.


9. It represents a tendency of economicsmism which is based on the philosophy of the Neo-liberalism and has a profound influence on school curriculum. It requires a radical change of curriculum and teaching in schools and universities.


10. In the second part, the author elaborates the New Moon schools political liberalism.


11. In 1970s, neo-liberalism replaced Keynesianism to become the mainstream economic theory of the developed countries.


12. John locke's Liberalism, as the mark of victory of social structure of capitalism, has its profound historical and cultural origins.


13. Liberalism spread the notion that God's attitude to all men is one of paternal affection, not conditioned by the demands of penal law; hence interest in the sinner's justification by the divine Judge was replaced by the thought of the prodigal's forgiveness and rehabilitation by his divine Father.


14. The adversary system, centering on party self-liability, reflects in civil litigation the liberalism of the 19th century.


15. Essence: after the 2nd world war, benjamin constant is regarded as representative person of french modern liberalism.


16. liberalism

16. There are Montesquieu before him and 托克维尔 after him. to some extent, the idea of his despotism is the main idea of his liberalism. he considered it was totally illegal for despotism.


17. The contents of Chinese liberalism in the period of May 4th Movement is of great diversity, the core of which is the individualism as a style of Ibsenism. To achieve the ultimate purpose, Chinese liberalists in wusi period carry out a thorough anti-traditionalism; they criticize feudalism patriachal clan system thoughts; they pay close attention to women liberation.


18. The liberalism in the history is not only one theory, is also one kind of movement, one kind of ideology.


19. The aim of this paper is to conduct a systematic study on Berlins liberalism ideology.


20. Then, in reply to the charge of intolerance, it may be said that if this be taken to mean an honest and sincere repudiation of Liberalism and Rationalism, infallibilists must plead guilty to the charge; but in doing so they are in good company.


liberalism 词典解释

1. (主张通过修改法律逐步实现社会进步的)自由主义

Liberalism is a belief in gradual social progress by changing laws, rather than by revolution.

e.g. ...a democrat who has decided that economic liberalism is the best way to secure change.


e.g. ...the tradition of nineteenth-century liberalism.


2. (主张个体拥有广泛的政治和个人自由的)自由主义

Liberalism is the belief that people should have a lot of political and individual freedom.

e.g. He was concerned over growing liberalism in the Church.


liberalism 单语例句

1. The result was both acclaimed as evidence of China's growing sexual liberalism and condemned as wildly inaccurate.

2. Liberalism is a noble tradition of thought originating from the Age of Enlightenment in Europe.

3. He was accused of leading 80 percent of Muslim nations to secularism and liberalism which people did not want to.

4. Economic reform has brought about liberalism, while it has emancipated the productive force.

5. Titillating or visually appalling scenes have long been a staple of the Cannes festival, which has a reputation for European liberalism and unconventional art to uphold.

6. The fact that a banker lectured business school graduates about universal values reveals the confused state of liberalism in China.

liberalism 英英释义


1. an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market

2. a political orientation that favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution