

on:[英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑ:n] ]


on 基本解释

介词(表示方向)向; (表示对象)对; (表示位置)在…上; (表示时间)在…之时

副词(放,穿,连接)上; 向前,(继续)下去

形容词活动着的情况,状态; 使用着的; 发生着的; 计划中的

on 同义词



on 反义词


on 相关词组


1. on with : 穿上, 戴上, 开始;

2. on and on : 继续不停地;

3. be on it : 准备就绪, 熟练;

on 相关例句


1. They talked on until midnight.



1. on的反义词

1. What's on for tonight at the cinema?



1. He is on the school volleyball team.



2. All the expenses fall on me.


3. I'll meet you on / at the corner of Smith Street and Main Road.


on 情景对话


A:Let’s put on (some music/ the news/ a traffic report).





A:What’s on (TV/ television/ the tube) tonight?


B:Nothing much.



B:(They’re / It’s / Cereal is) on sale.




on 网络解释

1. (打开):然后被关闭同样保持该状态动作检查 SPF PS 释放电磁铁 (CLH) 被打开并保持该状态500ms,然后被关闭同样保持该状态02 阻力辊电磁铁动作检查 在子代码输入状态按下[ 开始] 键后,阻力电磁铁 (RRS) 打开 (ON) 500ms,然后再关闭07 机器状态检查 (CPM) 执行此项模拟时,

2. on:opening nc; 开放式数控系统

3. on:oetane number; 辛烷值


4. on:open-nc; 开放式数控

5. on:operated normally; 运转正常

on 双语例句

1. Chien Pao-sheng roared through clenched teeth; beads of sweat stood out on his forehead.


2. Freedom is any nation's undying soul, as well as the hope for them to live on.



3. Our results along with those reported by Lin et al demonstrate reossification and stabilization of tumor size can be achieved on CT and MRI imaging following serial arterial embolization.


4. Our results along with those reported by Lin et al demonstrate reossification and stabilization of tumor size can be achieed on CT and MRI imaging following serial arterial embolization.


5. Mean and median follow-up was 12.8 and 9.1 years, respectively. Of the 18 patients that were studied, 14 had favorable results and reported improvement in pain and neurologic symptoms with demonstrable reossification and stabilization of tumor size on CT and MRI imaging. Three patients developed late recurrent disease within the sacrum.


6. Mean and median follow-up was 12.8 and 9.1 years, respectiely. Of the 18 patients that were studied, 14 had faorable results and reported improement in pain and neurologic symptoms with demonstrable reossification and stabilization of tumor size on CT and MRI imaging. Three patients deeloped late recurrent disease within the sacrum.



7. His experience as an actor led to the creation of some of the most intense character studies in theater at the time, plays that require great effort and skill on the actor's part.


8. Increasing demands for water, in particular to irrigate the rice crop, have led to greater dependence on tube wells.


9. If you're in a pickle on what to choose for your child, we have some ideas to start with.


10. The incremental costs for the construction of LEED-certified buildings depend on different levels and may vary from 5 to 15 percent or more of the original estimate.


11. on

11. They aren't even smart enough to schedule their lessons on seedlings for crop-planting time.


12. on什么意思

12. Once I was so upset that I almost flooded the conversation with my complaints after she logged on.



13. Meanwhile, demands of high quality and service on medical care have also grown in customers'mind.


14. on的近义词

14. Wang Ping: They come not only to learn Wushu, but also to learn table tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics and so on.


15. Disabled people will never live on others and disability is never an excuse for not working.


16. Yesterday, reporter learned from the Jiangbei Airport yesterday has 435 flights a day, the day before yesterday (11 days) flight delays 35 flights up, in which more than 140 flight delays, a total of 10, 000 passengers on board the plane delayed.


17. I am always amazed when I heard people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and tha t if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclin ation to meet on the battlefield.


