

caste:[英 [kɑ:st] 美 [kæst] ]



caste 基本解释

名词(印度社会中的)种姓; 印度的世袭阶级; 等级(制度)

caste 相关例句


1. The caste system is still strong in some eastern countries such as India.


2. He came from the highest Hindu caste.


3. I suppose you also have a caste system in your society.


caste 网络解释

1. 等级制度:他用有限理性来解释厂商的定价行为,用印度的种姓等级制度(Caste)来解释失业,提出移动的自然失业率,一以贯之Akerlof坚信的是,要为凯恩斯经济学奠定微观基础,非标准的假设很重要,为此经济学要向心理学和社会学寻找武器.

2. caste是什么意思

2. 世袭阶级:但是,我们不得不承认印度社会的世袭阶级(caste)是一个非常复杂的现象,而其当中政治亦如此. 印度的左派与这些运动的连结,很明显的非常微小薄弱. 不过,某些马列派的批判也不见得不无道理:有些贱民和低下阶级的联盟被资助它们的西方非政府组织支配着,

3. 社会等级:另外,印度的社会等级(Caste)是很严厉的,不同的社会等级之间也是不能通婚的. 尽管社会在发展,但是印度的这些丑恶的传统却像顽瘤一样根深蒂固.

caste 双语例句

1. Of every hue and caste am I, of every rank and religion


2. Out of God came the Brahmin caste of priests and teachers and the Kshatriyas to rule, development through the Vaishyas and the Sudras.


3. The Vaishyas were considered inferior by the Brahmins and Kshatriyas, and a female was generally not allowed to marry below her caste, though it was common for a male to do so.

在吠舍被视为劣等的婆罗门和Kshatriyas ,和一般女性不得低于她结婚种姓,虽然这是常见的男性这样做。

4. They worked in what were seen as unpleasant jobs such as cleaning of feases, carrying of died body, building road, etc… Indian citizens think if somehow a member of a higher caste came into physical or social contact with an untouchable, the member of the higher caste was defiled. Therefore, to them the untouchables will forever be untouchables and hereditary.


5. To the tau, the most important part of their name is the caste that they are born into and this forms the first portion of their identity.


6. Secondly, after the carrying out of the Reforming and Opening-up policy, in order to rehabilitate Black Yi s reputation and status, Black Yis in Butuo, who had been constrained for long, began to make use of new conditions and current capital to reconstruct their noble identity, and try to maintain caste bound.



7. It is difficult for the lower caste to mingle with those of the higher caste.


8. In traditional Nepalese society it is considered sacrilegious and totally unacceptable to marry outside of your caste or ethnic group.


9. caste的解释

9. And the other is that there are mainly oppressed nationalities there in the West and the ruling class is hegemonistic, chauvinistic-upper caste chauvinistic.

另外很重要的一点是历史原因,在1 8世纪末,现在的西部地区并不完全处于中央政权的管辖统治之下。

10. My quibble is with the way you're using Pacificism and Caste System with a Spritual leader.


11. The use of images is tabooed; ceremonial worship, asceticism, and caste-restrictions are explicitly rejected.


12. caste

12. Not only did this preclude an officer caste system, but meant that the officer understood.


13. The Aryans formed a caste system in order to maintain the purity of their blood and to maintain white supremacy.


14. Then in the fifth century a writer who evidently belonged to the sacerdotal caste wrote down again an account of primitive and patriarchal history from the priestly point of view.


15. True, there are passages in which the sacerdotal caste and the ruling tribes are unsparingly denounced, but these are evidently later insertions.


16. His view is that though modern individuals may rail against caste, they are deeply loyal to the family.


17. She comes from a lower caste in India.


18. caste的翻译

18. We are of lower caste, according to Hindu religion, `untouchable.


19. caste

19. The second was used as the principle of lower to higher caste.


20. Those born into the lower caste have little opportunity to progress.


caste 词典解释

1. (印度社会的)种姓,等级

A caste is one of the traditional social classes into which people are divided in a Hindu society.


e.g. Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.


2. 种姓制度;社会等级制度

Caste is the system of dividing people in a society into different social classes.


e.g. Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal lifestyle...


e.g. The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.


caste 单语例句caste

1. In a way, the latter are a sort of " untouchable " caste.

2. But the scheme has been criticized for accentuating caste identities in India, where discrimination on caste is banned in the constitution.

3. The space for debate has been mainly used for venting their personal vendettas against India, whether it is about Indian English or the Indian caste system.

4. Many of India's 1 billion people still live within a hierarchy imposed by the Hindu caste system and Muslims face widespread prejudice.

5. The Mosuo had a caste system that was sort of a slave society with a small noble class.

6. Knowledge in ancient India was protected by caste lines, not legal or economic ones.

7. The Dalit community in Sri Lanka is considered the lowest status in the caste system.

8. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has compared the caste system to apartheid South Africa.

caste的翻译caste 英英释义


1. in some social insects (such as ants) a physically distinct individual or group of individuals specialized to perform certain functions in the colony

2. a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth

3. (Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus

stratified according to ritual purity

4. social status or position conferred by a system based on class

e.g. lose caste by doing work beneath one's station