

arithmetic:[英 [əˈrɪθmətɪk] 美 [əˈrɪθmɪtɪk] ]



arithmetic 基本解释


名词算法; 算术,计算

arithmetic 相关例句


1. arithmetic的反义词

1. His arithmetic is poor.


arithmetic 网络解释

1. 计算:死亡并不令这世上的某物终结,亦不使诸世界之一终结,每一次,每一次它都反抗着计算(arithmetic),标记(mark)这独一无二的世界,每一开启独一无二世界之物的绝对的终结,(标记)这独特世界的终结,

2. 算术运算:或者是监控数据库作业(SQL Server Job)的运行状况,当检查到失败的作业时,就发 ...程序设计时经常用到的有6种运算:算术运算(Arithmetic)、赋值运算(Assignment)、二进制运算(Bitwise)、比较运算(Comparison)、连接运算(concatenation)及逻辑运算(Logical),

arithmetic 双语例句

1. The realization tactic of median filter, emendating incline, outline pick-up arithmetic is designed.


2. arithmetic的解释

2. Best Calc highlightsLarge display with lots of graphic indicatorsPrecedence mode - to reduce entering parenthesis (e. g. 2+2-2=6)Operations and conversions can be performed in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal formCalculate basic arithmetic functionsCalculate the root, square root or cube root of a numberRaise to power functionsLogarithmic and exponent functionsCalculate sine, cosine, tangent, arc sine, arc cosine or arc tangentCalculate in degrees, radians or grads, mil, revDisplays results in normal, scientific, or fix modeMemory operations Call last result functionOperations with big and small numbers are supported (up to ten in 308th power or ten in minus 308th power)and much more to explore!

最佳钙highlightsLarge模式显示indicatorsPrecedence与大量的图形-减少输入括号(如2 +2-2 = 6)业务和十进制的转换,可进行二进制,八进制,和十六进制formCalculate基本算术functionsCalculate根,平方根或多维数据集的numberRaise根电源functionsLogarithmic和指数functionsCalculate正弦,余弦,正切,圆弧正弦,余弦弧或弧tangentCalculate度数,弧度或梯度,密尔,revDisplays结果正常,科学化,或修复modeMemory行动电话与大,小号码的最后结果functionOperations支持(最多10个在零下308电源或功率10 308)以及更多探索!

3. Arithmetic Analysis of Geocentric Vector Based on Earth Sensor for Spheral Model and Oblate Model; 2. The accuracy of the measurements of the geocentric vector plays a key role in satellite navigation, but it is affected by the earth oblateness.


4. Make the use of AD7730 and dsPIC30f6010A to compose the sampling and arithmetic unit of the electron belt weigher.

利用 AD7730和 dsPIC30f6010A 构成电子皮带称的采样和运算单元。

5. The processor contains a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers, including an instruction counter, an instruction register, and a work register called the accumulator.


6. arithmetic

6. Mathematical model and arithmetic of the numeric system was developed based on the principle of thermal fluid dynamics.



7. Furthermore, because of the reduction of the output of one type symbol, the arithmetic coding becomes optional.


8. The result shows that the warp is reduced effectively by the impulse control and that the model and arithmetic are suitable for simulation calculation and analysis under impulse control.


9. arithmetic

9. In the end, make different means attack the arithmetic, which is to check the arithmetic can counteract minded and involuntary attack or not, over here, attack means interfering the image quality.



10. Introduce the principle and determine method of the capacitance sensor feature experiment, making use of thePowerPoint created a setofmulti medias teachware, focalpoint putin arithmetic figure which ofexperiment process is collected withhandle manufacturing lastly, and in it interlude the elegant pictures, music image part of the feature in South CentralUniversity for Nationalities, letting student is in nervously study process moderate relaxe.



11. this paper makes the gas remote monitor network as background to do some research on the qos guarantee of the network. qos is a synthesis guide line which can be used to estimate the degree to satisfy with some server, which is a technology to solve the problem of delay and congestion in network. it must integrate multi-qos mechanism to get good qos guarantee in the practical application. three qos models in the ip net application and homologized affective factors are demonstrated. meanwhile, the field of qos protection strategy arrangement in shaanxi coal mine gas network has been picked up as the example. for this situation, the comparison to the different qos models is doing strictly. by combining the tcp congestion control arithmetic with ip congestion control arithmetic, the paper also emphatically describes the corresponded arithmetic model for that. stimulatingly, it is promoted the qos characteristic over-area effectively, which it is based on the original single congestion control.

