

reservoir:[英 [ˈrezəvwɑ:(r)] 美 [ˈrezərvwɑ:(r)] ]



reservoir 基本解释

名词蓄水池; 贮液器; 储藏; 蓄积


reservoir 相关例句


1. reservoir

1. This reservoir gives water to the whole city.


2. This reservoir supplies the entire city with water.


3. History is a reservoir of human experience.


reservoir 网络解释

1. 蓄水池:(我的惨痛教训,最后2.5公里是在完全没有水的情况下走完的...)蓄水池(reservoir)在新加坡由来已久,按照我拍到的介绍牌上说的,第一个蓄水池,也就是麦里芝蓄水池,始建于1860年代.

2. 储层:图中的例子固然是不特容易遇到的数据,但是在我们进行多属性综合分的过程中,确实可以通过三原色调谐和过滤来分析储层(reservoir)分布的同时关注到储层内部的变化和差异性.

3. 贮水池:兰色表示渴望,红色表示厌恶. 在其他状况显示中各柱状物表示相应的状况水平,柱状越高表示状况越好(灾难状况显示中柱状越高表示危险越大). 包括贮水池(Reservoir)、高架水渠(Aqueduct)、喷水池(Fountain)和水井(Well)共四项.

reservoir 双语例句

1. The bad geology conditions of watershed are usually scoured by the rain that brings lots silt into the reservoir and cause serious silting. After observation over the variation of reservoir`s capacity, below the elevation 37m, it is almost filled with silt and the effective capacity is beyond 1.3 million cubic meter.


2. Three ways of reservoir precipitates removal and prevention in water injection wells and oil production wells(OPWs are developed to slove severe scaling problems in peripheral low permeable oil fields of Daqing.

注水井清垢解堵剂是侧重解无机垢堵塞的多功能综合解堵酸液,对碳酸盐垢的溶解率达98.57%,对储层岩心的溶蚀率为13.85%,在外围各油田160口井应用,成功率96%,有效期1年以上,单井平均日增注44 m3,注水压力平均降低0.7 MPa。

3. reservoir什么意思

3. Therefore, irreducible water saturation increases and residual oil saturation gradually decreases as reservoir temperature increases.


4. If enough attention on the nonuniformity of the mud invasion has not been paid, the correct identification of the reservoir wi.


5. On pre-stack seismic reservoir prediction is concerned, AVO application can be grouped into two parts: One is to study the gas-bearing reservoir in response to the unusual characteristics of the AVO based on log data on seismic reflection through the AVO forward modeling. And using it as the basis for guidance inversion AVO anomalies to explain the properties based on the pre-stack seismic data; Second, proceeding AVO inversion based on pre-stack seismic data, and Extracting AVO abnormal attribute parameters, bas...


6. Hydrocarbon reservoir; multicategory discriminant; parameter; model; sample point; nonlinearity; mapping


7. It can realize personnel know the comprehension occasionally、automatic report and real-time datum of reservoir to control and attemper the interrelated quotiety of every reservoir; In addition, it may inspect the safety of reservoir real-time through the sound annunciator, it has alarm hint through telephone as well as exceeding the target of danger. This function is order to eliminate hidden trouble.


8. The space distribution tendency of CODM, NH3一N and TP was analyzed. The results show that after storing water up to 156 m in the Three Gorges reservoir. the variations of riverway breadth, water level and velocity result in pollutants being stagnated around the drain outlet for a long time and vertically diffused relatively evenly.

结果表明,三峡水库蓄水 156 in后涪陵污水处理厂排污口附近的河道变宽,水深加大,流速减缓,致使污染物较长时间停留在排污口附近水域稀释和扩散,各断面的污染指标浓度在垂向上扩散较为均匀。

9. Acid fracturing is an effective method to reform carbonate reservoir and an important stimulating method to improve the production of oil well and the injection rate of water well.


