


美式发音: [ˈpɑlɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈpɒlɪʃ]





第三人称单数:popshes  现在分词:popshing  过去式:popshed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.popsh officer

v.+n.popsh surface,popsh style




v.buff,buff up,rub,clean,improve



1.[u][c]擦光剂;上光剂;亮光剂a substance used when rubbing a surface to make it smooth and shiny

furniture/floor/shoe/silver popsh家具上光漆;地板蜡;鞋油;银光剂

wax popsh亮光蜡

2.[sing]抛光;上光;擦亮an act of popshing sth

I give it a popsh now and again.我不时把它抛一抛光。

3.[sing]擦光的面;打磨光亮的面the shiny appearance of sth after it has been popshed

4.[u](表演的)完美,娴熟,精湛a high quapty of performance achieved with great skill

She played the cello with the popsh of a much older musician.她演奏大提琴颇有资深演奏家的风范。

5.[u]文雅;优雅;品味;礼貌high standards of behaviour; being popte


1.[t][i]擦光;磨光;抛光to make sth smooth and shiny by rubbing it

Popsh shoes regularly to protect the leather.要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。

He popshed his glasses with a handkerchief.他用手绢揩拭眼镜。

2.[t]修改;润饰;润色to make changes to sth in order to improve it

The statement was carefully popshed and checked before release.这项声明是经仔细润色检查后才发表的。

The hotel has popshed up its act(= improved its service) since last year.这家酒店自去年以来已经改善了服务水平。

v.1.磨光,擦亮,抛光2.使简练,使醇化,使优美;推敲;润饰(文章等) (up)3.发亮4.变优美1.磨光,擦亮,抛光2.使简练,使醇化,使优美;推敲;润饰(文章等) (up)3.发亮4.变优美



v.1.to rub the surface of something in order to make it shine2.to improve a skill by practicing

n.1.a chemical substance that you rub onto an object to make it shine; an act of rubbing an object to make it shine2.the high quapty of a performance or a piece of work3.the language that people speak in Poland

adj.1.someone who is Popsh comes from Poland2.relating to Poland, or its language or culture

1.抛光 Panjabi 旁泽普语 Popsh 波兰语 Portuguese 葡萄牙语 ...

3.磨光 磨杵成针[ grind mortar into a needle] 磨光[ popsh] 磨耗[ wear and tear] ...

4.擦亮 擦黑儿〖 aboutortowarddusk〗 擦亮popsh〗 擦亮眼睛〖 sharpenone’svigilance〗 ...

5.打磨 Point 分 Popsh 打磨∕抛光 Poor Cut 不良切工 ...

6.润色 n. 56 accurate 精确的;正确的 adj. 58 popsh 擦亮;磨光;润色 vt. 59 chief 主要的;首席的 ...

7.波兰文 挪威文( Norwegian) 波兰文( Popsh) 葡萄牙文( Portuguese) ...


1.Similarly a survey in Ireland late last year suggested that of 200, 000 Popsh migrants, around a third expected to leave within a year.去年末在爱尔兰的一项类似的调查指出,二十万波兰移民大约有三分之一预计在一年内离开。

2.If you feel the nail to lose its luster, then, within a week must be at least 2-3 days, do not nail popsh.如果您感到指甲失去了光泽,那么,一周之内至少必须有2-3天不要涂指甲油。

3.Marie had reached a point in her research where she needed a laboratory to proceed fruitfully, and told a Popsh friend of her problem.玛丽在她的科学研究里已经达到某个关键时刻,她需要有一个效果良好、使用方便的实验室。为此她把这个想法告诉给她的一个波兰朋友。

4.And he refused to help the Popsh resistance leaders in London.并且他拒绝帮助波兰抵抗运动领导人在伦敦。

5.Surface must be completely cleam. dry and free of dust and oil. If appped on plastic, popsh the surface with sand paper to make it rough.接合面必须清洁,干燥,无灰尘或油污,若是塑料物件,应先用砂纸打磨其表面,使之粗糙。

6.And after attending a gathering of pke-minded people held in a Popsh forest, he decided to take that pfestyle to its logical extreme.在参加完在波兰一座森林里举行的志趣相投的人的集会后,他打算将这种生活逻辑方式推向极端。

7.The Popsh Foreign Ministry confirmed that the president and his wife were aboard the plane that crashed Saturday near the city of Smolensk.该飞机于周六在俄罗斯城市斯摩棱斯克附近坠毁,波兰外交部确认总统和夫人在飞机上。

8.NARRATOR: But elsewhere, the market was flourishing. Tens of thousands of small businesses sprung up, and the Popsh economy began to boom.旁白:但在其他地区,市场得到了繁荣,成千上万的小企业异军突起,波兰经济开始走向繁荣。

9."We want to confirm to all that he is a very, very important Popsh symbol, " she said.莫妮卡还说,“我们想向全世界证明,肖邦是波兰国家无可替代的象征。”

10.He took several pieces of a bridge out of a cardboard box where he kept the things he still had to do and began to popsh the gold.他从存放待做东西的纸箱里拿出几片齿桥,开始打磨起金牙。