

retaliation:[英 [rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃn] 美 [ rɪˌtælɪˈeʃən] ]


retaliation 基本解释




retaliation 网络解释

1. retaliation是什么意思

1. 反击风暴:这一招同样适用于反击风暴(Retaliation),使得战士在短时间内拥有所有职业中最高的Dps输出. Blizzard曾经明确说明这是一个bug,但表示如果使用不是非常非常广泛,他们并不打算修正它,也算是对战士的一种补偿. 因此在游戏中这是一个可以合理利用的策略,

2. 反击:(6)反击(retaliation) 一个动物在受到捕食者攻击时的最后防御手段,就是利用一切可用的武器(牙、角、爪等)进行反击,当一只鼠(Rattus norvegicus)被逼得走投无路时,攻击者反而难以得手.

3. 同态复仇:条约法 law of treaties | 同态复仇 retaliation | 推定合法presumption of legality

retaliation 双语例句

1. retaliation什么意思

1. Even if the attack in retaliation often do not turn a hair, very intellectual, very feminine.


2. Beijing says these measures were retaliation for Japan `s decision in April to curb import of Chinese … mushroom, spring onion and ….


3. But they would suffer no resurrection, and I was forced to lie till their malignant master pleased to deliver me: then, hatless and trembling with wrath, I ordered the miscreants to let me out--on their peril to keep me one minute longer-with several incoherent threats of retaliation that, in their indefinite depth of virulency, smacked of King Lear.


4. retaliation

4. Fortunately, the beasts seemed more bent on stretching their paws, and yawning, and flourishing their tails, than devouring me alive; but they would suffer no resurrection, and I was forced to lie till their malignant masters pleased to deliver me: then, hatless and trembling with wrath, I ordered the miscreants to let me out - on their peril to keep me one minute longer - with several incoherent threats of retaliation that, in their indefinite depth of virulency, smacked of King Lear.


5. After Japan we`ll be the first in line for retaliation.


6. retaliation

6. This kind of retaliation has sprung up not at a time of need but at a moment where its utility is nil, where the world requires a not a shake but a jolt to awaken the `men of purpose` to be of use to the world.


7. retaliation的意思

7. A nation, for instance, probably doesn`t find comfort in the slaying of innocent humans; but if the act was in retaliation for some affront perpetrated against that nation, they may very well find peace of mind in the act of righting a wrong, or vengeance, as some may call it.


8. retaliation的近义词

8. I. The clan penalty of the penalty of retaliation was the presence of thesavage of primitive revenge and the mark of fierce revenge on the penalty system.


9. Plus, instantly law is diseased, communal expression channel is not quite expedite, the citizen is informed against normally and lawful expression hits retaliation repeatedly, consequently, people hard to avoid fears this byelaw is used by influence dozen control speech, reduce the protective screen that citizen of clamp down on, confine conveys legally thereby, make the network controls one disaster after another, keep quiet out of fear (Wang Shuai, Wu Baoquan a series of because character wins a criminal case, be) of lessons drawn from others'mistakes, also make depend on a network faceless and built communal expression space becomes more narrow and limited.



10. Occupy suspect Yu Mou to tell, rob Li Song and Su Kun, it is to stem from retaliation.


11. He weighed the possible evidences for and against ritual murder: the incitations of the hierarchy, the superstition of the populace, the propagation of rumour in continued fraction of veridicity, the envy of opulence, the influence of retaliation, the sporadic reappearance of atavistic delinquency, the mitigating circumstances of fanaticism, hypnotic suggestion and somnambulism.


12. Before, there was only a patchwork of state laws protecting them from retaliation.


13. Knowing that the men were away on the battlefront, the must have organized a united attack to plunder the unprotected cities. In retaliation, they burned David's village of Ziklag but did not kill the women or children, because they were of value in the slave trade.


14. The basic form ofthe penalty of retaliation is same injury.


15. Ii. The general and influential form of the penalty of retaliation was the penaltyof same injury.


16. But this time they look more serious. In particular, the precision with which retaliation against China is being prepared suggests more willingness to unsheathe the sabre rather than just rattle it.


17. In particular, the precision with which retaliation against China is being prepared suggests more willingness to unsheathe the sabre rather than just rattle it.


18. Yes the IAF was good in 62, but our leaders didnt use it fearing a full chinese retaliation.


19. Indeed, angry speech hurts, and retaliation may overtake you.


20. Can be you and him was in retaliation for Taotao.


retaliation 单语例句

1. She said she did not call the number Tse had given to her for fear of retaliation if Mendoza discovered Tse's phone.

2. Many US companies have been reluctant to publicly call for WTO cases against China out of fear that could suffer retaliation from Beijing.

3. Capitol and drove congressional leaders into safe but secret locations while it drew bipartisan vows of retaliation.

4. Iran stopped voluntarily implementing the Additional Protocol in 2006 in retaliation for initial UN sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic.

5. The news of the shutdown seemed to bring retaliation from hackers who claimed credit for attacking the Justice Department's website.

6. He suffered a great deal for his moral crusade after his superior expelled him from school in retaliation.

7. The Defense Department had argued that releasing the identities of detainees could subject their families, friends and associates to embarrassment and retaliation.

8. The DPRK stopped disabling its nuclear facilities in August in retaliation for Washington's failure to remove the country from its list of terrorism sponsors.

9. The DPRK has repeatedly threatened retaliation against joint war games, which Seoul and Washington say are defensive in nature.

10. American troops also shelled a dye factory on the southern outskirts of Baghdad in retaliation against rebel attacks on coalition headquarters.

retaliation 英英释义


1. action taken in return for an injury or offense

Synonym: revenge