

dissatisfaction:[英 [ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃn] 美 [dɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃən] ]



dissatisfaction 基本解释


名词不满,不平; 令人不满的事物


dissatisfaction 网络解释

1. dissatisfaction的翻译

1. 不満:discrimination 差別 | dissatisfaction 不満 | dissolve 溶かす

dissatisfaction 双语例句

1. Provide a fast mechanism for correcting service deficiencies (correct the problem before other customers experience the same dissatisfaction).


2. I am in home when, often discuss these issues with the friend, express the dissatisfaction to the government, speak of every time finally, can feel anxiety-ridden to Chinese future.


3. When teasing their rich peers with gay abandon, the poor young offenders are in fact outletting the emotion of dissatisfaction.


4. dissatisfaction的反义词

4. How odd that it is our constant dissatisfaction with the status quo that propels society forward?


5. They were taking it out on one another because of their hopeless dissatisfaction.


6. The spread of liberal opinions was also at the bottom of several controversies, which were intensified by the dissatisfaction of some members with the preponderating influence of Dr.

传播的自由意见,又在底部的几次争论,而被激化,由不满的一些成员与preponderating影响叶文日Xiaobian鹀( 1779至1858年)在面额。

7. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with...


8. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with /at

a 我现写信向你表达对。。。

9. Yasuo Fukuda, Japan's prime minister, has suffered a sharp drop in public support as he approaches the end of his first six months in office, reflecting growing dissatisfaction with the government's failure to break a stalemate with the opposition over important policy steps.


10. An expression of disapproval, contempt, or dissatisfaction conveyed by use of this sharp, sibilant sound.


11. Actually they did them for nothing, just to show that they were different and unique, and show their treacheries, with the dissatisfaction of the realistic society.

Grunge fashion光辉日子虽然短暂,但巅峰期亦曾经成为时装设计师的灵感来源。事实上Grunge虽然成为了历史名词,但它的影响已渗入潮流之中。流行多年的军裤便是例子之一。

12. Once more the rotten atmosphere quickly extended to the whole cultural circle. LuXun showed his strong dissatisfaction to the conservative tendency in the cultural circle.


13. With the effort of progressist, esp. Muckrakers, the dissatisfaction of the general public toward food safety gradually piled up, which leads to the two legislations in 1906. Federal government assumes the responsibility in protecting food safety. Law also specifies the agency, procedure and content of regulation.


14. dissatisfaction是什么意思

14. As stated in the questionnaire, some people who express dissatisfaction than satisfaction at the general mood of society.


15. As stated in the questionnairesome people who express dissatisfaction than satisfaction at the general mood of society.


16. But the results are in line with another recent survey, by the polling group Steadman, which also found high levels of dissatisfaction with the government, including 70 percent of respondents saying that Kenya's coalition government had not achieved anything since it began its term a year ago.



17. There is only a strange, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.


18. dissatisfaction的翻译

18. I do not believe, raise gun to stretch of his Da Da, in order to express my dissatisfaction, next, wear a shoe with beetle-crusher foot head, ta wear cloth shoes with the backs turnedin pulled the ground to run.


19. dissatisfaction的反义词

19. Like to use language to vent their dissatisfaction, loneliness, anger Fen and helpless.



20. I share a list of my mistakes/shortcomings that resulted in this client's dissatisfaction.


dissatisfaction 词典解释

1. 不满;不悦

If you feel dissatisfaction with something, you are not contented or pleased with it.


e.g. She has already expressed her dissatisfaction with this aspect of the policy...


e.g. Low pay is the main cause of job dissatisfaction among teachers.


dissatisfaction 单语例句dissatisfaction的反义词

1. Many people in the pop music circle expressed their dissatisfaction about Jay Chou's denial of his earlier love with another Taiwan pop diva Jolin Cai.

2. The commentary says dissatisfaction deriving from the promotion of others or the distribution of work cannot be solved with one or two days off.

3. But so far he has not put his money where his mouth is, provoking strong dissatisfaction within the island's industrial and commercial circles.

4. Far from discouraging this return to Confucianism the government is promoting it amid growing public dissatisfaction with rampant corruption and unbridled development.

5. BEIJING - China on Tuesday voiced strong dissatisfaction over an attack on one of its consulate general offices in Japan.

6. Experts believe that the contradiction reflects a growing dissatisfaction among common people about the way sites are commandeered and buildings demolished.

7. These problems contravene the nature of the Party and its fundamental principles, creating dissatisfaction among the majority of residents.

8. The record companies voiced their dissatisfaction at the ruling and appealed to the higher court.

9. They adversely affect the image of the government and its staff and also arouse the dissatisfaction of the public.

10. A number of foreign lenders had expressed their dissatisfaction with these criteria, expressing concerns that they prevent many ordinary savers from depositing money in those banks.

dissatisfaction 英英释义


1. the feeling of being displeased and discontent

e.g. he was never slow to express his dissatisfaction with the service he received