


网络释义:一米;1个月(1 month);一定距离


1.一米 ... GTJA Research 国泰君安研究 1M 1 个月 -8.4 -8.5 19.7 3M 3 个月 -7.7 -0.8 20.3 ...


5.一兆而且在起飞前或降落的一刻(<1M)会有较大的机会有Bux飞过!!!升级与离手 之前也说过里数(直线)、利润(profit)和XP有关: 飞的 …


1.When this was disbepeved another, who said he was a lawyer, offered the popce 1m reais ($570, 000) to let them go.当被认为这是不可信的,另一男子说他是一名律师,可以提供警方1万雷亚尔(570,000美元),让他们离开。

2.But even if it does reach its target of 1m carats a year, Petra will still not be able to match the sparkle of the giants.但是即便达到每年1百万克拉的产量,Petra仍难以与巨人比肩。

3.But Petra reckons the mine still has another 20 years of production in it and plans to extract at least 1m carats a year.但是Petra认为该钻矿仍可继续开采20年,并计划每年至少开采1百万克拉。

4.The fact that this still encompasses around 1m employees speaks to the size of the federal government.尽管如此,这仍然会牵涉到大约100万名雇员,足见联邦政府的规模之大。

5.By upgrading some processes to wireless systems, Mr Shooter bepeves each refinery will be able to save at least $1m a year.舒特先生相信通过把一些生产过程升级到无线系统这个方法每个炼油厂将会每年节省至少1百万美元。

6.Chinese have been opening new stock trading accounts at the rate of about 1m a week since the start of the year.今年初以来,中国内地股票交易账户一直在以每周100万户的速度增长。

7.Even the biggest of the hedge funds have only a few hundred employees, while the six banks employ 1m between them.即使是规模最大的对冲基金,也只有几百名员工,而上述六大银行的雇员总数在100万人左右。

8.With your average EA team running $1m+ in just salaries, most SMB companies just won't be able to find the money.一般的EA团队仅在工资上就需要一百多万美元,大部分中小企业都筹集不到资金。

9.Despite its low charges, Jajah expects to break even in the next six months and reach 1m registered users by the end of the year.尽管收费很低,但Jajah预期在未来6个月内能实现收支平衡,到今年底,注册用户将达到100万人。

10.Between them, they breed about 1m puppies a year.每年,大约有一百万只幼犬在这里饲养繁育。