

sweep:[英 [swi:p] 美 [swip] ]


过去式:swept;   过去分词:swept;   现在分词:sweeping;

sweep 基本解释


及物动词扫除; 打扫,清理; 彻底搜索; 掠过

不及物动词打扫; 扫过; 蜿蜒; 大范围伸展

名词打扫; 延伸; 挥动; 全胜

sweep 相关词组

1. sweep off : 大量清除;

2. make a clean sweep of : 彻底扫除;

3. beyond the sweep of : 在...的范围外;

4. sweep all before one : 彻底胜利, 所向无敌;

sweep 相关例句


1. sweep的近义词

1. The boy helped Mother sweep the dirt away.


2. The road sweeps round the lake.



1. A cold wind swept through the north.



1. Let's give our room a good sweep.


sweep 网络解释

1. 扫:继太阳周日4场横扫马刺后,魔术、湖人周一同以场数4:0横扫(sweep)对手出局. 东岸魔术作客以98:84大炒鹰队,西岸湖人作客以111:96大胜爵士,卫冕湖人晋级后,将于周一(香港时间周二)主场出战,与太阳展开西岸盟主争夺战!

2. 延伸:设定正交(ortho)角度在独立面的边线(Naked edges)上生成点物体生成单轨放样延伸(Sweep)曲面生成双轨放样延伸(sweep)曲面

sweep 双语例句

1. Much rat MRI is smooth as a result sweep show observation group to see thicker loud signal hypodermically adipose layer, tumor interior or outside face see stain shape believe a bad dead band higher.


2. For a force better known for its failure to manage traffic, let alone resolve Lebanon`s sorry catalogue of political murders, the counter-intelligence sweep is an unprecedented coup.


3. sweep

3. For a force better known for its failure to manage traffic, let alone resolve Lebanon`s sorry catalogue of political murders, the counter-intelligence sweep is an unprecedented coup


4. sweep什么意思

4. And sweep on into Judah, swirling over it, passing through it and reaching up to the neck.


5. sweep

5. Are likely to sweep into the domestic market.


6. I'd like to sweep some reality into email marketing as well.


7. sweep的反义词

7. You are the same little chimney sweep who came into my bedroom.


8. Or so we were led to believe going into that sweep.


9. Injection Molding sweep of the brush-replacement convenient, and steel mixed sweeping brush options


10. This 2006 net women's single champion just in exuded in the Pacific Ocean public competition to encounter Safenna to sweep away, somewhat melancholy she is hoping in the net rewin dignity.


11. It takes only a few hundred ms`s to sweep the normal subwoofer operating range.


12. With increasing potential sweep rate, the potential range in which the current oscillation took place and oscillations amplitude were decreased.


13. Because sweep range is vast, this radar system can explore plant phase Pi with sky radical almostBeautiful.


14. Light engine scanning is in the way of spurring reflects to circle with the machine unit. The rule is easy, sweep range greatly, yet the problem is that the machine system is the bad accuracy and the stability is harder domination and so on.


15. The carrier wave signal is frequency modulated by a non linear function which makes the pulse sweep through a range of frequencies, often called a chirp.


16. sweep的意思

16. By controlling the bias voltage sweep in certain fast sweep rate range, a novel current peak is observed in the current-voltage characteristics measured on individual GeSi quantum dots.


17. sweep

17. Investigates Copper-Nickel alloy layers deposited on polyester fabric by an electroless plating using sodium hypophosphite as reducer, with sweep electron microscope and X-ray diffraction.


18. Research copper-nickel complex layers deposited on polyester fabric by an electroless plating selecting and using argentine as catalyzer, with sweep electron microscope and X-photoelectron energy spectrum.


19. The kinetic behavior of ORR on the Pt/PoPD/CNTs/GC electrode was also investigated by linear sweep voltammetry.


20. Learn a dargon dance get ready for Spring Festival make lanterns sweep the floor cook meals ba at work sweep away bad luck help sb.

学习 dargon 跳舞为春天做好准备节日的使灯笼扫除成为地板厨师一餐 ba 在工作中离开的扫除不幸帮忙 sb。

sweep 词典解释

1. 扫;掸;打扫;清扫

If you sweep an area of floor or ground, you push dirt or rubbish off it using a brush with a long handle.

e.g. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in...


e.g. She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan...


2. 拂去;掸去

If you sweep things off something, you push them off with a quick smooth movement of your arm.


e.g. I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone...


e.g. With a gesture of frustration, she swept the cards from the table...


3. 梳,拢(头发)

If someone with long hair sweeps their hair into a particular style, they put it into that style.

e.g. ...stylish ways of sweeping your hair off your face...


e.g. Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail.


