




1.一是一组文件 数据库是一个结构化的数据集合 数据库是一组文件 (1O)T 列有关数据库的描述,正确的是 列有关数据库的描述, …

4.车腿一族后来很多当时的电报码定义一直使用到现在,但是车腿一族(1O)73的意思却发生了改变。73由情人式的祝福变成了一个简单表 …


1.Fortunately, by courtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposed a fine of 1O thousand dollars.幸运的是,蒙它的好意,他没被关入监狱,而是被罚了1万美元的罚款。

2.The key point 1o bear in mind is that the supplementary information should be relevant to the interpretation of the financial statements.应切记的关键点是补充的信息应与对财务报表的解释相关。

3.Scientists are only now beginning 1o examine what happens to memory in normal people facing the aging process.科学家们刚刚开始研究步入老年的正常人记忆力所发生的变化。

4.In this paper the failure mode and failure mechanism due 1o friction and wear in instrumentation are dealt with thecretically.本文介绍了仪器仪表摩擦磨损失效的模式及失效机理。

5.A charred prison cell sits covered in ash at the Benghazi Central Prison on March 1o.3月10日,班加西中心监狱,一间烧焦的监狱号房掩盖在灰烬中。

6.Install two guide studs into upper mounting holes-at 11 and 1o'clock positions of the flywheel.在飞轮上安装两个导向螺柱。在11和1点钟方向。

7.1O Lord , the king rejoices in your strength.耶和华阿,王必因你的能力欢喜。

8.1O. He couldn't remember what they said.他没能记住他们所说的内容。