

tangible:[英 [ˈtændʒəbl] 美 [ˈtændʒəbəl] ]



tangible 基本解释


形容词可触知的; 确实的,真实的; 实际的; [法]有形的

名词有形资产; 可触知的或具体的某事物

tangible 同义词


tangible 反义词




tangible 相关例句


1. A chair is a tangible object.


2. tangible的近义词

2. There is no tangible proof.



3. The government brought few tangible benefits to the poor.


tangible 网络解释

1. 切实的:与此同时,SED的进程带来了一些切实的(tangible)成果,例如在证券方面,中国政府表达了对于国外资本在国内证券市场进行投资是可接受的新意愿,而且中国政府同意对外资所有权限制的问题,

2. 实体的:在香港,消费者委员会定期会做一些产品测试报告,但大部份都是实体的(tangible)产品. 电脑软件或者是网上服务据我记忆所及,是没有做过的. 例如香港很多机构/个人都有帮衬 web/email hosting 公司,市面也有非常多这类公司,

3. 有形资产:有形资产(Tangible) vs.无形资产(Intangible)金融资产(Financial) vs. 实物资产(Real)

tangible 双语例句


1. The land was not of any use to him, but the mere thought of parting with the most tangible reminder of his godfather had been unbearable.


2. Furthermore, information technology and internet accelerate business administration field steps into a new era. Traditionally, measuring corporation value as fiscal and tangible asset been antiquated, the intangible assets such as core-competence, innovation take place. Therefore, scholars propose a new measure methodology—intellectual capital which can explain why the corporation market value surpass book value. This measure methodology will assist high-level managers to identify what is the important asset when corporation faces the competition across internal and external environment systematically. It has become a significant index to evaluate corporation value currently.


3. In order to select the best suppliers it is necessary to make a trade off between these tangible and intangible factors.


4. Constitute the total factor productivity growth of tangible and intangible factors.


5. There is, to follow through on our example, nothing shabby about earning $82 million pre-tax on $400 million of net tangible assets.


6. Follow through on our example, nothing shabby about earning $82million pre-tax on $400 million of net tangible assets.


7. There is, tofollow through on our example, nothing shabby about earning $82million pre-tax on $400 million of net tangible assets.


8. Another important ratio is the price-to-book value, which compares a company`s stock price with its accounting value—the net worth of all its tangible assets.


9. Before the first announcement, the Hong Kong stock sale and the International Placing some parts, was 4.5 times and 10 times subscribed, the final pricing of 1.66 yuan, about 11 times earnings, net tangible assets and more than 40 percent discount.


10. Under the terms of the LOI, the Company proposes to acquire Cyber Power for an aggregate consideration in the range of US$70 million to US$80 million, which is determined with reference to the book value of Cyber Power's net tangible assets and subject to adjustment after further due diligence.


11. Concerted efforts must be made on different tracks in order to achieve tangible results.


12. It is a win-win situation, with many tangible and intangible benefits to you and your Work Term host.


13. tangible

13. Nothing tangible is in sight yet.


14. All written documents containing Confidential Information and other confidential material in tangible form received by either party under this Agreement shall remain the property of the originating party, and all such documents together with all copies or excerpts thereof and all such other materials shall be promptly returned to the originating party upon request and no copies thereof shall be kept.


15. At the same time, the thesis has defined the meanings about factors, established appropriate indexes to measure these factors, founded the model of factors influencing customer loyalty and put forward interrelated hypothesis. The thesis makes an empirical research on factors influencing customer loyalty and their importance through questionnaire by applying SPSS V.14.0 software, then there are some conclusions as following:(1)Factor of tangible of service quality has a strong and positive effect on customer loyalty; (2)Factors of responsiveness of service quality and customer satisfaction have a moderate and positive effect on customer loyalty; (3)Factor of assurance of service quality has a relative weak but positive effect on customer loyalty; (4)Factor of reliability and empathy of service quality have a little, positive effect on customer loyalty in the large-scale retail business market.

通过问卷设计、问卷调研和样本数据收集,运用软件SPSS 14.0,采用因子分析、相关分析和多元回归分析等方法,对调研数据进行处理和分析,对假设进行验证,得出以下结论:(1)服务质量的有形性因素对我国大型超市零售业顾客忠诚产生较为显著的正面的影响作用;(2)服务质量的响应性因素和顾客满意因素对我国大型超市零售业顾客忠诚产生中等程度的正面的影响作用;(3)服务质量的保证性因素对我国大型超市零售业顾客忠诚产生相对较小程度的正面的影响作用;(4)服务质量的可靠性因素和移情性因素对我国大型超市零售业顾客忠诚虽然也产生微弱的正面影响,但是基本可以忽略其对顾客忠诚的影响。


16. Some people are capable of selling tangible products, and some people are capable of selling intangible products.


17. This contribution is not limited to tangible products, but also intangible products, like cultural products.


18. Most importantly, strong brands bestow value far beyond the tangible performance of the products and services themselves.


19. tangible的反义词

19. These two points of condensation in the tangible products above, is embodied in the invisible credit.


20. tangible在线翻译

20. The content of their transactions can be tangible products and services, may also be some intangible products.


tangible 词典解释

1. 清晰可见的;摸得着的;感觉得到的;明显的

If something is tangible, it is clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen, felt, or noticed.

e.g. There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover...


e.g. The relief was almost tangible.



This tangibly demonstrated that the world situation could be improved.

这清楚地表明世界局势是可以改善的。tangible 单语例句

1. A tangible buzz courses through the Hua Xi cancer hospice when the newest " doctors " make their rounds.

2. But their expansion requires a different kind of banking service, based more on cash flow and less on tangible assets and collateral.

3. But the report failed to uncover tangible evidence proving clandestine detention centers existed in Romania or Poland.

4. Currently the reform of China's political system has witnessed tangible progress, thanks to a good combination of these two elements.

5. Observers said the incident prompted urgent calls on both sides to rein in the situation, reduce the increasing risks and make tangible progress in bilateral communications.

6. In addition to access to education and urban conveniences including television, one tangible advantage to the migration is companionship.

7. All these achievements show that complimentary bilateral mutual trade has delivered tangible benefits to both countries and strengthened the foundation of bilateral relations.

8. Acts that damage or destroy historical monuments and cultural heritage - including the tangible and intangible social fabric woven around them - should be condemned.

9. The crux of the matter Africa is eager to solve is the tangible aid that could help lift it out of poverty and hunger.

10. They expect people to fit in with their current wage structure and want to see a clear track record of tangible success.

tangibletangible 英英释义



1. capable of being treated as fact

e.g. tangible evidence

his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor

Synonym: real

2. capable of being perceived

especially capable of being handled or touched or felt

e.g. a barely palpable dust

felt sudden anger in a palpable wave

the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton

a palpable lie

Synonym: palpable

3. perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch

e.g. skin with a tangible roughness

Synonym: touchable

4. (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value

e.g. tangible property like real estate

tangible assets such as machinery