

unbearable:[英 [ʌnˈbeərəbl] 美 [ʌnˈberəbl] ]


unbearable 基本解释

形容词难以忍受的,不能忍受的,经受不住的; 承受不住的


unbearable 同义词


unbearable 反义词


unbearable 相关例句


1. I find his rudeness unbearable.


unbearable 网络解释

1. 惊心动魄:Unagi 鳗鱼 1997 | Unbearable 惊心动魄 2000 | Unbearable Lightness of Being, The 布拉格之恋(布拉格之春) 1988

2. 无法忍受的:unbated 未衰减的 | unbearable 无法忍受的 | unbearably 不堪忍受地

3. 不堪忍受的:unaware 不觉察的 | unbearable 不堪忍受的 | unbroken 完整的

4. 无法承受的:unanimous 全体一致的,一致同意的 | unbearable 无法承受的 | uncertain 不确定的,易变的,不可靠的

unbearable 双语例句

1. Tone-deaf music is unbearable for one's ears.


2. The land was not of any use to him, but the mere thought of parting with the most tangible reminder of his godfather had been unbearable.


3. unbearable是什么意思

3. The clay was put into a trough and mixed and beaten and sti rred and trampled. It seemed almost unbearable.


4. It is this generation and the breakdown of the bubble continuing the process of A-share market has led to huge fluctuations, as well as the bubble burst phase of unbearable loss.


5. If the palm holds the live charcoal, it is hot and unbearable.


6. unbearable

6. The music that is out of tune is unbearable.


7. And Bertrand said that three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed his life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.


8. unbearable

8. The findings are as follows:(1) difficulty in accepting unexpected multiple pregnancies; (2) worry over danger/risk of multiple pregnancies and concern about fetal reduction; (3) decision to take fetal reduction for the safe delivery and health of two babies; (4) anxiety about the techniques of fetal reduction; (5) growing emotion of attachment to the fetus and guilty feeling; (6) unbearable physical/mental stress when facing the intrusion of fetal reduction; (7) being enmeshed in fear of unstable pregnancy and guilt; and (8) cloud of uncertainty diminished, return to normal pregnancy.



9. And Jackson – a guy who believes that just because he dances like a film star he`s God!Without Jenny – who is the shiniest, happiest girl in the world –life here would be unbearable.


10. unbearable在线翻译

10. In the hot and unbearable afternoon, I reorganize the awards I've got during the three years, which my dad asked me to do a few days ago.


11. This paper discusses the direct and unnegligible effects of poetry on the civilized development of love and the value of beauty created out of the contradictions pure love poetry has been repeatedly faced with——the recollection of the unbearable youth with complex emotions, or the expectation of the nuptial day with water-like t...


12. Life; the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity forthe suffering of mankind.


13. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.


14. I say, the love is like air, But I still unbearable suffering!


15. The longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.


16. I do not understand the short sightedness of the government, they seem to be sacrificing the environment for the development of the country, which will make life unbearable in the future.


17. It's at 11:00 to, I finally unbearable to leave, leave, we found a shadow flash across, who is it?



18. Her body was already crooked because of the unbearable weight on her back..


19. Leaving only fond memories of the pain and bitterness is just unbearable.


20. The disparity between what I experience and normal people experience is unbearable.


unbearable 词典解释

1. 不堪忍受的;无法容忍的;难以承受的

If you describe something as unbearable, you mean that it is so unpleasant, painful, or upsetting that you feel unable to accept it or deal with it.

e.g. War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians remaining in the capital...


e.g. I was in terrible, unbearable pain.



By the evening it had become unbearably hot.

到了傍晚时分,天气已经变得酷热难耐。unbearable 单语例句

1. The man agrees to face some of the unbearable elements in his life and promises to call back the next day.

2. If China " cannot improve in terms of its efficiency the cost will be unbearable, " Huang said.

3. It emphasizes that life can be ended only in cases involving " unbearable suffering, " with parental consent and after consultation with other physicians.

4. Compared with the subsequent credibility drain, dismissing a couple hundreds of incumbent prison officials should not be an unbearable loss.

5. Nobody would ask for euthanasia if it were not for suffering unbearable agony with absolutely no hope of a remedy.

6. On the other hand, extensive investment growth puts increasingly unbearable pressure on the country's resources and environment.

7. The durian dices mixed in the tart didn't have the unbearable stinky flavour any longer.

8. If all cases had to be handled in such a manner, the costs of law enforcement would become unbearable.

9. When they had to leave the scene the otherwise tough men walked away crying aloud in unbearable sadness and with a deep sense of guilt.

10. As she was not sensitive to anaesthesia, she had to suffer from unbearable pain during the operations.

unbearableunbearable 英英释义


1. incapable of being put up with

e.g. an intolerable degree of sentimentality

Synonym: intolerableunendurable