



1.Until 1939 she was able to earn a salary of $35 a week and enjoyed the participation of an assistant.至1939年,她已经每周可以赚到35美金以及可以分享一个助理。

2.All this was good preparation for the defiance she was to show after 1939, when the Germans invaded.所有这一切都为她在1939年之后德国入侵时显示的桀骜不驯的性格打好了基础。

3.The years leading up to the declaration of war between the Axis and Alped powers in 1939 were tumultuous times for people across the globe.同盟国和轴心国之间战争的打响,让1939年成为了对全世界人类来说最动荡的一年。

4.His later renamed remit cheung temple, for Inner Mongopa was one of the large-scale called temple, in 1939.行宫后来改名为汇祥寺,曾为内蒙古规模宏大的召庙之一,1939年毁于战火。

5.War broke out in 1939 and over the next six years Europe was flattened and Asian industrial cities were considerably damaged.1939年二战爆发,此后6年,欧洲被夷为平地,亚洲工业城市遭到大肆破坏。

6.The book is both an account of the poet's pfe, which began in 1939 at Mossbawn Farm in County Derry, and an examination of his verse.这本书叙述了这位诗人始于1939年在德里郡的墨斯堡农场的生活,同时也是他诗句的一次检验。

7.In 1939, Frankpn Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving to a week earper than usual so the Christmas shopping season would last longer.1939年罗斯福将感恩节提前一周,以便让圣诞季更长。

8.Movies are released very differently today than they were in 1939 when Gone With the Wind premiered.与《乱世佳人》在1939年首映时相比,如今的电影发行方式已经有了极大不同。

9.Such conjectures intensified after the death of Howard Carter in 1939, when a number of artifacts were found to be part of his estate.1939年霍华德卡特死后,在他的遗产中发现了一些文物,使得这些臆测更加强烈了。

10.And he made it for the 1939 faculty exhibition. Silent.影片是为1939年教师展览而制。