




1.艾布纳 Abel 亚伯 Abner 艾布纳 Abraham 亚伯拉罕 ...

2.押尼珥 Abishai 亚比筛 Abner 押尼珥 Abraham 亚伯拉罕 ...

3.艾伯纳 Tess 泰丝 Abner 艾伯纳 Cici 西西 ...

4.阿布纳 Allan 阿伦 Abner 阿布纳 Abramson 艾布拉姆森 ...

5.亚伯尼 Abigale 艾比盖尔 Abner 亚伯尼 Abraham 亚伯拉罕 ...

6.艾布纳希伯来 Abel 亚伯拉丁, Abner 艾布纳希伯来, Ahern 亚恒塞尔特马, ...

7.睿智 Abel 埃布尔 生命;呼吸。 Abner 睿智;有智慧 。 Adair 犹如像树般坚强。 ...


1.Joab then left David and sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah. But David did not know it.约押从大卫那里出来,就打发人去追赶押尼珥,在西拉井追上他,将他带回来,大卫却不知道。

2.Abner, stunned by the suddenness of the attack, rose unsteadily to his feet and studied the naked giant who guarded the platform.给突然袭击吓懵了的艾布纳摇摇晃晃立起身来,朝守护石坛的裸体巨人望了一会儿。

3.Abner said to him, "Turn aside to your right hand or to your left, and seize one of the young men and take his spoil. "押尼珥对他说:「你或转向左转向右,拿住一个少年人,剥去他的战衣。」

4.As Saul watched David going out to meet the Phipstine, he said to Abner, commander of the army, "Abner, whose son is that young man? "扫罗看见大卫去攻击非利士人,就问元帅押尼珥说:“押尼珥阿,那少年人是谁的儿子。”

5."What I wanted to speak to you about, Abner, " said the tall, stern man in as kindly a manner as he could command.“我要对你说的是,艾布纳,”从来铁板着脸的牧师好不容易拿出他最和蔼的表情。

6.But he refused to turn aside. So Abner struck him in the belly with the back end of his spear.但他拒绝转边。于是,押尼珥用他的枪背击他的腹部,那枪从他的背后穿出;

7.So Abner came to David to Hebron, and twenty men with him. And David made Abner and the men that were with him a feast.押尼珥带着二十个人来到希伯仑见大卫,大卫就为押尼珥和他带来的人设摆筵席。

8.Afterward when David heard it, he said, "I and my kingdom are innocent before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner. "大卫听见了、就说、流尼珥的儿子押尼珥的血、这罪在耶和华面前必永不归我、和我的国。

9.So Abner, with twenty men, came to Hebron, to David. And David made a feast for Abner and the men who were with him.押尼珥带著二十个人来到希伯仑见大卫,大卫就为押尼珥和他带来的人设摆筵席。

10.Only later did Wasserstein learn that she had another brother, Abner, stashed away in a mental institution.她后来才了解到她还有个兄弟阿伯尼尔藏在一家精神病院。