






1.It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road. . .那是在七十年代中,而我那时和你们一样大。在他们最后一期的封底上是一幅清晨乡村道路的照片…

2.The image of rooms was presented with a form of spatial structure in his early plays, and mixed with the time elements since the 1970s.在他最早的几部戏剧中,“房间”主要以空间结构的形态出现,七十年代起,品特的“房间”意象里已经注入了时间因素。

3.Back in the late 1970s it was the other way round: the British economy was only three-quarters the size of the French one.回到20世纪70年代晚期,情况可是另外一幅光景:英国经济规模只有法国的四分之三。

4.Like the biotechnology of the 1970s, geoengineering cannot be treated just as science-as-usual.和70年代的生物科技一样,地球工程学无法和通常科学获得一样的对待。

5.It is often hard to remember how insane the 1970s were, but China, for all its faults now, did emerge from the shadow of Mao's death.回忆上世纪70年代的疯狂常常让人感到难过,然而,尽管目前存在那么多的问题,中国最终走出了毛的阴影。

6.There is the matter of the Japanese kidnapped during the 1970s and 1980s and taken to the North to be trained as spies or language teachers.在20世纪70年代至80年代发生了日本人质绑架事件,在一系列的事件中,日本人被绑架到朝鲜被训练为间谍和语言教师。

7.On top of it, China did not claim the islands up until the early 1970s.除此以外,在20世纪70年代早期以前,中国并没有宣称拥有这片岛屿的主权。

8.At least since the 1970s, candidates for prime minister have been able to articulate how Austrapa will manage its Western alpances.至少从70年代开始,所有的总理候选人都明确阐述了澳大利亚将如何处理与西方国家的盟友关系。

9.Such a sustained run of good news has not been seen since the early 1970s.从上世纪70年代初以来,还从未出现过这种好消息接连不断的情况。

10.Its shape hasn't changed dramatically since the 1970s, but it has evolved in a way that gives it a modern, almost timeless look.这种设计延续到二十世纪七十年代都没有改变,自那之后它的设计形式中融入了一种永恒的现代美。