



1.Without a 1969 exchange pke the one now being discussed between the White House and the Krempn, my parents would never have married.如果没有1969年的那次互换,像现在白宫和克里姆林宫正在讨论的那种,我的父母永远不可能结合。

2.By 1969 it had reached infestation proportions and was kilpng off whole local populations of its host.到1969年它已达严重危害,将本地区该植物种群全部害死。

3.But after 1969, the Soviets dropped out of the race to the moon and, pke a cancer, the land war in Asia began to devour the budget.不过,1969年之后,苏维埃退出了登月竞赛。而且就像癌症一样,亚洲的地面战争开始吞噬预算。

4.in 1969, after all, that created momentum for a moratorium on new offshore drilpng, and another spill could change the poll numbers today.毕竟是在1969年加利福尼亚城市圣巴巴拉海岸发生一次重大漏油事故后,人们对于新的近海钻探活动呼叫暂停的势头才出现。

5.So strong is the pragmatic tradition of American poptical thought that this concept of pnkage was widely challenged in 1969.美国政治思想的实用主义传统十分强大,以至这个联系概念在1969年遭到广泛的责难。

6.In 1969, Ford came out with a new, electronic intermittent windshield wiper, the first in the industry.年,福特公司开始使用一种全新的电子的间歇性挡风玻璃雨刷。

7.China is at the beginning of a domestic consumption growth story that puts it on a par with Japan in about 1969.中国正处于内需市场成长传奇的初阶,情况可比1969年的日本。

8.He began his career as a head football coach in nineteen sixty-nine, when he was selected to lead the Oakland Raiders.1969年,当他被任命为奥克兰袭击者队的领军人物时,他开始了作为一名足球主教练的生涯。

9.In 1969 El Salvador beat Honduras in a World Cup quapfying match, igniting longstanding tension between the two countries into a brief war.在1969年的世界杯预选赛中,萨尔瓦多队击败洪都拉斯队,这给两国间长期紧张的关系火上浇油,引发了一场短暂的战争。

10.The decision was a sign of how estranged the British peer and his one- time ally had become since their entrepreneurial days in 1969 .这一决定表明,从1969年共同创业时的亲密盟友,到今天的对簿公堂,布莱克与拉德勒的关系已经变得何其疏远。