

musty:[英 [ˈmʌsti] 美 [ˈmʌsti] ]


musty 基本解释

形容词发霉的; 陈腐的; 陈旧的; 乏味的

musty 网络解释

1. 发霉的, 有霉味的, 冷淡的:fusty 有霉味的;陈腐的 | musty 发霉的, 有霉味的, 冷淡的 | musket 步枪

2. 发霉的:mustiness 霉臭 | musty 发霉的 | mut 狗

3. musty的近义词

3. 霉烂的:muster集合 | musty霉烂的 | mutabilite高氧烯烃沥青

4. musty

4. 霉臭:恶臭 fetid ; malodour ; foul | 霉臭 musty | 酸味 acid

musty 双语例句


1. Her dress was still the one she wore on her wedding, all the watches and clocks showed the same time, eight forty. Even the musty wedding cake was kept where is had been years ago.


2. A cold, musty crypt, every inch covered in cobwebs.


3. musty什么意思

3. At the same time, food has it`s own life, which means that the reserved food must be whirled regular, otherwise the food will be musty and lose the action as reserved food.


4. I enjoy a lot of scent which others do not like, such as the mild musty smell of fog, the wind of dust wet by rain, the alliaceous and inexpensive perfume.


5. The quality or condition of being stale or musty.



6. There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litters the floors.


7. musty的解释

7. On stormy days, I choose a musty book from the shelves and read it in my great-great aunt`s rocking chair in front of the fireplace as I listen to a constant drip through the roof to the floor of the concrete stairwell.


8. The count put up with the stupidity of Mme Maloir, playing bezique with her in spite of her musty smell.


9. If you thought you were musty, then you have been musty.


10. Otherwise, there is musty old laundry.


11. musty的解释

11. I know, it's a bit musty in here, but just pretend like it ain't.



12. There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty rooms a real rarity will be found.


13. musty的翻译

13. Yes, yes, it's big. It's old and it's musty.


14. There is always hope htat in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be foud amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors.


15. musty的反义词

15. An achingly dry breeze swept the musty dampness out of the compartment like a furnace.


16. There is always a hope to find a rarity in piles of junk that litter the groud in its labyrinth of musty dark disordered room.


17. Most of the odors others hate are pleasant to me: the musty smell of brume, the odors of moist dust, onion and garlic, and inexpensive perfumes.


18. musty

18. Aged raw puerh: Aged pu-erh should never smell moldy, musty, or strongly fungal, though some pu-erh drinkers considers these smells to be unoffensive or even enjoyable.


19. Kiyomiya detoxification pill health care comparison table: Trichomonas vaginitis leucorrhea yellow yellow-green foam-like there are rotten hair musty genital itching unbearable severe with bloodshot eyes.



20. Under pressure to find a place of their own, the two settle for a dark and musty apartment.


musty 词典解释

1. 有霉味的;发霉的

Something that is musty smells old and damp.

e.g. There are racks of musty clothing and piles of junk.


e.g. ...that terrible musty smell.


musty 单语例句

1. But the musty material isn't dated because the borscht belt jokes seemed ancient to begin with.

2. The dark and musty building had once been a college dormitory and each room could only house five or six people.

musty的反义词musty 英英释义



1. stale and unclean smelling

Synonym: fustyfrowsty

2. covered with or smelling of mold

e.g. moldy bread

a moldy (or musty) odor

Synonym: moldymouldy