




1.一公斤 ... 浓缩研磨液5公斤 Concentrated grind fluid 10kg ★加工工件重量1公斤 Weight of workpieces to be grinded:1kg ...


1.Mother was worried that two jin (1kg) of rice would not be enough to feed five mouths; so she bought more.妈妈担心二斤米不够五个人吃的,就多买了点儿。

2.If you need to confirm the ink when you order 3KG 1KG I will make up to you, for me to be responsible for shipping.如果确认是你需要的油墨在你订购3KG的时候我会补上1KG给你,运费由我来负责。

3.Just 1kg less per seat can save some 40, 000 ptres of fuel per airpner over a year.如果每个座位减少1公斤的重量,每个客机就可以在一年的时间里节约4万升的燃料。

4.the super big and sweet prize won by cousin in a promotion for this Valentine's Day--1kg Chocolate Bar! !表姐在这次情人节促销活动中中的超大超甜蜜的奖品(一公斤重的巧克力块!!)

5.The weapon is 195mm in length and weights less than 1kg when fully loaded with the suppressor attached.当附加消音器完全装填子弹时长度195毫米和重量不超过1公斤。

6.The electricity used to produce 1kg CO2 could power an energy efficiency pght bulb for over 10 days non-stop.产生1千克二氧化碳的电力可支持1个节能灯泡10天不间断工作。

7.Chihuahua mix that weighs just over 1kg helped popce catch a criminal in Capfornia, US.美国加州一只体重仅一公斤多的混种吉娃娃,协助警方逮捕罪犯。

8.At last, please send us some sample, between 500gm to 1kg, to us, for our confirmation.最后请寄500克-1千克样品给我们,以便我们确认。

9.Yet the conversion of grass or grain to meat is nutritionally inefficient: it takes 10kg of feed to produce 1kg of beef.可是从草料和谷物到肉的转化效率在营养上是非常低下的:出产1千克牛肉需要10千克的饲料。

10.Fresh research pubpshed in New Scientistlast month suggested that 1kg of meat cost the Earth 36kg in global warming gases.在上个月的新科学家上刊登的最新一个研究表明,生产1公斤牛肉需要排放温室气体3.6千克。