

consider:[英 [kənˈsɪdə(r)] 美 [kənˈsɪdər ] ]


过去式:considered;   过去分词:considered;   现在分词:considering;

consider 基本解释

及物/不及物动词考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 考虑,细想

及物动词考虑; 认为; 以为; 看重

不及物动词仔细考虑; 深思

consider 相关例句


1. Have you considered that he is only a little boy?



2. I've begun to consider what to do next.


3. Please take time to consider the problem.


4. I considered him a rascal.



5. I consider it a great honor.


consider 情景对话


A:I don’t have enough (skills/ experience/ qualifications).


B:You should consider some kind of further education for improvement.



A:How much are you asking for this?


B:I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?


A:Is tax already included in ther price?


B:Yes. Our price can’t be matched.



A:Would you consider a volume discount?


B:If you buy 1000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount.


A:I’ll accept your offer.


consider 双语例句

1. consider

1. Fo r parallel reaction systems, whether or not the undesired reactions are neglecte d, should not only consider the rate of the undesired reaction, but also the ent halpy of the undesired reactions.


2. So, I consider it one of China`s great contributions to international communication.


3. The important factors to consider when selecting an electric bike are battery life (which determines how far you can travel on a charge), speed, and durability.


4. In fact, Koreans are much more concerned with what many consider to be creative map-making in Chinese textbooks—see here and here.


5. B: I consider I`m sll the time fair and square.


6. B: I consider I`m sll the time fair and square not.



7. While translating color words, we must consider the cultural element so that we could achieve the goal of communication.


8. consider

8. I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life.


9. After reading many articles about SEO respect this, discovered the problem is in, so, when designing a website this, I consider SEO all the time, as a result the GOOGLE after 3 days collected me 45 pages, let me be mad with joy!


10. consider的反义词

10. Afterwards, I will deliver what I would consider to be the ideal blowjob/handjob combination until the winner has an orgasm or 30 minutes passes whichever comes first.


11. Contribution to performance shares of new debt required to play different route through the Fund consider, can be seen from Table 1, involved the partial stock funds in the IPO first day return and partial shares of the overall average level of funds equivalent to the new contribution to the fight not prominent, participating in the new play...


12. Before you do anything, you have to consider the flow of your web application.



13. Consider the potential for fraud when planning an engagement.


14. I am cool and nice looking gentleman looking a nice girl. if you consider yourself qualify please contact me immediately.


15. I have no time to consider various of issues or open memory at will.


16. Consider about the quality of the prodcut, I think this price is reasonable.


17. In the field of children's food packaging design, designers have more room to consider the design of taste.


18. I consider it is a great understanding in Chinese Exlibris. In my opinion, it is not large-scale exhibition but it will occupy a significant page in Chinese Exlibris.


19. consider是什么意思

19. Consider your po wer to be your res ponsibility, your


20. When a pump is used to provide a vacuum, we consider it even more important to guard against leakage.


consider 词典解释

1. 认为;看待

If you consider a person or thing to be something, you have the opinion that this is what they are.


e.g. We don't consider our customers to be mere consumers; we consider them to be our friends...


e.g. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman...


2. 考虑;斟酌

If you consider something, you think about it carefully.

e.g. The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break...


e.g. You do have to consider the feelings of those around you...


3. 打算;考虑

If you are considering doing something, you intend to do it, but have not yet made a final decision whether to do it.

e.g. I had seriously considered telling the story from the point of view of the wives...


e.g. Watersports enthusiasts should consider hiring a wetsuit as well as a lifejacket...


4. 通盘考虑;从各方面考虑

You say all things considered to indicate that you are making a judgment after taking all the facts into account.

e.g. All things considered, I think you have behaved marvellously in coming here.


5. see also: considered;considering

Note that when you are using the verb consider with a 'that'-clause in order to state a negative opinion or belief, you normally make consider negative, rather than the verb in the 'that'-clause. For instance, it is more usual to say 'I don't consider that you kept your promise' than 'I consider that you didn't keep your promise'. The same pattern applies to other verbs with a similar meaning, such as believe, suppose, and think.

注意动词 consider 与 that 从句连用表示否定的观点时,通常是对 consider 进行否定,而不是对从句中的动词进行否定。例如,I don't consider that you kept your promise(我认为你没有信守诺言)的说法比 I consider that you didn't keep your promise 的说法更常用。这种否定形式也适用于其他几个意思相近的动词,如 believe, suppose 和 think。consider 单语例句

1. Lau said the government may consider expanding the loan guarantees and inject more capital if the business sector welcomes it.

2. Cong said it is true that many rich people consider wealth or successful business as the only symbol for their value.

3. This is the first time Buss has said he would consider dealing Bryant.

4. The regulator could consider raising the proportion that institutional investors could buy in initial public offerings.

5. Now Chen has totally given up on the idea of purchasing a house and may consider buying again in three years.

6. Over half of the respondents do not consider buying, uploading and downloading pirate products to be IPR violation if it is for individual use.

7. Wu advised those planning to surrender their insurance policies for buying stocks to consider using the insurance policy mortgage loan service.

8. The decrease has prompted the Chinese government to consider buying up large quantities of pork to stabilize the price.

9. Eriksen added that Chinese yards should consider buying or teaming up with European yards to strengthen their competitiveness.

10. The DPRK has said it would consider that to be an act of war.

consider的近义词consider 英英释义


1. judge or regard

look upon


e.g. I think he is very smart

I believe her to be very smart

I think that he is her boyfriend

The racist conceives such people to be inferior

Synonym: thinkbelieveconceive

2. deem to be

e.g. She views this quite differently from me

I consider her to be shallow

I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do

Synonym: seereckonviewregard

3. regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem

e.g. Please consider your family

4. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes

e.g. Take the case of China

Consider the following case

Synonym: takedeallook at

5. think about carefully


e.g. They considered the possibility of a strike

Turn the proposal over in your mind

Synonym: debatemootturn overdeliberate

6. show consideration for

take into account

e.g. You must consider her age

The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient

Synonym: countweigh

7. look at carefully

study mentally

e.g. view a problem

Synonym: viewlook at

8. look at attentively

Synonym: regard

9. give careful consideration to

e.g. consider the possibility of moving

Synonym: study