

disorder:[英 [dɪsˈɔ:də(r)] 美 [dɪsˈɔ:rdə(r)] ]



disorder 基本解释

名词混乱,凌乱; 动乱,骚乱; 不正当行为; (身心机能的)失调

及物动词使混乱,使凌乱; 扰乱; 使(身心等)失调; 使(神经等)错乱


disorder 同义词




disorder 反义词



disorder 相关例句


1. Too rich a diet will disorder your digestive system.


2. His face was flushed, and his hair disordered.



1. His room was in disorder.


2. disorder的翻译

2. Mounted troops were called out to put an end to the disorder in the streets.


3. She suffered from a mild stomach disorder.


disorder 网络解释

1. 混乱:牧本亲眼目睹了N1隐刃的死亡,而N3混乱(Disorder)则是已经废弃了. 「特异空间(deep space)发动. 」


2. 障碍:移民法有英语和法语两个官方版本,在英语版本中,明确规定不接受患有疾病(disease)、障碍(disorder)或残疾(disability)者申请移民加拿大,但是在法语版本中,仅规定不接受残疾(invalidite)和疾病(maladie)患者,却没有把障碍包括在内.

3. disorder什么意思

3. 病:CMSB 的研究程序 (overview)至今, 常见疾病的研究以独立的病(disorder)来处理每个疾病(disease).研究者或许例如只关注血栓( thrombosis)并且不包括连接到血管问题的其他病(disorders).进一步讲,深入到一个具体疾病的研究或许被几个技术领域所分裂开,

disorder 双语例句

1. We are seeing that in living there is utter disorder, the battle


2. Nor is it the only place where a few officials have endeared themselves to the electorate by means of the utter disorder of their private lives.


3. Probably you know as well as the speaker what is actually taking place in the world - utter chaos, disorder, violence, extreme forms of brutality, riots ending up in war. Our lives are extraordinarily difficult, confused and contradictory, not only in ourselves - inside the skin as it were - but also outwardly. There is utter destruction.


4. disorder的意思

4. The reasons of our country`s philanthropy undertakings fall behind the times are these: the imperfect of legal system and doesn`t enforce the law strictly; the defects come from setting up a philanthropy organization, registering it and administration it; the management methods fall behind the times, financial accounting in utter disorder; lacks of philanthropy goal.


5. The disorder is characterized by variation in the size and shape of the proliferating glands and the potential for cytological atypia, which may progress to endometrial cancer.


6. Milk thistle and turmeric is the preferred pet medication for this disorder, and most liver ailments in pets.

肝炎 牛奶蓟和姜黄是更喜欢的宠物疗程为这混乱,和多数肝脏疾病在宠物。

7. The atlanto-axial joint disorder is a idiopathy that the micro-transposition from atlanto-axial joint to atlanto-occipital joint and the injury, strain and anaplasia of the peripheral issue leads to stoke, diziness, vomiting, etc. The old people happen frequantly, eapecially the workers hung the head do.


8. disorder的翻译

8. Results:It was found that in experimental group, retinal neurofibril were disorder, the ganglion cell, the cells in inner and outer nuclear layer presented nibble like lysis, necrosis and lose. gradually at 1, 3, 5 day after moc...


9. disorder的解释

9. Objectives: To test the hypothesis that atomoxetine is noninferior to methylphenidate in improving Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms.

目的 :验证经过约 8 周的双盲治疗后,托莫西汀对注意缺陷多动障碍症状的改善不亚于哌甲酯。

10. Gaucher disease is an inherited disorder that is caused by a deficiency in an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase.


11. disorder

11. In order to explore the common causes correlated with infertility, data of 3777 couples who diagnosed in outpatient department were collected, including age, menstrual cycle, childbearing history and examinations about infertility and sterility. The statistics showed that tubal and pelvic diseases were the major etiological factors in female. Disorder of ovulation elicited by various reasons was the second cause, which included polycystic ovary syndrome、premature ovarian failure and so on.



12. Episcleritis may be the initial sign of a systemic disorder, although less then 10% of the patients with episcleritis have an apparent predisposing condition.


13. Research into the genetic causes of bipolar disorder is often done using twin studies.


14. It has been shown through these twin studies, and other studies where identical twins are compared to adopted siblings, that there does seem to be a genetic basis for bipolar disorder.


15. disorder是什么意思

15. Male, mental strain, anxious, depression, higher study pressure, Pungent food, greasy food, fry explode food, menstrual disorder, menorrhalgia, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, lose sleep frequently, oily skin, mixing property skin and family history are risk factors for ache; Eat fruit frequently, operate the computer less than 2 hours everyday, dry skin, and neutral skin are protective factors for acne.



16. 4The risk factors of acne are:family history, mental strain, menstrual disorder, lose sleep frequently, Pungent food, male, menorrhalgia, anxious, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, depression, fry explode food, higher study pressure, greasy food, oily skin, mixing property skin, among them, the OR of family history(4.695)is the highest; The protective factors are:dry skin, neutral skin, eat fruit frequently, Operate the computer a short time everyday.


17. disorder的解释

17. Benign hereditary chorea is an autosomal dominant disorder of early onset characterised by non progressive choreic movements with normal cognitive function occasionally associated with hypothyroidism and respiratory problems.


18. Experts say that disorder never goes away, but S. H.


19. But these can all be signs of what is known as panic disorder.


20. disorder是什么意思

20. Neonatal jaundice was a common disorder in the past in Hong Kong with its dreaded complication of kernicterus.


disorder 词典解释

1. (身心机能的)失调,不适,紊乱,疾病

A disorder is a problem or illness which affects someone's mind or body.

e.g. ...a rare nerve disorder that can cause paralysis of the arms.


e.g. ...a psychiatrist who specialises in eating disorders...


2. 杂乱;混乱;凌乱

Disorder is a state of being untidy, badly prepared, or badly organized.

e.g. The emergency room was in disorder...


e.g. Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.


3. 骚乱;动乱

Disorder is violence or rioting in public.

e.g. He called on the authorities to stop public disorder...


e.g. There are other forms of civil disorder — most notably, football hooliganism.


disorder 单语例句

1. By definition, intermittent explosive disorder involves multiple outbursts that are way out of proportion to the situation.

2. Both diabetes and obesity raise blood pressure, increasing the chances of a cardiovascular disorder or even heart attack.

3. Shen said ailments in children such as shortsightedness, autistic disorder and brain paralysis could also be relieved by acupuncture.

4. BSE is a chronic, degenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system of cattle.

5. Those who magnify such minor issues and deliberately raise a wave of nostalgia for the colonial era bring only chaos and disorder to our society.

6. Psychologically speaking, the disorder is related to a person's character.

7. Strict law enforcement is the way to check cases such as " killer milk powder " case, and root out counterfeited products and disorder in the market.

8. Anxiety disorder is the most commonly reported mental health concern among children.

9. Martin has a rare circulatory disorder in his right leg, and he eventually won his lawsuit against the PGA Tour to ride.

10. She was transferred to a city court on Tuesday, facing possible charges of insulting the monarchy and inciting public disorder.

disorder 英英释义


1. a disturbance of the peace or of public order

2. a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning

e.g. the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder

everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time

Synonym: upset

3. a condition in which things are not in their expected places

e.g. the files are in complete disorder

Synonym: disorderliness


1. bring disorder to

Synonym: disarray

2. disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed

e.g. She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill

Synonym: perturbunhingedisquiettroublecarkdistract