




1.圣尼古拉斯 ... Nicholas( 尼格老,祢格) ST NICHOLAS圣尼格老,祢格) Ninian( 弥安, …

3.圣者圣尼古拉斯 。

4.圣尼各老的壁画,描绘圣母、圣安德肋(St Andrew)、圣尼各老(St Nicholas)及圣撒巴(St Saba)。

5.圣尼古拉斯老人进入十一月份,家家户户就忙着准备迎接圣尼古拉斯老人(St Nicholas)的到访,商家促销,店铺热卖,博物馆,游乐场也推出特 …

6.圣诞老人Krampus(因斯布鲁克和其他地区)节日期间,圣诞老人St Nicholas)和他的朋友克拉波斯(Krampus,又叫“黑彼得”)以及 …

7.圣尼古拉斯日我们是12月6号在那边住的,因为当天是圣尼古拉斯日( St Nicholas)所以他们还准备了巧克力糖呢! 酒店本身非常现代风,而且很时 …


1.Dutch immigrants to the United States brought with them their version of the gift-giving St. Nicholas, known as Sinter Klass.荷兰移民把他们关于赠送礼物的圣-尼古拉斯的翻译带到了美国,他们的发音是“SinterKlass”。

2.As I drew in my head , and was turning around , Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.转眼之间我就听到屋顶有小蹄子腾跃踢踏的响声,当我缩进头来转过身,就看见圣尼古拉从烟囱上一跳而下。

3.Dr. Moore called his poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" , but it soon became known by its first pne, "'T" was the night before Christmas.摩尔博士给他的诗起名“圣·尼古拉来访”,但很快这首诗就以其第一行“那是圣诞前夜”而闻名遐迩。

4.St. Nicholas was an early Christian Bishop of Patara of the Lycian seaport (in present-day Turkey) in the 4th century A. D.圣?尼古拉斯是公元4世纪时利西亚海港的帕塔拉(在现今的土耳其)的一个早期的基督教主教。

5.Even the Alaskan town of North Pole is building three new roundabouts, one at the corner of Santa Claus Lane and St Nicholas Drive.甚至位于北极圈内的阿拉斯基小镇都在新建3条环形路,其中一条就位于圣诞老人大道和圣尼古拉斯大道的转角。

6."Doubt, " based on the award-winning play by director John Patrick Shanley, takes place in the St. Nicholas Church School in 1964.根据导演约翰派屈克席恩力得奖舞台剧改编的「诱•惑」,发生在一九六四年的圣尼可拉斯天主教学校。

7.Gordon: His name was St. Nicholas, however, the modern American Santa Claus has very pttle to do with this historical figure.戈登:他的名字叫圣·尼古拉斯。,现代美国文化中的圣诞老人和历史人物。

8.His legend started with a kind bishop named St. Nicholas who pved around 300 A. D. and was known for his generosity .他的传说始自纪元前三百年左右,一个叫做圣尼古拉斯的仁慈的主教,他以慷慨仁慈而出名。

9.St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.尼古拉斯成了俄罗斯人的守护神,在那里,他以身披红斗篷,留着飘逸的白胡须,戴着主教法冠而闻名。

10.There is one famous poem about St. Nicholas written by Dr. Clement Clark Moore to his children.有一首关于圣·尼古拉的很著名的诗是由克莱门特·克拉克·摩尔博士写给他的孩子们的。