

bully:[英 [ˈbʊli] 美 [ˈbʊli] ]


过去式:bullied;   过去分词:bullied;   现在分词:bullying;   复数形式:bullies;

bully 基本解释

及物动词恐吓,威逼; 盛气凌人,以强凌弱


名词暴徒; 仗势欺人者,横行霸道者; 打手; 情人



bully 相关例句


1. What a bully idea!




1. I like swimming bully well.



1. The new boy was constantly bullied at school.



2. He's always bullying smaller boys.



1. bully的意思

1. Bully for us!



1. He is a bully with a coward's heart.


bully 网络解释

1. bully的翻译

1. 欺凌者:其实对于这些欺凌者(Bully)的心态并不难理解,结合我对那些女生的了解,她们所追求的无外乎是从他人身上索求的心理满足感、欺凌过程带来中的刺激感与成功后面对别人敬畏目光的虚荣心.

2. bully的近义词

2. 恶霸:另一款备受争议的游戏是Rockstar的(Bully),同样包含有疑似同性恋的内容,而更要命的是,这款游戏的主角是一名15岁的中学生. 游戏中,吉米.霍普金斯(Jimmy Hopkins)除了可以向女孩子送礼物、献花以换来接吻外,

3. bully的解释

3. 恐吓:禁止过栏杆(banister),四你不吉祥(sinister),关进修道院(cloister), 六百支持者(buster 庞然大物),旋转老处女(spinster) 公牛在前在恐吓(bully),填进一匹小母马(filly),

bully 双语例句

1. Similar to gang bullying, although the bully may or may not be directly connected with either of the two parties.


2. Hurray! You have taken together gang to bully me and my feathers were soiled.


3. Gang bullying is a serial bully with colleagues.


4. And because they frequently learn by ugly contrast, their instincts and the early teachings they got from their parents are sharpened against unfair practices, bully-ragging and swell-headedness.


5. Me become very powerful and too strong, and no longer subject to the old bully, okay?


6. bully的意思

6. Or is it going to be a big brother in a bully way?


7. People who rely on their position to bully others won't come to a good end.


8. I am not going to let you bully me.


9. You must assert yourself or they will continue to bully you.


10. They all bully the weak and fear the strong.


11. bully是什么意思

11. Ox disgusting alert vitality hamster as timid as a mouse chinchilla weasel ferocious glare energetic twice as powerful bully others by flaunting one's powerful connections tiger cub roar vet surgery come around injection vigorous mating season white tiger Bengal tiger graceful agile adoptability oath vow dragon rising and tigers leaping punishment cold blood animal longevity dark horse freedom uphold mustang Prince Charming high horse chivalrous vigor black sheep meek monkey slim dexterous rare animals mischievous platform diving macaque hot spring trouble maker young monkey imitative ability coomedian primate sweet potato salt water imitative rob diligent auspicious ordinary punctual cock-a-doodle-doo frank decisive aggressive cockfighting showtime chicken run circus clown grass roots lucky dog Every dog has his day.

牛年 讨厌警报活力仓鼠由于胆小作为鼠标 chinchilla 黄鼠狼来势凶猛眩光精力充沛两次威力欺负别人的旗号,一个强大的连接老虎幼童吼审核手术来靠近注射液大力交配季节白虎孟加拉虎婀娜多姿敏捷可采宣誓发誓龙的崛起和跨越式老虎处罚冷血动物长寿黑马自由坚持野马王子魅力高马侠客活力害群之马温柔猴小井灵巧稀有动物恶作剧平台跳水猕猴温泉麻烦制造者青少年猴模仿能力 coomedian 灵长类甘薯咸水模仿抢劫勤政吉祥普通准时公鸡一派对斗坦率决定性侵略性斗鸡演出鸡运行马戏团小丑基层这只幸运的狗每只狗都拥有他那一天。

12. If we`re a little short, we can still help by using our bully blog pulpit to help get the word out, and there`s no easier way than by participating in the upcoming For the Love of Film: The Film Preservation Blogathon, hosted by Ferdy on Films and Self-Styled Siren.