4. (使)(手臂)挥动

If your arm or hand sweeps in a particular direction, or if you sweep it there, it moves quickly and smoothly in that direction.

e.g. His arm swept around the room...


e.g. Daniels swept his arm over his friend's shoulder.


5. (风、汹涌的海水等)席卷,横扫,掠过

If wind, a stormy sea, or another strong force sweeps someone or something along, it moves them quickly along.

e.g. ...landslides that buried homes and swept cars into the sea...


e.g. Suddenly, she was swept along by the crowd.


6. 将…迅速送到

If you are swept somewhere, you are taken there very quickly.

e.g. The visitors were swept past various monuments...


e.g. A limousine swept her along the busy freeway to the airport.


7. 扫过;掠过;疾驰而过

If something sweeps from one place to another, it moves there extremely quickly.

e.g. An icy wind swept through the streets...


e.g. The car swept past the gate house.


8. (事件、思想、信仰)迅速传播,席卷

If events, ideas, or beliefs sweep through a place, they spread quickly through it.

e.g. A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.


e.g. ...the wave of patriotism sweeping the country.


9. (通常指生气时)大模大样地走,趾高气扬地走

If someone sweeps into a place, they walk into it in a proud, confident way, often when they are angry.

e.g. She swept into the conference room...


e.g. Scarlet with rage, she swept past her employer and stormed up the stairs...


10. 彻底删掉;迅速除去

If a person or thing sweeps something away or aside, they remove it quickly and completely.

e.g. The commission's conclusions sweep away a decade of denials and cover-ups...


e.g. In times of war, governments often sweep human rights aside...


11. (目光)扫视;(灯光)扫过,掠过

If lights or someone's eyes sweep an area, they move across the area from side to side.


e.g. Helicopters with searchlights swept the park which was sealed off...


e.g. Her gaze sweeps rapidly around the room.


12. 蜿蜒,延伸;绵延

If land or water sweeps somewhere, it stretches out in a long, wide, curved shape.

e.g. The land sweeps away from long areas of greenery.


e.g. ...the arc of countries that sweeps down from South Korea to Indonesia.


13. (道路、河流)绵延弯曲的地带,宽广而弯曲的一长段

A sweep of land or water forms a long, wide, curved shape.

e.g. The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river.


e.g. ...the great sweep of the bay.


14. 轻松赢得(竞选等)

If a person or group sweeps an election or sweeps to victory, they win the election easily.

e.g. ...a man who's promised to make radical changes to benefit the poor has swept the election...


e.g. In both republics, centre-right parties swept to power.


15. 搜查;搜索;扫荡

If someone makes a sweep of a place, they search it, usually because they are looking for people who are hiding or for an illegal activity.

e.g. Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises...


e.g. There may be periodic police 'sweeps' of crime in the area.


16. 广泛性;广度

If you refer to the sweep of something, you are indicating that it includes a large number of different events, qualities, or opinions.


e.g. ...the whole sweep of German social and political history.


17. see also: sweeping;chimney sweep

18. 掩盖;掩饰

If someone sweeps something bad or wrong under the carpet, or if they sweep it under the rug, they try to prevent people from hearing about it.

e.g. For a long time this problem has been swept under the carpet.


19. 在(比赛中)大获全胜;横扫

If you make a clean sweep of something such as a series of games or tournaments, you win them all.

e.g. ...the first club to make a clean sweep of all three trophies.


20. 使一见倾心;把…一下子迷住

If someone sweeps you off your feet, you fall in love with them very quickly because you find them very attractive or exciting.

e.g. I was swept off my feet. I had always dreamed of being an officer's wife.


相关词组:sweep up

sweep 单语例句

1. An active cold current from Mongolia could easily sweep the dry dust and sand to Inner Mongolia and north China.

2. In the graceful sweep of the calligrapher's hand, the image of a New Beijing is born.

3. Let down, it cascades past their backs to sweep their calves.

4. " These announcements should sweep away the canard that China is not willing to reduce emissions, " Dudek said.

5. China pulled off an historic clean sweep at the Olympic table tennis, cementing its status as the superpower but raising concerns about the sport's future.

6. Morgues across a wide sweep of the center of the country are full as Shiite militiamen and death squads range through the region killing Sunnis.

7. While China is chasing its first gold medal in the Olympic figure skating, traditional powerhouse Russia will attempt to sweep all the four golds on offer in Turin.

8. A sweep of the facilities will be done and a written checklist followed.

9. LONDON - It's not the type of welcome most wedding guests expect - ID checks and a tough security sweep before entering the church.

10. Tradition dictates that all the family members of a patriline clan should go together to sweep their common ancestors'tomb.