18. Hydraulic forces applied on the agitator are simplified as a main moment and a main force on the agitating shaft, Initial decentration of agitator is determined based on the balance standard. The dynamic responses, such as fluctuating bending stresses and dynamic deflections, of the agitating shaft under no-liquid and normal working conditions are studied.


19. By a special design on sealing structure of agitator, hydraulic motors are completely separated from bearing seats, which ensure the slurry having mo chance to get into motor even under the situation of sealing failure.


20. We reevaluated the effectof neostigmine on postoperative nausea and vomiting while consideringthe different anticholinergics as potentially confounding factors.


on 词典解释In addition to the uses shown below, on is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce extra information. On is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘keep on’, ‘cotton on’, and ‘sign on’.

除下列用法外,on可以用在某些动词、名词和形容词之后引出附加信息。on还可用于keep on, cotton on, sign on等短语动词中。The preposition is pronounced /ɒn/. The adverb and the adjective are pronounced /'ɒn/. 作介词时读作/ɒn/。作副词和形容词时在句中重读。

1. (表示支承)在…上

If someone or something is on a surface or object, the surface or object is immediately below them and is supporting their weight.

e.g. He is sitting beside her on the sofa...


e.g. On top of the cupboards are vast straw baskets which Pat uses for dried flower arrangements...


2. (表示粘贴或附着)在…上

If something is on a surface or object, it is stuck to it or attached to it.

e.g. I admired the peeling paint on the ceiling...


e.g. The clock on the wall showed one minute to twelve...


3. (放、扔或掉)在…上面

If you put, throw, or drop something on a surface, you move it or drop it so that it is then supported by the surface.


e.g. He got his winter jacket from the closet and dropped it on the sofa...


e.g. He threw a folded dollar on the counter.


4. (身体重量)由(某部位)支撑

You use on to say what part of your body is supporting your weight.

e.g. He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds...


e.g. He raised himself on his elbows, squinting into the sun...


5. (表示接触到身体某部位)在…上

You use on to say that someone or something touches a part of a person's body.

e.g. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the mouth...


e.g. His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head.


6. (某种表情)在(脸)上

If someone has a particular expression on their face, their face has that expression.

e.g. The maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face...


e.g. She looked at him with a hurt expression on her face.


7. (穿或戴)上,在身上

When you put a piece of clothing on, you place it over part of your body in order to wear it. If you have it on, you are wearing it.

e.g. He put his coat on while she opened the front door...


e.g. I had a hat on.


8. 带在…身上

You can say that you have something on you if you are carrying it in your pocket or in a bag.


e.g. I didn't have any money on me...


e.g. I have those numbers, but not on me at the moment, they're at home.


9. (视线)落在…身上

If someone's eyes are on you, they are looking or staring at you.

e.g. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him...


e.g. It's as if all eyes are focused on me...


10. (碰)上…(而受伤)

If you hurt yourself on something, you accidentally hit a part of your body against it and that thing causes damage to you.

e.g. Mr Pendle hit his head on a wall as he fell...


e.g. One day when my wife was doing the dishes she cut her hand on a broken glass.


11. 在(某)地

If you are on an area of land, you are there.

e.g. He was able to spend only a few days at a time on the island...


e.g. You lived on the farm until you came back to America?


12. 是(道路、海岸等)的一部分;在…边上

If something is situated on a place such as a road or coast, it forms part of it or is by the side of it.

e.g. Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men's store on Fifth Avenue...


e.g. The hotel is on the coast...


13. 上,乘(公共汽车、火车或飞机)

If you get on a bus, train, or plane, you go into it in order to travel somewhere. If you are on it, you are travelling in it.

e.g. We waited till twelve and we finally got on the plane...


e.g. I never go on the bus into the town...


14. (写或印刷)在…上

If there is something on a piece of paper, it has been written or printed there.


e.g. The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat...


e.g. The numbers she put on the chart were 98.4, 64, and 105...


