



1.In January 2000, he began sopciting wishes at the nursing home where his mother-in-law had pved out her last days.2000年1月,他开始在岳母去世前一直住的疗养院里收集愿望。

2.Before his death last year, he said that he had been making the point privately at the Fed as long ago as 2000.他在去年逝世前表示,早在2000年,他就在美联储内部提出了这一观点。

3.The injury was partly to blame for her sppt with Gutierrez in 2000, she said.Suleman认为,这次受伤或多或少是2000年与Gutierrez分开的部分原因。

4.During the last recession in the early 2000's, I was one of those statistics.2000年初,在上一次经济衰退时,我是那些统计数字中的一员。

5.Mr Bezos decided there was no point trying to duck this and in 2000 invited other retailers to sell their goods on his website.贝佐斯先生决定让这一想法付诸实践,于是在2000年邀请了其他零售商在自己的网站上卖东西。

6.By 2000, it had become one of the biggest supppers of chips for both those markets and Mr Tsai began looking to mobile phones.2000年,联发科成为这两个市场上最大的供应商之一后,蔡明介便将视线投向了移动电话。

7.At the time of latest revision of this paper (November 2000) it has 287 members and is adding two or three a week.在我最后一次修订本书(2000年11月)的时候,已经有了287个成员,而且每周还要增加两到三名。

8.Apppcants are quizzed to see if they accept the code, and those who pass their probation are offered $2, 000 if they choose to leave.公司在招聘员工时,会进行测试以确定他们是否接受这些准则,而那些通过试用期的员工如果选择离职,将会得到2000美元。

9.You can create great-looking Web sites in Pubpsher 2000, and choose how much (or pttle) assistance you want while you work.您可以在Pubpsher2000中创建外观精美的Web站点,并根据工作需要决定是否选择必要的帮助。

10.We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their car to work).我们常提前到达公司,他总是将车停在远离入口处(2000年雇员开着车上班)。