





1.老妇人 ... 4. most women; 大多数女人 5. old women老年妇女 6. older women; 老 …

3.老妇人像一定的现代感,他的《暴风雨》(Tempest)和《老妇人像》(Old Women)都是研究院美术馆的重要展品。

4.老太太 老伯伯 Old men 老婆婆 Old women 姨姨 Aunties ...

6.武松与潘金莲做馒头 ... 王洪斌 jizzhut 武松与潘金莲做馒头 old women 橙子色 chengzise网址被屏蔽 ...

7.樱花的眼泪樱花的眼泪(old women)歌词。[ 标签:樱花, old, women ] 值╮≤De-3。

8.老年人上述那些产品应该只适合给老年人(old women)用的。我认为自己的肤质在外出参加喜宴时,只要用洗面乳(水平衡元素碳)洗完 …


1.In response what seemed to be the whole community, including old women, rushed out with swords and sticks to fight the attackers.面对袭击,整个社区的居民包括老年妇女,都冲出家门用剑及棍棒反抗袭击者。

2.He said experts would typically expect to see pve birth rates of around 15 per cent in a group of 40-year-old women.他说,专家们通常希望40岁的女性患者能达到15%左右的活产率。

3.'It seems, ' he says, 'that the designers and retailers are trying to get men into that 'old' women's fashion trend cycle.他说,看来,设计师和服装店都在努力把男士们拽进女性时尚那种“古老”的周期性循环中来。

4.Standing at the edge of the smooth rolled sand you could look up in the empty stands and see old women sweeping out the boxes.站在碾平的沙地边,你向上面空荡荡的看台望去,可以看见几个老婆子正在清扫包厢。

5.The taxi-competitors, pedestrians, the "eternal" old women passing road, "GAI officers" , drivers of machines and a fuse wait for you.的士-竞争对手,行人,“永恒”的老年妇女及格道,“盖官”,司机的机器和导线等你。

6.It is a sign neither of courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus.向睡梦中的以色列儿童发射火箭炮或炸死公共汽车上的老妪,既非胆识也非力量的表现。

7.Old women, young men and couples held on to the sides of the car as it cpmbed over the rocks and drove through the water.年迈的妇女、年轻的男人和夫妻紧紧抓住卡车的两边;越过岩石,穿过溪流,车向村庄外驶去。

8.Sometimes, if the two old women were not asleep, they heard him pacing slowly along the walks at a very advanced hour of the night.有时,夜深人静以后,那两个老妇人如果还没有睡着,她们常听见他在那几条小道上缓步徘徊。

9."Grinding an iron rod, " said the old women without stopping grinding.老妇人边磨边说:“在磨铁棒。”

10.A twenty-three year old women had a history of scald followed by infiltrative plaque on her right eyepd for 2 months.患者为青年女性,因右眼上眼睑及周围出现浸润性斑块2个月就诊。2个月前发疹部位有烫伤史。