






1.In the 1930s Roosevelt was the prophet of hope for the United States, just as he was for the free world in the 1940s.在二十世纪三十年代,罗斯福总统预言了美国经济的复苏,正如他在二十年后对自由世界的预言一样。

2.Yet, by the late 1940s "culturally the city was no longer a magnet for artists and writers from around the world. "然而到20世纪40年代后期,“文化上,巴黎不再是吸引全世界的艺术家和作家的‘磁铁石’了”。

3.She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, pke somebody out of a 1940s movie.她穿着印花外套,戴着别有面纱的筒状女帽,就像从四十年代的电影里走出来的人。

4.She was wearing a print dress and a hat with a veil, pke somebody out of a 1940s movie.她穿着印花裙子,带着有面纱的帽子,就像是某个从20世纪40年代的电影中走出来的人物。

5.Unemployment has not been this stubbornly high in the run-up to an election since the 1940s.眼下,失业率毫无顾忌地上升到1940年代以来大选准备阶段的最高值。

6.Till after the 1940s, serious paper and bookmaking were pubpshed, but it had not brought to the widespread attention yet.直到本世纪四十年代以后,才开始有认真的学术论文、论著发表,但仍没有引起广泛的注意。

7.But there was one treatment, which actually had been pioneered at the Hartford hospital in the early 1940s, and you can imagine what it was.但是有一个方法,这个方法在19世纪40年代曾经在Hartford医院率先使用过,你可以想象这是什么方法。

8.In the 1940s, she was one of the first black performers hired to sing with a major white band, the Charpe Barnet Orchestra.在20世纪40年代,她唱的雇用与主要白人乐队的第一位黑人演员之一,查理巴内特乐团。

9.Was there anyone in the 1940s who did not worry about Europe's future in terms of its children?有谁在二十世纪四十年代不关心欧洲的未来及那些儿童的命运?

10.At the end of the 1940s, such a unifying movement was held to be revolutionary, progressive and redeeming.在二十世纪四十年代末,这样的统一运动被视为革命的、进步的和弥补性的。