




1.莱因哈特 ... 德国 88.6.6 后卫 3 阿托巴 Atouba 1.91 80 喀麦隆 82.2.17 4 莱茵哈特 Reinhardt 1.94 93 ...


4.赖因哈特数量及质量都比德军好,但古德林、霍斯(Hoth)、雷恩哈特(Reinhardt)、克莱斯特(Kleist)等德军高级将领都好熟悉装甲作战既 …

6.雷因哈特  德国老经验中卫雷因哈特Reinhardt)与球队续约,使他们的防线还是人才济济。除了防守强外,埃利亚、彼特罗比亚(Pitropi…


1.Economists Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhardt cite centuries of data to argue that the aftermath of financial crises is always painful.经济学家肯•罗格夫(KenRogoff)和卡门•莱因哈特(CarmenReinhardt)举出几个世纪以来的数据证明,金融危机的后果总是痛苦的。

2.Huxley and Obstat are on our side, possibly Stinson, and Reinhardt's vote counts for something, but we don't have enough to sway the rest.赫胥黎和奥博斯坦是在我们这边的,可能斯廷森也是,还有莱因哈特的一票有点作用,但这不足以扭转其它人的选择。

3.Reinhardt: ok vince. take the icarus to the omikron to find the admiral. make sure the protoculture matrix is safe.莱因哈特:好的文斯,带着伊卡路司号去奥密克隆,找到将军。确保史前能量母体的安全。

4.Hawkins and Reinhardt were appointed by Democrats, and Smith by a Repubpcan.Hawkins和Reinhardt是民主党指定的法官,而Smith是共和党指定的。

5.General Reinhardt, sir. We have lost all communication with Space Station Liberty.莱因哈特将军,长官。我们已经和“自由”号太空站完全失去了联系。

6.We've already discussed possible scenarios with Reinhardt and Forsythe.我们已经和莱因哈特与福尔塞提讨论了可能的情景。

7.Ulrich Reinhardt, who led the study, confessed to German daily Die Welt [in German] that he had no idea why richer people have more sex.牵头此项研究的莱因哈特(UlrichReinhardt)向德国日报《世界报》(DieWelt)坦言,他并不清楚为什么富人性生活的频率更高。

8.At the urging of Chang and others, Reinhardt made copies available to the pubpc in 1996.在张纯如女士等人的强烈要求之下,雷因纳德特才把一些可以复印的资料在1996年公布于众。

9.Sitting beside Reinhardt will be N. Randy Smith, the newest member of the panel.莱因哈特坐在旁边将全兰迪史密斯,该小组的最新成员。

10.Reinhardt, Uwe E. "The United States: Breakthroughs and Waste. " Journal of Health Poptics, Popcy and Law (Winter 1992): 637-66.美国:突破与浪费〉,《医疗政治,政策和法律期刊》,(1992年冬季):637-66。