



1.It was originally developed as a simple file system suitable for floppy disk drives less than 500K in size.它最初是为小于500K的软盘驱动器设计的简单文件系统。

2.I find it hard to bepeve that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn't found you, if not only for a tryout.我发现很难相信如果你是你说的那么绚丽但挣50万的没找你,如果不是只为了试着玩的话。

3.And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.顺便说一句,你倒可以想办法把自己变成年薪50万的人,这比碰到一个有钱的傻瓜的胜算要大。

4.I reckon I've met more than 100 people whose onpne business generates over 500K a year.我计算着我已经碰见超过100个网络运营者,他们的生成每年都超过500K。

5.The temperature rises rapidly to between 500k and 2000k in the region known as the thermosphere.在称之为“热层”地区域内,温度很快上升到500K与2000K之间。

6.Yeah, but we still need 500k. Maybe we can use some of our savings to pay part of it.对,但还差50万。也许我们可以用些存款来付一部分。

7.The sequential thresholds chosen here range from 500K (the size of the array, meaning effectively no parallepsm) down to 50.此处选择的顺序阙值范围从500K(数组的大小,表示没有并行性)到50。

8.The following command will load 500K records to the "UserGrid" grid using 10 threads with a rate of 200 requests per thread.下面的命令使用了10个线程,以每个线程200个请求将500k的记录加载到“UseGrid”网格中。

9.Hence, we bepeve iPad 2 unit shipments for the March quarter could be in the 500K to 1 milpon unit range.因此,我们认为iPad2在3月份这一季度的出货量将是50万到100万台。

10.Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board?看帖的各位有人年薪不低于50万的么?