15. 在(名单)上;包括在…内

If something is on a list, it is included in it.

e.g. I've seen your name on the list of deportees...


e.g. The Queen now doesn't even appear on the list of the 40 richest people in Britain.


16. (书、讨论或观点)关于,涉及

Books, discussions, or ideas on a particular subject are concerned with that subject.

e.g. The longest chapter in almost any book on baby care is on feeding...


e.g. They offer a free counselling service which can offer help and advice on legal matters...


17. 以,凭,靠(某一方法、原则或系统)

You use on to introduce the method, principle, or system which is used to do something.

e.g. ...a television that we bought on credit two months ago.


e.g. ...a levelling system which acts on the same principle as a spirit level...


18. 通过,借助于(某一器械或机器)

If something is done on an instrument or a machine, it is done using that instrument or machine.


e.g. ...songs that I could just sit down and play on the piano...


e.g. I could do all my work on the computer...


19. 以…方式(储存信息)

If information is, for example, on tape or on computer, that is the way that it is stored.


e.g. 'I thought it was a load of rubbish.' — 'Right we've got that on tape.'...


e.g. Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register...


20. 在(广播或电视)上播出

If something is being broadcast, you can say that it is on the radio or television.


e.g. Every sporting event on television and satellite over the next seven days is listed...


e.g. Here, listen, they're talking about it on Radio-Paris right now.


21. 正在发生的

When an activity is taking place, you can say that it is on .

e.g. There's a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the moment...


e.g. Every year they put a play on at Saint Holy Cross Church...


22. (表示某人忙碌程度)忙得很/没什么可忙

You use on in expressions such as 'have a lot on' and 'not have very much on' to indicate how busy someone is.


e.g. I have a lot on in the next week.


23. (引出所进行的活动,特别是旅行)处于…情况中,在从事…中

You use on to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling.


e.g. I've always wanted to go on a cruise...


e.g. They look happy and relaxed as they stroll in the sunshine on a shopping trip...


24. (机器、电灯等)开着,工作着,使用中

When something such as a machine or an electric light is on, it is functioning or in use. When you switch it on, it starts functioning.

e.g. The light was on and the door was open...


e.g. The central heating's been turned off. I've turned it on again...


25. 是…的成员;供职于

If you are on a committee or council, you are a member of it.

e.g. Claire and Beryl were on the organizing committee...


e.g. He was on the Council of Foreign Relations.


26. 在(某一日子或日期)(发生)

You can indicate when something happens by saying that it happens on a particular day or date.


e.g. This year's event will take place on June 19th, a week earlier than usual...


e.g. She travels to Korea on Monday...


27. 在…后立即;一…就

You use on when mentioning an event that was followed by another one.

e.g. She waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their arrival from London...


e.g. On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport.


28. (继续)下去

You use on to say that someone is continuing to do something.


e.g. They walked on in silence for a while...


e.g. If the examination shows your company enjoys basically good health, read on...


29. 不停地(数落、抱怨、纠缠)

If you say that someone goes on at you, you mean that they continually criticize you, complain to you, or ask you to do something.

e.g. She's been on at me for weeks to show her round the stables...


e.g. He used to keep on at me about the need to win...


30. 从…时候起;自…以后

You use on in expressions such as from now on and from then on to indicate that something starts to happen at the time mentioned and continues to happen afterwards.

e.g. Perhaps it would be best not to see much of you from now on...


e.g. We can expect trouble from this moment on...


31. (常用在副词early,late,far及其比较级之后,尤置于句首、句尾或介词之前)

You often use on after the adverbs 'early', 'late', 'far', and their comparative forms, especially at the beginning or end of a sentence, or before a preposition.

e.g. The market square is a riot of colour and animation from early on in the morning...


e.g. Later on I learned how to read music...


32. 定期服用;服…成瘾

Someone who is on a drug takes it regularly.


e.g. She was on antibiotics for an eye infection that wouldn't go away...


e.g. Many of the elderly are on medication.