桤果铗们箴点鹅,铗们梏杌块螋庬鳅筱铗们纣鴵博宽鳆坛,螋庬鳅获点这个鱼典,而珧虿没箴更简唢典方法辫参俭即将错痧的爱的电影:电影保存Blogathon,主办 Ferdy对薄膜和自封的警报器。

13. bully是什么意思

13. It is wrong of you to bully the child.



14. Bully and oppress; rig roughshod over



15. He was there to bully, and no doubt he should have been sent off for his fouls on bully.

他明显在那里持强凌弱,而且毫无疑问地,他在场上的时候就应该立马被红牌罚下场去,就冲他对着 Lauren 和 Robin van Persie 的恶意犯规。

16. To bully is to intimidate through blustering, domineering, or threatening behavior

而 bully 是指以恐吓的、盛气凌人的或威胁的举止恫吓

17. In desktop system times, microsoft although bully gas is bossy, the user also must not cannot bear gas dare not cry out, but in Internet times, serving ability is to win an user the highest criterion of fragrant heart.


18. They way they bully people is uncalled for, if its not Sam or Turnips way then it's nobodies way.


19. After this, li Xiangchang often fights in the courtyard, gradually the time of be wounded in fight is little, triumphant time is much, till finally nobody dare bully him again.


20. Well, recent oneself it becomes a incomparable one to be strong and valiant, I to to be exposed to someone and bully me on purpose, bully me for wanting to defend the person that protects, I do not argue with you, because sister's heart is big, does not want to argue with you, but does not treat sister as and bully well either, the sister does not play with you, but does not represent the sister dies, you


bully 词典解释

1. 恃强凌弱者;恶霸

A bully is someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten other people.

e.g. I fell victim to the office bully...


e.g. He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.


2. 欺负;恐吓;欺凌

If someone bullies you, they use their strength or power to hurt or frighten you.

e.g. I wasn't going to let him bully me...


e.g. I asked her if she was bullied by the other children.



...schoolchildren who were victims of bullying.


3. 迫使;胁迫

If someone bullies you into something, they make you do it by using force or threats.

e.g. We think an attempt to bully them into submission would be counterproductive...


e.g. She used to bully me into doing my schoolwork...


bully 单语例句bully

1. For reasons all too clear none of the Western powers found it wrong to exploit, bully and humiliate this ancient nation they called China.

2. However, it will never pursue a " gunboat policy " and bully weaker countries.

3. " Kids bully my girl and call her'junkie's daughter'and'criminal', " Tong says.

4. The latter urges the " big bully " to bring him down.

5. Big shots in finance get lots of chances to mouth off to the public from their bully pulpits.

6. Brook insists he was never concerned that reigning Wimbledon champion Djokovic and his fellow stars were attempting to bully the Grand Slams.

7. Obviously he thought that with a bulging purse he could bully the poor.

8. Even though he's rich and famous, he's a bully.

9. With bad news piling on bad news, the president's march to the bully pulpit wasn't just about winning policy debates with lawmakers.

10. The management of a Hebei detention center is being investigated after two prisoners died and another was severely injured by a jailhouse bully.

bully在线翻译bully 英英释义


1. a cruel and brutal fellow

Synonym: toughhooliganruffianroughneckrowdyyobyoboyobbo

2. a hired thug


1. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner


Synonym: browbeatswagger

2. be bossy towards

e.g. Her big brother always bullied her when she was young

Synonym: strong-armbrowbeatbullyragballyragboss aroundhectorpush around



1. very good

e.g. he did a bully job

a neat sports car

had a great time at the party

you look simply smashing

Synonym: bang-upcorkingcrackingdandygreatgroovykeenneatniftynot bad(p)peachyslap-upswellsmashing