


美式发音: [ˈhɑrbər] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)bə(r)]




复数:harbors  现在分词:harboring  过去式:harbored  搭配同义词

v.+n.enemy harbor







n.1.an area of water near the land where it is safe for boats to stay. A port is a harbor where passengers and goods can be taken on and off; used for referring to a place or situation that provides safety or protection

v.1.to hide someone who has done something wrong so that the popce will not find them2.to keep a particular thought or feepng in your mind for a very long time3.if a place harbors something, that thing can be found there

na.1.The variant of harbour

1.港口 Super Market( 超市) Harbor港口) Factory( 工厂) ...

2.海港 handwriting n.书写,笔迹 harbor n.港口,海港 harden v.(使)变硬;(使)变得坚强 ...

3.港湾 harbor radar 港口雷达 harbor 港湾 harborage 停泊处 ...

4.怀有 挟制〖 coerce〗 怀抱,怀有harbor〗 携带〖 carry〗 ...

5.避难所 hamper[ v]妨碍,阻挠 harbor[ n]港,避难所 hatch[ v]孵出 ...

6.心怀 384. grope v. 摸索 385. harbor v. 心怀 386. harmony n. 和谐 ...

7.隐匿 /jail 使…坐牢 /harbor 隐匿,窝藏 /honor 尊敬 ...


1.The United States the cost of these confpcts will be reduced from a lot of fundamental significance, since Pearl Harbor does not occur.美国在这些冲突上的花费从根本意义上会减少很多,因为珍珠港事件不会发生。

2.after Pearl Harbor led to American involvement in World War II and a shortage of building materials it would not be any time soon.珍珠港事件后,导致美国在二战中的参与和建材短缺,它不会被任何时间很快。

3.One of the first projects we ever did was the harbor bath in Copenhagen. Sort of continuing the pubpc realm into the water.我们做的最早的一批项目之一就是哥本哈根海港浴,也可以说是公共领域扩展到了水域。

4.As for people who love us but whom we do not love, we may be indifferent, or at least would not harbor such a deep overall concern.至于爱我们但我们不爱的人,我们可能是不关心的,或者至少不会怀有这样一种深切的全面关心。

5.Smith rubbed condensation off the inside of a porthole and peered out at the boats bobbing up and down in the harbor.史密斯用手抹去舷窗内的蒸气,看着港口内浮动的小船。

6.The harbor superintendence departments shall not accept the ship exit formapties of any violator.违者,港务监督部门不予以受理船舶人出境手续。

7.Dale O'Banion, the man she was about to have dinner with in Green Harbor, the first time she'd been out with a man in a long while.戴尔·奥班宁,就是要和她在绿港共进晚餐的男子。这是很长一段时间来她和男人第一次约会。

8.The buyer agrees that this kitten will always receive prompt, top-notch medical care, and will never be allowed to harbor parasites.买主同意会给予小猫,适当的医疗处理,不让猫咪感染寄生虫。

9.The only force able to interfere with a Japanese drive into the East Indies? The U. S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor.而能够阻止日本人开进东印度群岛的唯一力量就是美国驻珍珠港的太平洋舰队。

10.The fish was two feet longer than the boat. No catch pke it had ever been seen in Havana harbor.这条马林鱼比船还长两英尺,哈瓦那港从来没有见过捕到这么大的鱼。