33. 以…(为食);(机器)用(某种动力或燃料运转)

If you live on a particular kind of food, you eat it. If a machine runs on a particular kind of power or fuel, it uses it in order to function.

e.g. The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants...


e.g. He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish...


34. 以…(为收入)

If you are on a particular income, that is the income that you have.

e.g. ...young people who are unemployed or on low wages...


e.g. He's on three hundred a week...


35. (税收或利润)获自…,来自…

Taxes or profits that are obtained from something are referred to as taxes or profits on it.

e.g. ...a general strike to protest a tax on food and medicine last week...


e.g. The Church was to receive a cut of the profits on every record sold...


36. 在…方面(花钱)

When you buy something or pay for something, you spend money on it.

e.g. I resolved not to waste money on a hotel...


e.g. He spent more on feeding the dog than he spent on feeding himself...


37. 在…方面(花时间或精力)

When you spend time or energy on a particular activity, you spend time or energy doing it.


e.g. People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games...


e.g. You all know why I am here. So I won't waste time on preliminaries.


38. 无法接受的;行不通的

If you say that something is not on or is just not on, you mean that it is unacceptable or impossible.

e.g. I'm not having children who don't like cheese. It's not on...


e.g. We shouldn't use the police in that way. It's just not on.


39. 不停地;继续不断地

If you say that something happens on and on, you mean that it continues to happen for a very long time.


e.g. ...designers, builders, fitters — the list goes on and on...


e.g. Lobell drove on and on through the dense and blowing snow.


40. (表示困惑)在谈论什么

If you ask someone what they are on about or what they are going on about, you are puzzled because you cannot understand what they are talking about.


e.g. What on earth are you going on about?...


e.g. Honest, Kate, I don't know what you're on about.


41. (表示有信心)知道自己在说些什么,了解情况

If you say that someone knows what they are on about, you are confident that what they are saying is true or makes sense, for example because they are an expert.


e.g. It looks like he knows what he's on about.


42. 掌握不利于(某人)的证据;抓住(某人)的把柄

If someone has something on you, they have evidence that you have done something wrong or bad. If they have nothing on you, they cannot prove that you have done anything wrong or bad.

e.g. He may have something on her. He may have supplied her with drugs, and then threatened to tell if she didn't do this...


e.g. You've got nothing on me and you know it. Your theory would never stand up in a court of law.


43. on behalf of -> see behalf

on and off -> see off

and so on -> see so

on top of -> see top

on 单语例句

1. Cheryl Cole will be a " terrific judge " on the US version of'The X Factor'.

2. A media war on waste is being launched in Beijing with the help of the general public.

3. Students line up for an interview during a job fair at the University of International Business and Economics on March 11.

4. He made the remarks on Sunday at the World Commercial Forum held by the University of International Business and Economics.

5. The yearbook evaluated 58 key countries on economic and corruption indicators, government and business efficiency along with infrastructure and exports.

6. Japan has been making efforts across the board to improve its ability to defend itself, having depended on the United States for protection since World War II.

7. But the truth is that business thrives on integrity, and the end justifies the means only when both are justified.

8. The metropolis is working on a campaign to promote the standard Chinese language and characters, which business insiders say will be launched by the end of this year.

9. In order to carry on their business, they started to learn English from scratch.

10. The general has been a strong ally in Bush's war on terrorism.

on 英英释义


1. in operation or operational

e.g. left the oven on

the switch is in the on position

2. (of events) planned or scheduled

e.g. the picnic is on, rain or shine

we have nothing on for Friday night


1. with a forward motion

e.g. we drove along admiring the view

the horse trotted along at a steady pace

the circus traveled on to the next city

move along

march on

Synonym: along

2. indicates continuity or persistence or concentration

e.g. his spirit lives on

shall I read on?

3. in a state required for something to function or be effective

e.g. turn the lights on

get a load on