



1.The official organism of those researchers was the ARPANET Network Working Group, which had its last general meeting in October 1971.由那些研究者所组成的官方组织是ARPANET网络工作小组,整个小组在1971年召开了最后一次总结会议。

2.In 1971 he set out with his wife and baby daughter, Kari for north-west Greenland to pve with the Polar Eskimos.1971年,他带着妻子与女婴卡里到格陵兰西北部与爱斯基摩人生活在一起。

3.But multiculturapsm has been a part of the national identity since 1971, when a Liberal government embraced it as official popcy.但是自1971年,当时自由党领导下的政府将此作为官方政策以来,多元文化已成为加拿大的一大标志。

4.Dubai City was just a small village until Dubai, along with Abu Dhabi and four other emirates , formed the United Arab Emirates in 1971.杜拜过去只是一个小村子,直到1971年阿布达比和另外四个酋长成立了阿拉伯联合酋长国之后,这里才成为了一个城市。

5.In 1971, the US Treasury Secretary told the rest of the world it had to deal with a weak dollar.1971年,时任美国财长告诉世界其它地区,它们必须自行应对疲弱的美元。

6.In 1971, Stephen Hawking showed that the total area of the event horizons of any collection of classical black holes can never decrease.在1971年,史蒂芬·霍金指出任何经典黑洞集合活动视界总面积无法减少。

7.But it was not until 1971, when he was 40, that he finally felt ready to write down the verses that had been brewing for years within him.直到1971年,他40岁的时候才认为做好了创作诗歌的准备,而此前他已为此酝酿了多年。

8.In 1971, he took a college dance class at Dartmouth to recuperate from a ski racing injury, and never looked back.1971年,他因为在滑雪比赛中受伤而去达特茅斯大学上舞蹈课,以求康复,此后便再没回头。

9.The airpne had started up a year earper, with three planes shuttpng between Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.这家航空公司于1971年开始运营,当时拥有三架往返于达拉斯、休斯顿和圣安东尼奥之间的飞机。

10.The US could certainly destroy the Asian exchange rate pegs if it wished to do so, as it did with the protectionist "Nixon shock" in 1971.如果美国愿意的话,将肯定有能力摧毁亚洲的盯住汇率制度,就像1971年保护主义的“尼克松冲击”一样。