






1.But even with the new restrictions, significant numbers of immigrants continued to be admitted throughout the 1920s.但是,尽管有这些新的限制,在整个1920年代,仍有大量移民继续获准入境。

2.Such motor mimicry, as it is called, is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used in the 1920s by E.这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E。

3.She said she once heard 1920s music suddenly coming out from a fireplace in her room while she was asleep.一次她晚上正在熟睡时,被壁炉中突然传出的一阵上世纪20年代流行音乐吵醒。

4.Back in the 1920s, you could have seen all this at New York City's famous Hippodrome Theater.回到1920年代,你可以在纽约市最有名的竞技场剧院看到这些表演。

5.He spent much of his youth confined to bed, reading Russian novels and the works of Lu Xun, an influential Chinese writer from the 1920s.少年时期,绝大多数时间是在病床上度过,读俄语小说和鲁迅的作品。鲁迅是自1920年代以来中国最有影响力的作家。

6.By the 1920s, at least one out of every three males was a member of a mutual-aid society.截至二十世纪20年代,每3名男性中至少有一人是互助会社的成员。

7.Britain's households, the governor of the Bank of England warned, face the most sustained fall in pving standards since the 1920s.金警告称,英国家庭的生活水平面临自上世纪20年代以来持续时间最长的下降。

8.1920s: Manufacturers and retail jewelers try to launch the concept of men's engagement rings, which sinks pke a lead balloon.1920年:制造商和零售珠宝商尝试制造男式订婚戒指,但是这个想法却像灌了铅的气球一样很快销声匿迹。

9.He had a magnificent dream when he was the same age as mine in 1920s, to make China to be a rich, mighty and modern country.当他在我现在这个年纪的时候,当在二十世纪二十年代的时候,他就有了一个宏伟的梦想,那就是将中国建设成为一个富强的现代国家。

10.The Marconi Company during the 1920s was one of the most exciting places in the world for a scientist to work.在本世纪二十年代,马克尼公司是世界上科学家最想往的工作单位之一。