10. After collecting the reservoir data, the upper interval was perforated and stimulated.


11. With the decline of gas production from Luodai Suining gas reservoir, the liquid-carrying capacity reduces in gas well. The low gas production is insufficient to carry all produced liquid to surface, resulting in liquid loading, deteriorating production conditions and finally shutdown due to watered-out.


12. When the residual pressure in the gas reservoir is less than the critical displacement pressure in the caprock, the gas reservoir is covered in a static state; conversely, it is in a dynamic state.


13. At last, by means of property distributional characteristics research, reserve calculation and gas reservoir numerical simulation, appraised the reliability of the model, it shows


14. As the cementation factor is controlled by pore structure and shale content, first of all, we must make use of core-analysis data and GR or SP to establish the formula that can calculate the cementation factor, and then use the well logging data according to this formula to determine the cementation factor in each reservoir.


15. reservoir的解释

15. Another conclusion is that stability is better in accretion bank than in colluvial deposit bank. A comprehensive study has been made on the course of reservoir bank recession on the theory of fluvial and wave dynamic mechanics with a view of character of mountain land. Some appraise and rectifying suggestions for current methods are given by computing the scale of the bank recession in the area.


16. Miyun Reservoir in Miyun County, 13 kilometers north, which is located in Yanshan peaks, and across the wave, white two rivers.


17. Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained.


18. Our proposal makes ocean wind energy available for exploitation a huge energy reservoir because the oceans cover 70 per cent of the globe, Platzer says.


19. reservoir的解释

19. Hydrocarbon source rock consists of high system tract and half deep lake facies in depressed stage. Main reservoir consists of the sand body of fan delta front and braided stream delta front which is present in high system tract or low system tract in lower part of Nantun Formation.


20. This paper analyzes the controlling factors:(1) The fault occurrence in different eras have different effects on the oil and gas accumulation; (2) Unconformity surfaces are usually major hydrocarbon migration channels and the belts of hydrocarbon accumulation; (3) The Triassic fan delta faceis and the alluvial fan facies are favorable reservoir blocks in this region; and (4) The Triassic oil reservoirs in the Wuerhe|Xiazijie area possess multiple reservoir|seal assemblages, and the Karamay Formation and the Baijiantan Formation are major regional cap rocks.


reservoir 词典解释

1. 水库;蓄水池

A reservoir is a lake that is used for storing water before it is supplied to people.


2. 储藏;蓄积

A reservoir of something is a large quantity of it that is available for use when needed.

e.g. ...the huge oil reservoir beneath the Kuwaiti desert.


e.g. ...the body's short-term reservoir of energy.


reservoir 单语例句reservoir的翻译

1. A higher water level expands the navigable course of the reservoir by 150 kilometers.

2. The Kaloko Reservoir dam gave way without warning after days of heavy rain, washing out the island's main coastal highway used by thousands of residents and tourists.

3. The source of the pollution was reportedly contained Saturday, as cadmium concentration at the Lalang Reservoir had returned to normal.

4. " Drought and environmental degradation have hampered the reservoir's water holding capacity and supply function, " Wang said.

5. Cao said raising the water level to capacity is " a milestone in the construction of the gigantic reservoir ".

6. The reservoir began to store water in 2003 and Tuesday marked the third attempt to raise the water level to capacity since 2008.

7. Water storage capacity of a reservoir in the zone has reached 26 million cu m, a record high in the last 19 years.

8. Away from the provincial capital of Hefei and lies at the southeast of Zhongxing Reservoir.

9. The destination was the Guanting Reservoir Island in the northwest Beijing but I felt like I was in a caravan into the wilderness.

10. Local reservoir staff said the grass carp was purchased from Wuhan in Hubei Province and was released in the reservoir in 1965.

reservoir 英英释义



1. tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil)

2. lake used to store water for community use

Synonym: artificial lakeman-made lake

3. anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies

e.g. an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival

Synonym: source

4. a large or extra supply of something

e.g. a reservoir of talent