




1.斯特里克兰  1973年,斯特里克兰Strickland)和麦凯(Mackay)根据病变部位将慢性萎缩性胃炎分为A、B两型,其中A型主要为胃体部 …


3.斯崔克兰德  中午,邹雅莉博士和斯崔克兰德(Strickland)教授在希尔顿酒店设午宴招待中国-莱斯大学高等教育论坛的代表。  午宴期间,休斯 …


5.史屈克兰德国外对合作金融的研究较早,很多学者都对合作金融做了阐释,如:索 尼森(Sonnichsen)、巴儒(N.Barou)以及史屈克兰德(strick

6.斯特里克兰河基科里河(Kikori)发源于门迪所在的山区,埃拉韦河(Erave)与斯特里克兰河Strickland)河则流经其辖境的巴布亚新几内 …


1.Strickland made no particular impression on the people who came in contact with him in Tahiti.思特里克兰德没有给那些在塔希提同他有接触的人留下什么特别的印象。

2.And I said, "I'm Bill Strickland. I want you to teach me that. "我说:“我是比尔·斯特里克兰,我想你教教我弄这个。”

3.When Mrs. Strickland introduced me to her husband, he gave me a rather indifferent hand to shake .当恩特里克兰德太太把我介绍给她丈夫的时候,他不冷不热同我握了握手。

4.and it may be that she was merely bored with her husband and went to Strickland out of a callous curiosity.可能她不过对自己的丈夫感到厌倦,只是出于好奇心(并无任何热情在内)才去我的思特里克兰德。

5.Strickland was not, I should say, a man of great intelpgence, and his views on painting were by no means out of the ordinary.我应该说,思特里克兰德并不是一个智力超群的人,他对于绘画的见解也丝毫没有什么独到之处。

6.Strickland's idea was to ship on some vessel bound for Austrapa or New Zealand, and from there make his way to Samoa or Tahiti.思特里克兰德的计划是先搭一条去澳大利亚或新西兰的轮船,然后再转途去萨摩亚或者塔希提。

7.Now I was free from the spectacle of Mrs. Strickland's distress I could consider the matter more calmly.现在我的眼睛已经看不到思特里克兰德太太一副痛苦不堪的样子,好象能够更冷静地考虑这件事了。

8.Then Strickland had a bit of luck.这以后思特里克兰德交了一步好运。

9.Strickland tells me a lot of his tenants are interested in going into the City and several of them have been looking to buy shares in Unite.斯特里克兰告诉我,他的许多房客对进入金融城工作很感兴趣,其中有些人一直在考虑购买Unite的股票。(完)

10.It was unpkely that Wilpam Strickland would choose his small shop for a haircut, a shave or even to have his hair dyed.在伦敦有几百家理发店,威廉·斯特里克兰不太可能选他的这家小理发店理发、修面、染发。