摘 要:以陕西煤矿瓦斯监测远程联网为背景,研究其联网网络的qos保障策略实现。由于现有的各种qos实现机制无法单独为陕西煤矿瓦斯监测联网网络的qos提供保障,因此在实际应用中必须结合多种机制才能得到较好的qos保障效果。比较了传统ip网络的qos结构体系,通过分析intserv和diffserv两种模型的基本原理、工作方式,并指出其各自的优缺点和网络应用环境,设计了将rsvp协议与diffserv模型相结合来满足瓦斯监测数据传输实时性的要求;针对陕西煤矿瓦斯联网的特性,提出了将tcp拥塞控制算法与ip层拥塞控制算法相结合的算法模型,并且该模型的应用可以在原有单一拥塞控制的基础上有效地提升跨地区网络的qos特性。

12. This paper introduces the system from two facts which are hardware structure and driven program. And then, the principle of the non-linearity compensating method and the process of the software arithmetic are presented in details, at last, this paper proves that the platinum resistance temperature measurement system based on LPC2214 can work steadily for a long time, and the accuracy also satisfies the requirement totally according to the experimentation and calibration.


13. arithmetic

13. The results of computation show that the model and the arithmetic are feasible for optimization of grain composition of packing particles in general.


14. Because of the cragginess of the 3-D surface, the distortion stripes appear when the common rectangular grating or sine grating is projected onto the object surface, which includes information about the 3-D surface profilometry. The images including distortion stripes are taken by CCD camera. The 2-D stripes information is got after processing these images. On the basis of mathematic reconstruction model and arithmetic, the 3-D surface profilometry data are gotten.


15. Because of the cragginess of the 3-Dsurface, the distortion stripes appear when the common rectangular grating or sine grating is projected onto the object surface, which includes information about the 3-Dsurface profilometry. The images including distortion stripes are taken by CCD camera. The 2-D stripes information is got after processing these images. On the basis of mathematic reconstruction model and arithmetic, the 3-D surface profilometry data are gotten.


16. The smooth control parameter of arc length for the all-position of tube girth welding is formed by the microcomputer technology and successive linear fitting arithmetic, for the purpose of realizing the self-adaptation control of arc length in all-position TIG tube welding machine, by real-time sampling arc voltage during pulse welding current period.


17. arithmetic的意思

17. Based on fractal theory and phase space reconstruction arithmetic, the generator vibration correlation dimension is analyzed when the generator is in normal condition, rotor excitation winding short circuit and stator winding fault condition.


18. A new arithmetic based on Latent Semantic Analysis Model and domain ontology was proposed to summarize the document.


19. arithmetic

19. In this paper, motion model of star spot which is combined with the effect of CCD noise has been established. The centroid accuracy of the star spot affected by sub-pixels arithmetic and CCD noise were analyzed at different exposure time with CCD47-20 chip, and the optimum exposure time was calculated.


20. arithmetic的近义词

20. In 1521, Heinrich Schreiber wrote a book on commercial arithmetic, elementary mathematics and music, in which he instructs a bookkeeping method using journal, goods book and debts book.


arithmetic 词典解释The noun is pronounced /ə'rɪθmətɪk/. The adjective is pronounced /ˌærɪθ'metɪk/. 名词读作/ə'rɪθmətɪk/,形容词读作/ˌærɪθ'metɪk/。

1. 算术

Arithmetic is the part of mathematics that is concerned with the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers.

e.g. ...teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.


e.g. ...an arithmetic test.


2. 演算;计算

You can use arithmetic to refer to the process of doing a particular sum or calculation.

e.g. 4,000 women put in ten rupees each, which if my arithmetic is right adds up to 40,000 rupees.


3. (某形势的)数据统计

If you refer to the arithmetic of a situation, you are concerned with those aspects of it that can be expressed in numbers, and how they affect the situation.

e.g. The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge...


e.g. The arithmetic is finely balanced: the socialists and their allies do not have an overall majority.


4. 算术的;运算的

Arithmetic means relating to or consisting of calculations involving numbers.

e.g. ...a processor which performs simple arithmetic operations such as adding or multiplying numbers.


arithmetic 单语例句arithmetic的意思

1. Unless yields on those bonds fall to German levels, there is no way that Italy's debt arithmetic can be made to add up.

2. But Western officials warned it was not just a matter of arithmetic.

3. Kerry has never explicitly called for a $ 900 billion tax hike, but Republicans are basing their case on incomplete arithmetic in his own policies.

4. But to hold their ground against domestic competition, some US firms should not resort to lame arguments - or errors in arithmetic.

5. Simple arithmetic and basic economics tell us that a multilateral problem cannot be addressed by a bilateral solution.

6. But this too turned out to be an artifact of mistakes in this case in their arithmetic.

7. Many junior high students cannot do basic arithmetic, like multiplication and fractional calculations.

8. You need to know arithmetic, you need to know how to teach and you also need to know your student.

9. And the new research confirms arithmetic can be added to the list.

10. Many economists have argued this case on the basis of arithmetic calculation.

arithmetic 英英释义


1. the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations


1. relating to or involving arithmetic

e.g. arithmetical computations

Synonym: arithmetical